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Everything posted by Tierborn

  1. can the orange jet exhaust be turned off?
  2. These really nice addons just hit the scene .. I will purchase XP10, even though I dont believe its ready for prime time yet. I am am flight sim enthusiast, so I can help but buy all versions. I hope my support and others support of XP will one day for the fuel (money) that helps to get it right.
  3. I am very secure ... and I don't live to please you .. but I do have all versions. I need both versions to succeed (Xp and MSFS), I like having options. I have basically purchased all flight sims from the beginning fo PC flight simming.Aside: telling a man that you are talking to a PM'sing girl friend?? you dont see that.
  4. again .. attacking. And you wonder why folks call you "hostile". I have bought all Xplane versions (I keep hoping it will get better) .... I do not have any payware for xplane.
  5. I keep telling you that I fly xplane .. not sure what you are talking about. But you are attacking again.Aside: you will have to ask 90% of the folks posting to this forum to sign ..
  6. You need a better argument .... all reviews are "personal and biased". To have a none personal or biased review, it would have to be done by a computer... so as long as humans do reviews .. they will be personal and biased.
  7. you would have more success with your goals .. if you watch the tone of you responses. Normally, when you are upset, it comes across in your posts.
  8. where do you read "final assumptions" in his opinion?
  9. What do you mean overrated? These "sloped runway" guys are just looking for incremental steps in improvement to reality and immersion. .... no different than any other improvement. Sloped runways are certainly more credible of an improvement vs. shadows of a truck, or highway underpasses (just a few of the truly overrated requests).
  10. you talk about being nice to each other .. but then you call guys .. girls ......
  11. these guys will become very hostile if you say anything thats not glowing about XP.
  12. I googled it ...SettingsData Input and OutputData set tab
  13. I still dont get it ... the most we are inconvenience with DRM is to insert a dvd/cd ... guess none of the these guys bother by the dvd insert effort could have made it in the world just 50 short years ago.
  14. I see why you have 20K messages ... message 15 and 19, in this thread, are the same message
  15. helio in those pics .. really cheapened the pictures.
  16. dude .. we all said that, so i guess you agree with all of us
  17. I will provide input in about 6 hrs per the install timer ... total projected download time was 8 hrs for me.
  18. I certainly will .. the download is taking forever .. about 8 hours per the install timer.
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