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Everything posted by Tierborn

  1. I believe it has about 80 detailed airports ...
  2. Not if those images are from the same time of day .....
  3. Every airport wasn't his intent .. more than one detailed was!
  4. at the back of the store in all the ones near me ... i'm sad
  5. You sure said a lot, to say you have nothing to say
  6. you are the one acting 5 years old ... please all .. lets talk more about ATC, AI, interface, airport detail ... this dude is hiding behind rhetoric vs. starting a dialogue.
  7. You shouldn't be baffled ... As a developer, you should try to create a good discussions regarding XP,.... yet, you make the above comment, what a turn off. Obviously, most would agree that the talk as been mostly about the trucks and the trees and not much about the ATC, AI, detailed airports, interface, etc. Create a good environment for XP users .... answer the questions constructively and not condescendingly.
  8. all we have been talking about is the shadows of trucks ... can someone start a thread to shed some light on ATC, AI, the single detailed airport (why only one), the interface, etc. Lets start a thread that addresses the core of XP10 ...
  9. Xplane images appear to dark if the comparison is the same time of day.......
  10. you know the answer to the last question .. the first two are sound questions.Flight will likely support advanced aircraft ... and for the second question. Xplane has to live up to the hype, if it does, the numbers will be there.
  11. it did offer improvements .. but at its core.. it was more of the same. xplane 9 to xplane 10 will have some fundamental improvements.
  12. of course it had sliders ... heres what I meant, FS2004 at full detail and FSX and lower detail only changed the graphical presentation/frame rates ... basically the FS2004 and FSX (ATC, AI, airport detail, etc) were the same.Based on what I have seen .... xplane X will have fundamental changes over xplane9 .. so going back to xplane9 will be a step down. With the MSFS series stepping down from FSX to FS2004 .. you didnt lose too much...... that was my point.
  13. so will xplane X have good ATC, AI aircraft, dynamic airports, better interface, etc). PMDG cant fix those short comings...
  14. I dont .... you can turn back the graphical detail on xplane 10 and still have a better sim then xplane 9 (ATC, AI aircraft, dynamic airports). That wasnt true for MSFS.
  15. you know that xplane is in a continuous patch mode..... whats current version 9.7?
  16. the difference is purely psychological ..... imho
  17. No big deal? How will you breathe up until the point it releases?
  18. He intended to say, "Just downloaded the trial version" that might come in the future, on or about 15Nov2011. The demo might be fully functionally or it might not be. Also, "Not as bad as i thought it would be", and not as good as I thought it would be .... if and when it releases.Speculation at its finest
  19. PMDG's hanger doesnt need another BIG jet ... My guess is a regional jet or prop.
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