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Everything posted by peppy197

  1. one suggestion, may or may not work.... Make sure your scenery layer is prior to the FTX global vector do this from within an open p3d second suggestion; do a (ctrl-F) search in the folder for ORBX Global Vector to see if there are files for LFPG remove these and put them outside the scenery folder in standby, you may need to replace any ...CVX ones if you get trees on the tarmac
  2. I am not happy with UTlive at the moment but have hope for its future based on past reputations of Flight1 products. Lots of planes sitting doing nothing, in Europe anyways. I am back to only using Traffic360 after uninstalling UTlive30
  3. I am still in 4.0 and have not had too many problems Is it worth updating or should I spare myself some anguish?
  4. must be an isolated event, I cannot see how carenado would not notice the fires...
  5. Ive had some success with deleting the file SceneryStatus.bin from the folder C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4 forcing a rebuild of the scenery cache Works but you have to do it before most P3D launches
  6. ok thanks I will request a refund from Paypal with good intentions.
  7. PayPal will refund if I request. Just waiting ..........impatiently While I have your undivided attention, will the format for the files from Live.net work in ProAtc/X ?
  8. I purchased RealATC almost 2 days ago and although I got an immediate PayPal receipt, I am still waiting for the link I emailed this first adee given for R Zimmerman from his own site; it was returned as non-existent (?) I emailed the second addee given; no reply for the past hour Anybody know why? Should I cancel payment?
  9. try deleting the file SceneryStatus.bin from Program Data before initiating P3DV4 forcing a reconstruction of the scenery data base. If it works youll have to do it each time before running P3DV4
  10. That's the way at the Flying Club in real life, always depart with a full tank, always
  11. I would think that since only A2A does that then it is an error with A2A
  12. Odd shot: try reloading the aircraft vehicle, that should fill the tanks?
  13. Also, its 4K monitor with an old 4790 i7 and an R290 4G videocard, not the top of the line, but 17 was my lower fps, it went up to 23 at times, so steady at 17+ is fine with me on a 4K with my antiquity and most sliders fully right The post was meant to show RAM loads not fps, that was on by err Loading the default scene form a fresh install it is way over 100 fps, I load it all on
  14. No more OOM now its Bragging Rights After landing at FSDT's KJFK_V2 with Aerosofts' ManhattanX in the view I topped 12+ Gig RAM though that is likely less than 9 gigs RAM for P3DV4
  15. I use an app called Process Explorer, freeware, google it Then I can close the remnant P3DV4, then I delete said files which forces a rebuilding of the scenery indexes (or cache...whatever) which then allows for a flight. Sorta frustrating but better than repairing P3DV4 all the time....
  16. Your experience is exactly as I have had: read my solution; For some odd reason ever since adding KSFOHD trial I must usually perform the following to get P3DV4 to load: I have to delete the files SceneryStatus.bin and OldScenery from C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4 every time to regenerate the scenery indexes or some odd thing, otherwise my P3D will not fully complete a load to startup. You also must "kill processes" for P3DV4 IF you had tried to run it before and got the shortloading, as P3D although not at all visible with the UI, is still running. Although this works, I have to do it before each loading of P3dV4, and some odd reason, sometimes I dont have to....
  17. uolved the issue Under Options/AddOns, I had to enable the addon manager, seems to have been disabled at some point. I also reinstalled KDEN before that ,,,bot sure if that is what helped, but enabling the check box for the manager worked perfectly Its quite different from previous versions is all that really happened.
  18. After installing KSFODH trial, I starting having problems, likely not related to the install but its the last one I did do. Couat will not initiate, so I cannot use the scenery for KDEN and the rest. I did uninstall addon manager and delete its residue but still no coutl. I repaired P3DV4 many times, and reinstalled it to a fresh folder too
  19. Disregard I found I the password in an old email And I got my download for the update to P3D V4
  20. I recently moved and my IP required me to abandon my old email addee due to its domain not being supported any longer. However, now I cannot access my account at PMDG to get the 777 update to P3DV4 for I forgot the password and cannot retrieve the password using the email that no longer exists,. Any way of getting my account opened again?
  21. 3840*2160 requires RAM so the more the better I am planning on 6G min as I use that UHD res too My old videocard of only 4G may be failing as after 30 minutes my UHD goes black. Hope its not a UHD issue I also have a 1920x1200 running alongside
  22. Thats not a hotfix its more like a cold patch
  23. I have that too, let it stand 20 minutes before manually closing that popup Windows 10 Will subsequently not update, says it already has, but version # in corner is the old one pity UPDATED I just went back and ran the old version which was now on auto update and now it DID request download/install [permission, which i granted, and it all installed quite nicely and quickly. BRAVO
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