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Everything posted by Alvega

  1. For me the progress bar doesn't show when in windowed mode, I always change to full screen and then it shows up.
  2. Do you have the glow on the PAPI? I wonder why no one answers this question except El Diablito. I would like to know if I have an issue or not.
  3. Do you see the glow in the PAPI at night?
  4. Wrong, this thread is about debating this addon. Take your war somewhere else.
  5. Let's hope people can stay on topic and stop trying to derail this thread too with that MSFS vs X-Plane word not allowed again. This is about a specific MSFS addon. Thanks.
  6. The thing is for me there is no red glow. Can you confirm you see the red glow on the PAPI lights?
  7. Hmm, dunno why I don't see the effect on the PAPI lights. Thanks for posting. Hope someone else can confirm they see this too.
  8. What I mean is this works for default airports and 3rd party airports that use the default light system (as stated on the download description). The screenshot you posted is not the default Narita, which has the PAPI lights on the left side on all runways. Yours seem to be Inibuilds Narita, which is a 3rd party airport that probably doesn't use the default light system, so they may have added the effect themselves. It would be good if you could try on a default airport, not on an addon scenery.
  9. Can anyone else confirm the effect is working for the PAPI lights? For me it works with all other runway lights, but not the PAPI lights.
  10. You are probably on the SU14B, that's the only multiplayer server available, all the beta testers are connected to it. And the multiplayer server has nothing to do with weather. Edit: Jim beat me to it.
  11. Strange, I just checked on default KSAN, TAPA and MYNN and none of them have that effect on the PAPI lights. Is this with the free version from flightsim.to? And are you sure this isn't an addon airport? What airport is this so I can test?
  12. Check if this helps: https://www.gamesradar.com/microsoft-flight-simulator-2020-keyboard-controls/
  13. Not just distracting, it causes a stutter every time it shows up (every minute), clearly noticed here when I pan the view inside the cockpit or outside around the aircraft.
  14. Just enable it in Addons Linker then open the reorder tool in MSFS experimental options and click the white triangle pointing down near the addon name to make it priority 1 so it loads after the other sceneries which are priority 0. Save after doing that. Or if you already have a content.xml file you can just add the addon line there with the priority you want (the higher the number the higher the priority). Mine is number 2 because I already had Navigraph there, it looks like this: <Priorities> <Package name="navigraph-navdata-base" priority="1"/> <Package name="unknown-misc-runway-lights" priority="2"/> <Package name="navigraph-navdata" priority="3"/> </Priorities>
  15. It 's not the size also, because mine were resetting when I had more than 100GB of addons enabled, but then I changed the enabled addons and it was resetting with just 75GB enabled. I think maybe it's the number of simobjects enabled that is causing the problem. Some say it isn't any of this because they have the issue even with an empty community folder but I believe their issue is a different one and they already had it before SU14B. I can always make the settings not reset if I disable a bunch of my addons.
  16. Just tried, settings still reset unless I disable more than half of my addons. This will only be fixed in a future update, as they already said.
  17. Don't even know what you're talking about or where you see this "garbage" in this thread. Going back to the subject, Navigraph is very nice to have for VFR flight, especially now that is has worldwide VFR charts.
  18. This is what VFR flying is for you? Ok, then. 🙄
  19. I's maintenance, there was a message on top of the page.
  20. They look good and very similar to the freeware ones. I'm not sure they are not the same and the dev made them payware for Xbox users.
  21. Looks like one of the toolbar windows (ATC, Weather or other) that got resized and is too small. Can you click and hold one of the corners to make it bigger? Or open the toolbar, click the wrench and then "Reset panels".
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