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Everything posted by NoahBryant

  1. Actually the Maule Landing Challenge (5 or 6?) is this exact same situation except it's up by the observatories on Hawaii. 60+ knots winds and you have to hover land into the parking lot. It was a lot of fun.What's awesome though, is I found that the winds changed dramatically depending on where you were in relation to the terrain so MS actually modeled the wind flowing over terrain! Check it out for yourself, do the Maule landing challenge and approach the peak in an alsmot hover. Then slowly descend along the side of the peak and you'll see that as soon as you get below the tpeak on the downwind side you instantly get slammed into the ground.
  2. From reading your post, it sounds like the things you hate are the bugs withing FSX itself. Everything you mentioned does have fixes as well, as I experienced them all as well too, but not after I fixed it. I'm afraid that you may just hate every weather add on you try because the wind shifts and temp problems are problems with FSX itself and how it interacts with weather add-ons.The only other thing I could suggest for you is the FSRealWx mentioned above, I've also heard good things about it. You can look at the new REX but I'd bet money you see the exact same problems.Jim's absolutely right about AS2012 being the best. It is not perfect but they have done the best that is possible within the confines of FSX. Coupled with registered FSUIPC (a must have) the problems you mentions almost completely disappear. I understand that you don't want to hear that, but aside from what is mentioned in this thread, what you're asking for doesn't exist.
  3. Yeah this is another little known quirk. Are you using Sound Blaster Xi-Fi?If so, there was a driver released for it last year that had a major effect on FSX frames. Looks like the most current driver for it is even newer:Drivers
  4. That's great Ark - when my little girl was about that age I took her to my flight school and let her sit in the cockpit. She loved it and still talks about it today!
  5. Maybe if you told us what you hate so much about AS we could lead you in the right direction. Most really enjoy it.
  6. Or fart apps... In fact - Apple actually mentions fart apps in the app store submission guidelines...
  7. Looks awesome. I still don't care for the water though, I hope they work on that some more. I can't wait for this one, and once we have it maybe it will come with that biz jet and we can finally see if ifyou are allowed to fly between different scenery regions.
  8. Thanks!I don't believe being "hardcore" requires airliners at all. To me, hard core is just wanting it to be as realistic as possible. In that regard, if you like to be a hard core GA flyer then you actually can almost be that with flight. The flight dynamics are as good or better than most FSX pay ware planes with a few exceptions. The scenery is amazing compared to FSX, well what scenery there is, lol. I wish you could turn off the little diamond on the screen that tells you where the destination airport is, that is a huge detractor for me from realistic. I'm actually fine with there being no ATC or AI since I never use either. Not having VATSIM sucks but I actually don't fly on VATSIM very much anyway. I'd like to see a bigger GA plane though, like maybe a king air. But if you like flying airliners in a hard core way then you're completely out of luck. MS will never produce a PMDG quality airliner.
  9. You're right but it's far easier to use for the end user than it is for us programmer types and that's the point I'm trying to make. The app store and similar systems are designed to be as user friendly as possible for the average person using the device and there's no doubt Apple has succeeded in that regard. When it comes to making Fllight succeed, it's not us flight sim nuts that will make it succeed, it will be the average john smith out there. What I don't want is an AVSIM file library with 10,000 different user created add-ons or tweaks for flight made by 2,000 different people. That system is a nightmare for new users, and I even find myself having trouble figuring out how to, "install" some of these freeware things. And you're lucky you were just making a corporate app and didn't have to worry about the app store guidelines, you probably would have thrown your cube out the window, lol.
  10. Absolutely right - they need to keep it in-house for at least a year so they can get things working they they want them. Then they will slowly start adding developers. Hopefully.
  11. My hope is that MS Flight evolves into something similar to the iOS App Store. They open up development to developers who, for the most part, know what they are doing. Like this: MS charges an annual fee for a developer who wishes to make add on content. That developer is then supplied with the SDK and they can create content. The developer then submits the content to MS who puts it through an approval process to ensure it is well done and functional. The developer then puts a price tag on the add-on and MS takes a 30% cut. I don't believe having a sim completely open is a good thing. I'm happy to pay for the content as long as I know what I'm getting is good, and will work. I almost never put anything into FSX that I didn't pay for from a reputable company. I just don't want to deal with freeware that may or may not work and that I have to jump through hoops to install.To me, that is the best case scenario.
  12. Nice Bill, I just started it a few mins ago and am en route to Pearl now.
  13. Yeah I've had this problem for years. Drives me nuts having to apply the parking brake like that all the time.
  14. Well the ORBX scenery's are top notch, as are airports from FSDT, Fly Tampa and several others. There's nothing you can do to improve the inside of a plane other than just buying a good plane though. REX or AS2012 for Weather and cloud texturesGEX is good for enhancing the entire north america.
  15. With the SDK, it may be possible for a 3rd party developer to make a program that simulates this very thing. We'll have to see what the SDK entails.
  16. Here's another moment...just now when I realized what happens when you hold the middle mouse button and pan around.
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