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Everything posted by jackcnd

  1. Work fine here in DX9 mode. I did notice the EH101 has very dim lights maybe by design. Just love that EH101.
  2. Its just one install, if you want DX9 just install and leave it as is.If you want to try DX10, you just select a checkbox in FSX Display settings, and restart FSX. If DX10 does not work, then just uncheck the box and restart FSX and your back to DX9.
  3. In normal DX9 mode it's fine.I have noticed a few issues, but they are minor.The new planes are well worth the price, and you can turn water levels up a notch or two.
  4. It's great Phil is involved here. I think it may be best that professionals not post directly but rather Avsim have controlled chat sessions from time to time with professionals like Phil. That way comments can be moderated in real time. He deserves much more respect than was shown here.On Acceleration DX10 ... I understand the frustration directed towards Aces. The 8800 / Core Duo is the most widely installed DX10 setup by a wide margin. I just can't understand how MS could release the DX10 preview that fails so badly on that setup. Who tested it?
  5. >If I turn off Dx10 preview the problem goes away but so does>Dx10.That was my solution. ;)
  6. >We are researching this with nVidia.>...>With that said, I cannot control or promise a timeframe here.Phil: What video card and driver did MS use to test DX10?The 8800 series with multi core boxes is the most widely installed combo. I would have thought that would be the standard used to judge performance or at least one that the majority of beta testers would have?
  7. Wish we could edit the 1st post was a very quick reaction.DX10 just didn't work right for me, maybe some combo of drivers and settings will help.But, DX9 Acceleration is a very nice package for the extra planes.The P51 is great too, lots of fun to fly. All have great frame rates, excellent VC modes.Performance seems up as far as water, I used to run on low 2.x but now I can turn it to mid, high and get decent rates. Even max seemed usable in the areas I tried. Bloom in DX9 still wipes out my frame rate.Over NY in a F18 the ground textures did seem blurry at a closer in distance than before, but its hard to say for sure.As far as a recommendation, all I can say is I'd buy it again, those extra planes are very well done, for my type of basic flying.
  8. Spent a couple hours with it, in DX9 mode you can turn up the water to mid, high, even max 2.x now.Love the EH101:http://www.pbase.com/jackcnd/image/87858420/original.jpghttp://www.pbase.com/jackcnd/image/87858419/original.jpg
  9. Just picked up Acc at Bestbuy in NE Calgary.Installation went perfect, then I ran the UTX Canada setup tool as Allen suggested.Ran FSX ... Activated Acceleration no problem.Tried a new F18 at YYC ... Look very good.25fps lock! Took it up, framerates smooth as butter.Tried checking the DX10 Preview... VERY POOR Screen flashes, lost AA, AF, performance drops, seemed worse than a alpha version. Quickly unchecked it and restared all seems fine again in DX9 mode, I hope.Using a Quad 6700, Vista 32, 8800 640MB.Overall, they should just have left DX10 out IMO, the f18 is great, the EH101 Heli too.It seems, the ground textures becomes blurry at a closer distance than before, and auto gen loading is no faster.
  10. Where's ACEs, they had a big presence here until Acceleration was released, now we need them...
  11. I read for the new drivers, you have to make a copy of the original predefined profile. Making a copy will disable the original then modify the copy, you may not even need nHancer.
  12. This tool from MS appears to clear the activation status for a FSX install, which would then allow you to reactivate it?http://support.microsoft.com/kb/928080/
  13. So it sounds like if you had FSX activated on one setup say in Vista, then activated another on XP even on the same machine, the original activation under Vista will not work with Acceleration?
  14. Great, I'll back up my full Vista install and try Acceleration.
  15. Did you guys with activation errors, install FSX more than once in the past?I'm wondering if Acc will only activate on a single install of FSX ?
  16. Glad to hear a positive report.If you get the chance could you report on fps impact when water is set to mid or high 2.x under DX10 ?Also, how did you install, just right over FSX SP1 and UTX?Thanks!
  17. Read another forum post that the F18 really drops frame rate?Please say it isn't so, the default MS aircraft all have great framerates I hoped the F18 would be the same?
  18. Check the UT support forum a patch was issued for UTX USA, for Canada you just have to run the UT options program after Acc is installed.Whats the issue with UTX?
  19. I hope others post success stories soon, last thing I want is a messed up FSX install, I finally got it running smoothly.
  20. >There are very cheap stick-on filters available that improve>the black of TFTs considerable.Be interested in hearing more about this, any links?
  21. I had a chance to put a 8800 Ultra in my FSX system to try.It's so long it didn't fit! , had to remove the drive bay.Quick run at 2560x1600 ... It was not faster than my 8800GTS in FSX,in fact, maybe slower as I seen blurry textures that I never seen before.Might have been a driver issue, I didn't have much time with it.The new 8800GT looks like the way to go if your building a system now, single slot, running cooler, and near GTX performance.
  22. EB Games Canada now has 30th as the date...FS and BB have some on order but no firm store date, they have not shipped to stores.Looks like at least a week up here...Ace Combat is missing today as well, but its expected this week, so if you have a 360 it will you busy until Acc arrives.
  23. Feel for those who are in long lines camping out for it :)
  24. >In Flight Sim Settings Hardware you can set different AA>settings on each monitor. Go into your Settings and select>each Display in turn and check you've got them both on the>same settings.>>Regards>>JimThanks for the tip, but no luck, still AA just on one monitor.Are you using a 8800?
  25. Supposed to be today but I checked around yesterday ... no one had any stock ready to be sold today.Ace Combat 6 for the xbox seems to have been pushed back a couple days.
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