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Everything posted by Tierborn

  1. not indefinitely .... it will stop when the fuel runs out
  2. Why is changing their business model "crap", in your eyes?
  3. Cycle will be a lot quicker than that .. say new content per quarter.
  4. I would like that functionality as well.... imagine the number of FSX'ers that would give XP a shot if we could map XP to function close to FSX.
  5. Thanks .... I was trying to use osm2xp in with my XP9 ....I do have Java64 .. but get still get the message. Its looking for java in the same path where the osm2xp is located!
  6. When trying to run Osm2XP .. error message at startup .. dont have java. I do have java and just confirmed it on the java site. Any thoughts?
  7. You dont have to draw the entire world .. the sim renders only the scenery around your aircraft.
  8. XP9 didnt have airport buildings by default. My understanding is that XP10 will have one detailed airport at release with hopes of adding additional detailed airports with later updates.Quick link for "Whats new in XP10"http://wiki.x-plane.com/What%27s_New_in_X-Plane_10
  9. Its not in poor taste, attacking the reviewer doesnt help the XP cause. Mike didnt belittle anyone, or use childish words like.... its sucks,..... its gay. He simply stated his opinion in which you didnt agree. Myself, woweezowee, and Geofa have stated to talk about the elements of his review. Please, will the rest of you join a good discussion about the elements of the review. A good discussion will be helpful to the XP community ..
  10. Wait longer . it hangs up on load for me as well. It should finish loading!
  11. thanks . tried again .. I dont have this standard settings or custom settings button in my 11.11
  12. Awesome response .. now the fruitful debate starts.1) I agree the night lighting alone is worth the ticket for admission.2) I mentioned that the lighting was to dark in comparison pics weeks ago. But, with gamma adjustments you can move the lightening to were it should be.3) It appears that Clouds are gonna be a fps hog. I am sure that optimized textures will make this better.4) I agree plausible works in the countryside .. but no in the cities. This will need to get better.5) KSEA looks great for default airport... again, at night the immersion factor goes up 10X6) Global textures - one thing that is for sure.. XP has the water textures over FSX7) AI aircraft is a downside for me as well ..... if XP10 catches on, its my hope that a 3rd party developer can improve the AI
  13. My plan is to have both running in December.... abandoning FSX at XP10 release wouldn't be prudent.
  14. I am using update 11.11 .. and do not see the setting. What version are you using?
  15. The night is better (much better) ... make sure you have the special effects, draw pixel lighting, HDR, and 4x SSAA to see the full glory. At the moment the lights aren't quite crisp enough .. I am assuming its a setting that will make the lights a little crisper.
  16. Not true .. if you guys wanted "vigorous" debate .. we would have talked about the content in Mike's review. Instead, the discussion has been about everything but his content (how many reviews have you done?, you cant have that opinion yet? He must be trolling).In a vigorous debate .. we would have talked about the elements of the XP10 that he liked and didnt like.... that would have been fruitful.Aside: now you guys are attacking the admins
  17. the better one was ...."sometimes used informally as a term of address"
  18. agreed Geofa .. discussion is fine!Craig .. on the FSX forums you can read both good and bad posts regarding the MSFS software. XP shouldn't be any different!
  19. Many have read .. and still conclude what Mark as concluded. There will be those that will not even believe what you tell them Flight is all about, even after it releases.
  20. Actually, you will find more (way more) that will say the MSFS is more realistic.
  21. Wait until you get a load of this ...I am a astronaut, cowboy, engineer, musician, computer builder, home builder, photographer, chef.....
  22. The Carenado site says it runs with MAC OS 10.3.9 or higher
  23. look at the Carenado aircrafthttp://www.carenado.com/CarSite/Portal/index.php
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