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Everything posted by PittsS2B

  1. Thanks for the tip, Al, and bless SimWings for making an FS9 version for us die-hards. Been flying a lot in Alaska lately, so this will be appreciated when it's released.:(
  2. Nice cross section of the planes in DCS, Rob. Firing a Maverick in this sim is tough enough to qualify for college credit!
  3. A terrific and challenging aircraft, Isra! Thanks for sharing this with us.
  4. Eric, I recommend installing Process Explorer from www.sysinternals.com , and running it in a separate window while you're flying. It will show you how much memory all processes are using, and also if any other processes or services are using CPU cycles. I've used it to discover that the print spooler service on my networked PC was running when print jobs from other networked computers were stuck in the printer queue, and causing stutters in my FS session. It also allows you to shut down unused services, freeing up memory temporarily. Give it a try.I have a stock E8500 and GTX260, and get better performance than you're citing, so I believe there's something on your PC using resources unnecessarily.
  5. No kidding - if they release a 737 Classic that's updated to the standard of their ERJ line, I'm there with cash in hand on release date, and I suspect I'll have company.
  6. I don't have the Wilco 737 yet, mainly because I've seen hints that they may come out with an improved version for FS9 that's more in line with their excellent E-Jets series. Have you tried the freeware Tinmouse II with the new v1.31 upgrade? It's close to the early Classics in panel layout (sans FMC and autoland) and is just terrific in terms of systems depth and operation.
  7. Late to the thread as usual, but just wanted to agree that Cloud 9's LAX and DCA are still excellent sceneries despite their age. Of course, if FSDT make a new version of LAX for FS9, I'll certainly upgrade! Also confirm that there just aren't enough hours in the day for all the flightsimming tasks I want to tackle, as I've got several world class airliners sitting uninstalled (Maddog 08, DA Fokker, PSS 777) as I'm trying to concentrate on the Level-D 763 and iFly NG at the moment. Maybe I'll cut back to 5 hours sleep a night....:(
  8. Many thanks to Col. Bob for the update and to Mr. SkyGuy for the autopilot gauge. The Tinmouse II is truly one of the best renditions of an airliner anywhere, and I've been enjoying it since its original release four years ago.
  9. Thanks to all the fine folks at Level-D for this generous bonus, especially for those of us who cling to FS9. The model looks great, and I can't wait to try it out on some long legs!:(
  10. The temps never got above the published maximums for the CPU, but they got close in certain flight sims like FS9 and Rise of Flight, which tend to be more CPU intensive than shooters. I had a real problem with BSOD's with the latter sim, especially in the summer, as it beat all four cores like a rented mule. So the temps stayed with spec with the stock cooling, but system stability was a problem. Much happier with the E8500 at stock speeds.
  11. Shane - I have the same system you do, although I upgraded it to an E8500 and GTX260. This combo plays FS9 very well, albeit with many tweaks to FS9.cfg and using Process Explorer to shut down unneeded processes. I had overclocked the original Q6700 proc using the pin mod, which worked but ran very hot; Dell's cooling solution wasn't quite up to the task in many games and on hot days. Welcome back to FS9!
  12. That looks fantastic! Looks like I'll be pulling the pss panel out of storage soon to go with it!Great job, PAirbus.
  13. Looks like a great scenery. I'll definitely be installing this one soon!
  14. Martin - I had a similar problem with texture shimmer when using Thomas Kwong's VHHH, and I'm on Vista 32 with 197 series drivers and nHancer. One possible solution is to open and re-save each individual texture file using Martin Wright's Dxtbmp utility (available at http://www.btinternet.com/~mnwright/ ). Just re-save them as Extended Bitmap files, and your shimmering should be reduced or even eliminated. I recommend making a backup of the texture file before proceeding, as the textures for the light poles gave some odd results using this method and I had to revert to the originals. There is a utility in the Avsim library that can update the texture files in batches, but I've never used it, preferring to convert them one at a time. It's painstaking work, but I've been very happy with the results at VHHH, Aerosoft's Bremen, most Imaginesim airports, and Overland's Kansai. Give it a try!
  15. It's pretty stunning by any standard, JP, and now to find out that Shez and company are going to tackle KDTW next is also great news. FS9 is alive and well!
  16. I don't own FSX, as FS9 with the latest upgrades meets my civilian flightsim needs brilliantly, but it can't hurt to give it a try, particularly if your preferences are on the GA/small airport side. Might be worthwhile to read the Avsim hardware forum to get a sense of the requirements for running FSX in busy places.
  17. I'd try the Project Airbus model merged with Ken Mitchell's A340 panel ( ab340km_panel.zip ). I added the Airbus displays from ISG (payware) and ended up with an enjoyable A380 package. That upcoming version from Next Level Simulations looks pretty amazing also....
  18. Thanks Steve,and great job to you & the crew for this terrific addon. I know from other sims that the Canberra is tough to draw, given all the subtle curves in its airframe and engines, and you've really nailed it. Can't wait to see the B-57!:(
  19. Kudos to Level-D for updating their legacy product! Excellent news.
  20. Well, if Andre Folkers is coming out with another VC mod for the Level-D in FS9, then my week (and month) is made! Your original mod makes a huge difference in the overall enjoyment of the airplane which, despite of it's age, is still a leading airliner choice in FS.
  21. Sorry to hear that it didn't work. By chance do you use the "QLRP4UT" landclass program? I had to delete the NYC files that it installed as it played havoc with my subsequent Aerosoft Manhattan purchase. Other than messing around with the other UT settings, I can't think of what else could be causing the missplaced statue.
  22. I found that I had to disable the "remove misplaced landmarks" setting in Ultimate Terrain in order for Lady Liberty to be in the right spot with Aerosoft Manhattan. Might give that a try if applicable.
  23. The aqua green intersections appear to be features of the real airport, judging by a (fuzzy) photo I found at AirNAv and Shez' posting on the other forum. Probably intended to alert pilots of the intersecting runway.Great airport, Shez! Definitely one that had been missing in my virtual world.
  24. I think you've confused me with someone else, as I've never uploaded any videos. I think the utility you mentioned is Active Camera by the sound of it.
  25. I've used FS9 in Vista for the last few years with great success. Don't know specifically the cause of the problems you mentioned, but here's a few tips:- Turn off UAC and DEP in Vista; many problems arise from authorization issues.- Install FS9 to a separate folder outside of the "Program Files" folder.- Download and use nHancer to tweak your Nvidia card; anti-aliasing can be a problem without it in Vista.- Run FS9 in WinXP mode with Desktop Composition disabled (right click on FS9 icon to edit properties).Vista can be tweaked to turn off much of the performance-degrading sludge that MS included; several good guides exist on the Web.Good luck!
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