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Everything posted by peppy197

  1. Tried that a few times I may uninstall all and get open LC NA, drop UTX altogether which is not v5 supported and i had to edit the ini files to direct it to v5
  2. I had to re-enter today. At first I thought I was accepting NDA agreements and was thrilled, but after doing the follow up survey I recalled the questions. DISAPPOINTMENT is the word. Also, I upgraded my RAM to 32 GB (was 16) and the new dxdiag is not the same Maybe that computer upgrade is what triggered the re-entry of questionnaire? BTW the upgrade to 32 GB is WORTH IT> Especially if using ORBX regions, I was using Virtual RAM before, now i get stutter free flights, and constant higher fps
  3. I had UTXUSA23 installed using the product.ini hack I then installed Global Base ORBX, and buildings HD by them Fantastic daytime scenery but at night tho i do get street lights i do not get highway lights I tried configuring lights with ORBX central but configurator seems to only go for p3D-4x, not 5 Anybody?
  4. don't copy and paste uninstall client then the rest reinstall on SSD drive
  5. Marcus Aurelius saith: He who expects a perfect beta be he a king or a pawn asks for disappointments
  6. Yes but I am flying PMDG777 (used the registry hack) in clear sky with a local condition report on ASP3D saying Overcast to 16000 feet.....off to the HIFI forum earn my freebie Its possible i did something to the cloud textures/...REX sky and just clicked on ASCA by error
  7. I used the key for AS16 which had been used to upgrade. I had the order numbers in purchase history for Simmarket
  8. It is quite slow to acknowledge my email yet and that is needed but I did get one, and then its easy street Oh that all too familiar opening thunder, music to me ears And the familiar orange script : Waiting for simulator
  9. you also have top stop the errant P3D using task manager before restarting a new one
  10. yes I did a complete uninstall and un-add and deletion I would be embarrassed selling such a messy version update
  11. I did that to, worked better Now I cannot change settings, says to correct errors first ....Daaahhhh Nothing but work with this v5, keeping me busy tho
  12. Try to delete the SceneryStatus.bin file inside the folder path C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v5 Forces a rebuild of scenery
  13. I used to have to delete the scenerystatus.bin (C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v(x)) file before initiating V3 usually due to some addons, then it rebuilt the scenery file according to addon intentions. Might work here too, but i had to do that almost every time so made a shortcut to that folder on my desktop
  14. I have recently begun getting the following error popup message when trying to alter key assignments, and other options. V5 BTW >>>> Please correct errors or click cancel <<<<< Started after using EZCA3.1, maybe unrelated Tried deleting prepar3D.cfg to no avail
  15. weather seems to work in custom with opus
  16. thanks opinions on : best on a SSD on which i only have 50G spare or on a HD on which i have 90 G to spare?
  17. With a wopping 22.x download, what is the size once unpacked and activated?
  18. Better still, release build to everybody and we will stay home and lock the doors.... benefit for MS ? We live to purchase Make it available to the world (free for now) and help people stay home and avoid the corona-virus. SAVE the world MS
  19. YES After loading live.com for the adress used for 2020 and signing out, I can now login to ms2020 I had been using a third party app before, gotta signout using 365 THANK YOU
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