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Everything posted by brucewtb

  1. OK Brian, thanks for that. Bruce
  2. Just how do you get Google Maps to show up? Because when I turn on the FS2Crew power button there is no sign of it - I have v1.4 While only a minor hassle because if I want to see my flight in Google Maps I can use Plan-G I would still like to get this to work. Thanks Bruce
  3. As you can get route data from FlightAware's website at no cost and then use flight planners that can deal with airways to produce flightplans in FSX and other formats I'm not sure why you would need to subscribe to FlightAware. Perhaps I missed something but having read the manual there didn't appear to be anything that added to what I have already been getting from FlightAware. I guess it saves you a few mouse clicks by having your FlightAware flightplan entered directly into REX but if you want to have the plan in say PMDG's .rte format or add departure and arrival procedures you will have to access other flightplanners anyway. The only possible advantage that I can see would be getting "current flight notifications via the weather engine while in-flight" if you fly in real time but not quite sure exactly what these notifications would be. Two USD per month doesn't seem like a large amount but over say three years it would amount to more than the original cost of REX. Bruceb
  4. So will the REX 2 + overdrive update also be available as a download link from FSS when it becomes available? Bruce
  5. Thanks I will give that a try - unfortunately, as the sticky sound only happens occasionally it is not easy o debug. Bruce
  6. Occasionally the NGX takeoff roll sound doesn't cease after wheels up - it sticks and the only way to get rid of it is to abort the flight. This doesn't happen every flight but often enough to be annoying. Suggestions for a fix appreciated. Bruce
  7. A very simple way to deal with airways is select your route from FlightAware paste into Aivlasoft's EFB, add airport ID for Dep and Arr airports at the begining and end of route text string then activate and save in the PMDG .rte format and load into the FMC co route. Works like a charm every time. Bruce
  8. Yes that does seem to be the way this works, with just vnav prearmed you don't appear get a roll mode option after takeoff. It seems you either have to have both vnav and lnav prearmed or neither prearmed to get a roll mode call after takeoff. Bruce
  9. Just to clarify I do get this behaviour at other airports eg YSSY 34L but not YSSY 16R - go figure. Now as i recall the LDS 767 includes some cockpit voice callouts (not FS2C) and I have had something silmilar at KSFO (once again as I recall it has been a while since I have flown that aircraft). I will try some other flights and see if there is any pattern - I suspect it is related to the location of the inbound track relative to the airport. Bruce
  10. Just a follow up this. Still getting this incorrect Glideslope alive call - have attached a screenshot that illustrates where I an getting the glideslope alive call - at about 5000ft AGL and well before the glideslope indicator appears/starts to move on the PFD. This is on approach to YSCB rwy35 and I always have the anomaly with this approach. At other airports I sometimes get the call as it should but sometimes not. Bruce
  11. Back home now and I have just completed a flight where FS2C did indeed work like this so not quite sure why it didn't seem to do this previously. Bruce
  12. Well this thread explains a few things I thought it was just me I suspected EFB was causing Stakhash CTDs but wasn't sure. By the was what is VSD? Thanks Bruce
  13. As for Sydney I understand the owners were quite keen on an FSX rendition by Orbx but JV maintains it just isn't economic for them and very much on the back burner. Never-the-less it is a big gap as we have highly detailed Melbourne, Brisbane and Canberra (at least how it looked two years ago) airports but not Sydney - I don't regard the only payware version (which I have) as highly detailed. Bruce
  14. Well a great pity this doesn't work in windowed mode as I use a multi monitor set up all the time so that I can have other apps such as EFB, undocked gauges etc displayed while flying. Fullscreen is not an option. Bruce
  15. Now just the other day it suddenly occurred to me what about that new Rex release that is free to current users the one I had to sign up for six months ago. I had quite forgotten about it. Did it get released and some how I missed it? Quite possible as I now use AS2012 Seemed odd as they had my email and I would have thought that I would have heard from them. Conspiracy or stuff up? Well the usual answer is stuff up so lets go with that ie it has taken a lot longer than expected. Bruce
  16. So if you prearm Lnav and Vnav then, when the PF asks for these during the after takeoff flow, the FO will confirm that these are set but take no other action. Well if FS2C does work like this then we don't have a problem and it is the way I would expect things to work but it also seems at odds with the advice given in the thread entitled LNAV, VNAV,CMD A, LVL CHG which advises against prearming Lnav and Vnav. I am following the procedure for NADP as described in the PMDG tutorial 2. Now it all works if I simply I prearm Lnav and Vnav select CMDA myself at 400 ft and skip over these steps in FS2C and it also works if I don't prearm Lnav and Vnav and follow the FS2C takeoff flow. But if I prearm Lnav and Vnav and follow the FS2C after takeoff flow asking for Lnav and Vnav results in these settings being disarmed. Now I am away from home at the moment but will recheck all this when I get back. Bruce
