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Everything posted by Tierborn

  1. yep i think the majority understand the concept .. Since sales generate revenue, I didnt want to have an economics lesson, was just trying to communicate that a business has to pay attention to its customers to continue to generate sales/revenue/profits... you get an "A"
  2. yep, you are right .. this is the first time a thread has fallen out of topic
  3. Your anger post wasnt based on these comments, but we will let that go. Second, my previous comments below (your response in blue) are in support of XP, and let me tell you how. If I invest in MSFS or XP I get poorer, and MS or Austin gets richer, so it really "normally" doesnt matter to me which wins ... I will fly the best one more frequently versus the other. This time, however, I believe Flight might be taking a departure from the norm...one that will not be a progression for the franchise. As a result, I need XP to be better. Better XP, more sales. More sales, more 3rd party developers join. More 3rd party developers join .. the better ALL of our XPX experiences become. So dropping your head in the sand about the short comings of XP is actually detrimental to the the XP franchise. Get the list of things fixed that I highlighted and XP will be poised to take over MSFS... dont fix it and it will go the way of XP9. So, yes I am in support of XP getting better for the future of the hobby.the most realistic simulator to date ... ??no real AI - wrongATC is bad - compared to what FSX, you have to be kidding.no aircraft push back - want a linkno airport scenery .. when the plane is on the ground 100% of the time it should be at the airport.and no scenery, what? - 90% of the time you should be in the air.worrisome UI - because it's new to you?horrible default aircraft .. this is a sin for the simulation that claims to have the best FM - And FSX is better, really, look at most of the default 3d cockpits.
  4. thanks for the clarity .. and i understand your points. I believe this time might be different for XP. The turning factor, what will be the final nature of Flight. If it is a continuation of FSX, then XPX will still struggle, If it is not a continuation, the XPX will become the flightsim of choice for the enthusiasts. Then Orbx and others will come.....Austin, improve the UI .. its worth millions to ya ....
  5. what? I dont see a negative attitude .. you should re read my comment. You are in a overreaction mode here, dude. IF you werent so quick to anger .. you would have seen that I am in support of XP.
  6. absolutely not true .. i fly VFR and IFR all the time.
  7. not arguing that point .. because i don't have any payware XP aircraft. But, from what I read.. the Blade element and the lookup tables can yield equally solid and believable results. So based on that .. i would call it a tie.
  8. the most realistic simulator to date ... ??no real AIATC is badno aircraft push backno airport scenery .. when the plane is on the ground 100% of the time it should be at the airport.and no scenery, what?worrisome UIhorrible default aircraft .. this is a sin for the simulation that claims to have the best FM
  9. shrugs ... dont understand the comment "XP-9 did not get the recognition it truly deserves" .. but then you call it ugly, what?
  10. the ATC is acceptable .. use another word!
  11. In aviation ground effects mean Increase in the lift of an aircraft operating close to the ground.
  12. Where is the button for sloped ... none exaggerated kind?
  13. Respectfully, ROI is based on amount of sales .. so giving the buying public what they need is key. I do believe that MS listens, none of the franchise improvements were made without the buying public in mind... often the changes were made from direct input.
  14. I used it from day one ... the people that cried about it wanted sliders full right on day one.
  15. 99% of the time its just a temporary outage ..
  16. Paul,the way your note was written ... you would have to be hostile with yourself ...
  17. You guys are missing the point with "As real as it gets" .. its just a marketing phrase ... more specifically a Microsoft marketing phrase.. thats the pointIts the equivalent of Progresso Soups ..... advertising that their soup is Mmm...Mmm .. Good!
  18. I agree .. XPX is getting tons of attention becuase its new .. but if the 3rd party development doesnt improve for XPX it will go the way to XP9.XPX is missing tons stillairports scenerypushbacksReal like AIquality cockpitsATCetcXPX needs 3rd party developers .. period!
  19. Speaking of sloped runways ... haven't heard people talking about how exaggerated the slope is on the sloped runways ..
  20. How does the 10 minutes time limit stop you from testing .. i have over 2 hrs testing on XPX .. others have more.
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