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norman s

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Everything posted by norman s

  1. Hi Ron,I have installed FSX using the default method with UAC turned off and did not run into problems.I have also used the alternate method and again had no problems.It would appear to me to be use whichever you are happy with.Norman
  2. Hi Martin,Have you downloaded RC4.3 from the link which jd provides? If you have have you requested an updated key?Your original key will not work with 4.3.Norman
  3. Jim,The airport was reporting fairly clear conditions however the wind direction was out by a margin.I am flying again Friday evening and I will report again.Norman
  4. Hi Jim,I would value your words of wisdom.Today,when trying out your settings for FSX ASE is failing to load the weather if I have the item show in sim messages unticked.If i start again the this option ticked ASE loads the weather which it downloads.I have confirmed that the weather is not showing in FSX by using the atis broadcast for the airport and can confirm to you that it is showing the standard weather setting within FSX.Should this occur ,how do I rectify this problem as it is much better not to have the scrolling bar about station updates.ASX is fuctioning ok.RegardsNorman Bowman
  5. Hi Ray and others,I have just set up a computer for a bridge club and we use Microsoft Security Essentials instead of AVG free and Norton due to the less invasive nature of the Microsoft offering.I have read that unless you follow the practice which Ray has written about,and always right click and run as administrator errors will appear on a regular basis on differing programs.Norman Bowman
  6. HiI have read that AVG latest offering has caused problems with other FS programs.Norman Bowman
  7. Hi Dave,The choice of SID to be used is dependant on several factors.Weather,Direction of your flight after departure,and in some cases type of aircraft which you are flying.The controller will advise you of the SID in use at any particular time.The ATIS broadcast will tell you in advance which runways are in use.Based on your charts together with any local notams for the day you as a pilot should be able to work out which is the SID which will be most appropriate for you to use.In most cases the contoller when he advises you of the departure SID will be confirming the SID already in the FMC,however if some mishap,or other happening has caused a change the FMC is reprogrammed as sonn as this information is available.That is a very brief synopsis .RegardsNorman Bowman.PS Some airlines have SID programmed into the Co Routes downloaded to the FMC.
  8. Hi Zach,It seems that you could be left with the reinstall solution.Reinstall FSX,SP1 and SP2/Acceleration.Test.If all is oK.Add RC 4.3.Test the installation again.If all is well add in your other add-ons one at a time testing after each installation .If you install everything and all is well your problem will be solved.If you find out which program is slowing your set up down,you can then sort it out wiyh the developers.Many of us are using ASE alongside RC without problemsKeep smilingNorman
  9. Hi Guys,One thought strikes me when the errors are around the 180degree mark and that is, do the runways give any backcourse ILS.This can cause problems in FSXNorman
  10. Hi Zach and jd,I have not played with the ASE settings at all.I usually leave the default settings alone unless either problems occur or I think that I can produce something better.That goes for al lof my add ons!RegardsNorman
  11. Hi Zach,I am using ASE along with RC and do not have any of your problems.Do make sure that you are starting the progs in the correct sequence.I start ASE first,let the weather downloads all take place then I select the briefing button and allow ASE to process the flightplan weather.I then start FS from within ASE.Load FS and get the aircraft positioned at the departure gate of choice.Whilst this is going on ASE scrolling bar will indicate weather downloading then weather depiction complete.It is only when I have programmed the aircraft to the pre contact ATC stage do I start RC.This sequence has never failed me with either FS9 or FSX.Norman Bowman
  12. Hi Ralph,Check out the Aerosoft site.You can read about FOC .Norman Bowman
  13. Hi Guys,The screenshot is of EGLL and in the RW the holding points for aircraft proceeding to the runway 27L when aircraft are moving from either direction shown are just about a plane length in advance of what the screenshot depicts.What Aces fell down with is that in that sort of scenario one of the approaching planes to the runway hold would have been allowed to continue ,instead both aproaching streams are held.A touch of overkill perhaps.Norman Bowman
  14. Hi Tom,Win 7 can cause you lots of problems unless you use your admin righys when you load programs.In the properties box it you open compatability you can then tick the box which grants admin rights to the program which you have just installed.Ronzie ,in another post was advising simmers to not use the D:\ProgramFiles\MicrosoftGames\FSX structure but to use instead the D:\MicrosoftGames\FSX structure and to aply that for all FS programs.I use the latter on my Win 7 \FS9 installation and all works well.Hope that this is of use.Norman Bowman
  15. Hi,You,in XP installed items under the ProgramFiles\MicrosoftGames\FS9 type of file tree however you are advised under Win 7 conditions to install as this example,Using D:\FSX where D is the drive letter.I hope that this helpsNorman Bowman
  16. Hi jd,Thanks for that reminder.Some of the USA UK flights on wednesday evening USA time bound for UK had to divert many hudreds of miles as a result of a lot of European airspace being closed.Will try some of these flights and see how the fuel pans out.Norman Bowman
  17. Hi Ian,It was the ability to ,in mid flight if required, to divert for incidents like todays real world happenings the the Northern Europe control area.Is the choice to smimulate problems going to be extended and will ATC issue the relevant instructions.Norman Bowman
  18. Hi Guys,Today a whole chunk of UK airspace and airports are closed because of a volcanic ash cloud sitting over the northern UK.This cloud has drifted down from Iceland.Would RC5 be able to handle such happenings?Norman Bowman
  19. Hi Dan,The files you are looking for can be found under Radar Contact Meatwater voice files version 2.All ten files are present.Hope this helpsNorman Bowman
  20. Hi Guys,In the real world air craft need to be fitted with and using GPS and IRS for this procedure.This aircraft would not use LOWI in real world operations as it is too large.RegardsNorman Bowman
  21. Hi,You need to disable the FSX ATC set up in order to avoid the clash with RC.Go into the FSX sound menu and uncheck the voice check box this should solve the problem.Norman Bowman
  22. Hi Don,Do make sure that the scenery updates in the FSX scenery files,as with many add ons you need to do this asa manual task.My traffic used to have in its instructions details about how to install it into FSX in the correct manner.Some of these files reside within the FSX library as seperate entries.Worth checking out.Norman Bowman
  23. Hi Chuck,I had similar problems which occured after I had uninstalled a program,not related to PMDG.I at that time uninstalled in order my PMDG products and reinstalled them.You,I think,would need to do the same as the protocol for installing in the correct order will apply.RegardsNorman Bowman
  24. Hi,Unless you are flying in the Americas with a standard transition of 18000ft you should not use the B key to set your pressure.This is well known that to use this key whilst flying in Europe will get you into trouble.Many airports within a country can have differing transition heights.EGPK has a transition height of 6000ft.RegardsNorman Bowman
  25. Hi,The departure procedure which you are trying to use is limited to certain catagories of aircraft see Dan Downs procedures.It only applies to A and B types of aircraft,not the MD11.Norman Bowman
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