  17. Yes thanks for that clarification but it kinda doesn't work that way in FS2C at least for Lnav and Vnav because if you prearm Lnav and Vnav the FO disarms them at the PF prompt and this is what trips folks up and you get threads similar to this - there have been a few of them. Perhaps the logic of FS2C needs to change to accommodate Lnav and Vnav being prearmed. Bruce
  18. With respect to this, one thing I have noticed is that the NADP flow as used by FS2C is different to the way things are done in the PMDG tutorial 2. There the NADP parameters are entered in the FMC (takeoff page 2), Vnav and Lnav are armed prior to akeoff and CMDA is selected after takeoff at 400ft AGL. So folks (like me) who have schooled themselves on the NGX via the PMDG tut 2 prior to purchasing FS2C can get tripped up by the way FS2C does the NADP which is more complex. While Heading Select is there in FS2C (you seem to have a choice - press the main button for Heading Select or the secondary button for Lnav) one other thing that puzzles me a bit is the select climb thrust command. Why is this in FS2C - I thought this was handled by the autothrottle and it isn't in the PMDG tut 2 AFAIK? Bruce
  19. Where do you get this update - link? Thanks Bruce
  20. I would like a couple of more accents even the LDS 767 has an Australian accent - the next best thing is the Brit one but then I find the accent of the ramp guy pretty impenetrable - must be from Glasgow. If you had Australian and say an Asian accent that (plus the original accents) would cover much of the simming world. Also I would suggest some variation in the cabin PA announcements - in Australia the doors PA is usually "Cabin crew arm doors and cross-check" and "Cabin crew disarm doors". Bruce
  21. OK thanks for that - just what is supposed to trigger these annunciations was a bit unclear to me. At the moment I have been flying between Sydney and Canberra as a way of gaining familiarity with the NGX/FS2C combination because it is short flight but one where the 737-800 is used in real life - mostly filled with politicians and public servants. I will now do some flights elsewhere and see if things behave differently. I will add that I am enjoying FS2C - it adds a lot to the ambiance of the FS experience. Bruce
  22. Well I just repeated the approach into YSCB and in this instance I turned on the ILS frequency just before changing to the ILS intercept heading and at about 8000 ft (6000 above field level) and about 20 nm from the field. I got the Glideslope alive annunciation even though the glideslope indicator hasn't even appeared on the PFD yet. On the other hand I only get the "Localiser alive" annunciation just before capture is indicated on the PFD and well after the glideslope annunciation. Maybe it is just me but I have checked this and re- checked and I get the same result at least for this approach into YSCB. Now just to add a variation on this theme I have just done the ILS16R approach into YSSY and while I didn't get a premature "glideslope alive" annunciation nor did I get one where I should have when the glideslope indicator appeared on the PFD - the localiser annunciation occurred as it should have. So still some issues here witjh FS2C - at least for me. Bruce
  23. Thanks but If that is the case then there is a problem as according to the PF flow at glideslope alive the PF calls gear down and flaps 15 but I am getting glideslope well short of that stage usually with flaps still up depending on when I change to the ILS frequency. Bruce I don't have FSINN but It may be some interaction between FS2C and Aivlasoft's EFB which I use all the time - however it does seem that FS2C is part of the problem as the crash is triggered by pressing the main button to start the next action in the flow and it doesn't happen in mid flight when I'm not doing anything with FS2C. Could also be due to ORBX's YSCB scenery which is very demanding but I have been using the NGX with this scenery for many months before FS2C without any issues. Interesting link as I have had issues with the MD11 corrupting other installs but as I recall this was with the PMDG 747. Bruce
  24. OK I am getting the glideslope alive call during the latter stage of the star as soon as I change to the ILS frequency and well before the glideslope is captured eg at YSCB with the RAZZ8U.35 star and the ILS Rwy 35 approach. I have the trial version of GEX may have to get the full version. Still coming to grips with the NADP profiles - it is a lot simpler to just select LNAV and VNAV before takeoff and CMDA at 400 ft. Another hassle is starting to emerge - stackhash CTDs which seem to be triggered by FS2C - never got these before installing FS2C and only when FS2C is running - most likely to happen if something goes wrong and I try to backtrack and usually when pressing the main button. Doesn't happen all the time but enough to be annoying. Bruce
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