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Everything posted by peppy197

  1. worked from my laptop, signed in, noticed no option to renew dxdiag so I re-uploaded it as a new one, now the option to renew is listed....do not know why that happened
  2. I guess my management aint all bad, i found my ID on my password cheat sheet listing Will try on Edge on my laptop
  3. I relied on my cache to remember my username and cannot retrieve it so am unable to login using another browser. I don't want to wash out my cookies and cache as I would have to re-enter so many passwords long forgotten. Poor user management I guess
  4. I still cannot login to fsinsider will this hinder my chances to get an invite?
  5. I hope this new sim does not prove to be an addiction. The better it is the more likely it will take time away from Netflix, iTunes, porn, smartphone social media, and any other good things in life.
  6. Mine has a name I never chose without any @***** domain name suffixed that's all the info i have regarding the email addee they would use They do say they will use the email I supplied but I do not recall which one i used.....
  7. My bet is that the sim is great otherwise people would say so if it were and the heck with the NDA None have dared to loose their new toy
  8. 561 mbps download 33 mbps upload Bell Aliant Fiber Moncton NB Canada
  9. anyone besides me remember the song that goes like this:? "Role out the barrels....we'll have a barrel of fun..." ?? anybody at all? circa 1945 thereabouts grandpa?
  10. How true, like when a buddy you see every day finds a new girlfriend. Thence you never see him again
  11. I remember back when there were no home computers at all so you had to rent a real airplane to have flight fun ( FS = 0 )....then came FS1... been typing control letters into computers ever since (circa 1983) Yet NO ALPHA 😭 i.e. no FS=A Suggestion to MS: Give us all access to the build even though we are not reporting bugs
  12. It must be because I was demanding a personal phone call from the CEO that I did not get in Next time I will be less obsessed with my importance, and I will call him 😵
  13. I did not get in😰😪 16G RAM and..... I use a bit of Virtual memory as my totals get to 19G under 4K monitor with P3D and ORBX scenery and detailed airports Time to get more RAM
  14. How so ?? I and I do mean "I "; have not been called yet !!!! As I am expecting a personalized voice call they may be holding back fior the finale of invitations
  15. Even though my download was clocked at 877 Mbps I doubt that willl always be the mean average for it , what about latency effects, so if we need 60G for a scenery area of 900 sq miles, which is still only 30 by 30 miles, and say my real effective speed is 120 Mbps, that would take at least half an hour to download the first 60G, and at the speed of an airliner the reloading of new scenery.......you do the math
  16. Are they calling this a VFR sim? Then likely little ATC and few irons. I like VFR if the scenery is awesome, which is certainly the case with 2020, so I would still be a buyer
  17. Since they are only showing slow moving aircraft, and not the F16 let alone a jet airliner, I am suspicious of their reason. Is it to cover the tendency of your CPU to get overloaded if speed is in the equation. I have seen this approach in advertising for earlier pre-releases, and is a good marketing scheme, get them hooked before showing the real life problems Now don't drop the "k" in skeptic to describe my cautious stand on this new candy, which BTW might become a new addiction for some. ( for example...... ME )
  18. There is a small airstrip just outside of Amherst Nova Scotia. Canada has usually been a lower priority and would be great to finally have equalized benefits
  19. Did you make sure you selected for the XML document type before saving it as your DXDIAG file before upload?
  20. With the patient help from HIFI support I was able to immediately remedy this by resetting to defaults inside ASforP3D4 and deleting the shaders folder of P3D Thank you very much
  21. back in my day, my father bought a computer accounting helping machine that could permanently store eight numbers. Price 700 $
  22. I only get the weather loaded at departure, seems once arriving at half way to destination 700 miles away, the weather is always clear, even when it is reported as Overcast in AS for P3Dv4. Essentially no weather depicted at destination, If i pause and save and reload, VOILA, the weather in splendid glory updated to B7070 and Prepar4D= sorta dilutes the fun
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