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About sniper31

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  1. This is such a hard question....lots of great airports. Okay, for me EBBR is at the top (as others have already said, great work!), KBOS by FlyTampa, KRNT Drz. Design, EGPH & EGPF by Pyreegue, and EGNX by Pyreegue as well.
  2. My experience is quite a bit different than others above. I have almost all of the iniBuilds heavy hitters, and they all perform very well for me. Granted, I have a beefy system, but their airports all have options to turn on/off many of the visuals, so they can be tuned. I fly heavy the Fenix and PMDG aircraft into Heathrow, LAX, Detroit etc. and no performance problems for me. So, as usual, mileage may vary. I think as far as visuals go they do a very good job with exteriors and interiors.
  3. I have been flying all day with no issues. Have done multiple helicopter flights and also a 737 flight. Bing data has been all the time.
  4. Well, after 3 plus hours I just got my first comfirmation/download email from PMDG. I guess my order was in that batch of 6000. Let's see how long to authenticate now.
  5. I mean, that is entirely up to you, but surely, I would love it. You already have the livery image figured out 😉
  6. @Steve Dra You know I appreciate your free efforts and time you put in for these awesome paints Steve, and I will be definitely adding many of yours to my livery fleet soon. This will be my first foray into flying the 777 in any sim, so I am looking forward to the new experience and enjoying it with some cool Steve Dra liveries to boot! 😊
  7. So, after purchasing the Huey yesterday and spending some time with her for a few flights, I really like it. Taog's did an excellent job with this one, and a great progressive step up and improvement over the past helicopter releases from him. There are lots of cool liveries, lots of extra options you can add or not to the Huey (love the hulu girl on the dash, nice touch!) and the cockpit detail is done really well. The flight model is comparable to his other choppers, but even though I do have plenty of passenger hours in Huey's, I am not a pilot, so I cannot attest to the flight model if it is as good as a real Huey or not. It definitely feels really good. The sounds, I think are really well done to. The one area I think more work needs done are the checklists and procedures. I could not find anything in the included documentation that easily shows you were everything is to start it up and fly. There is a checklist, but it does not show you where each switch is, so you have to really hunt for stuff in the cockpit. The starter switch is especially hidden. The Asobo/MSFS checklist does list everything, but the little eye button that takes you to said switch or button does nothing. Other than that, once and if you get her started up, she is a joy to fly.
  8. @Mace At that time I was in an LRSD unit (Long Range Surveillance Detachment), the modern-day equivalent to the LRRP's. We operated in small six man teams and jumped out of Huey's and then Blackhawks as they started replacing the Huey's. The majority of the 101st Airborne was no longer on jump status at this time, as they were more focused on being an Air Assault division, which is the more modern version of an Airmobile division. So, the LRSD and the division Pathfinder detachment were the only jump status units left by then. Just some background info for you.
  9. Both...you are seated on the floor with your legs dangling and boots on the skid. Then. when the Jumpmaster hits you on the shoulder, you push off with your hands on the floor edge, and as your upper body propels forward you push away with your feet off of the skid.
  10. Awesome! I have TAOG's other helo offerings and especially enjoy the Allouette. I just bought and have been enjoying the excellent Miltech CH-47D Chinook for the last two days, so the Huey will make an awesome companion as they are similar generational birds. I have hundreds and hundreds of hours riding in the back of Chinooks throughout my 17 years in the 101st Airborne, and about 20 parachute jumps from the CH-47 ramp. The Huey was just getting phased out when I got to the 101st in my early years, but I did manage 5 jumps from it. Fun bird to jump from, just sitting on the floor with your legs dangling out and then push off. Miss those times. Need to go purchase and download this one!
  11. I wonder how it does if used as a bush plane 🤔
  12. @vbazillio So, got this airport installed last night and did several flights out of and around the area, mainly in my FSReborn Sting. Great work Vincent! Nice little airport and you seem to have captured the atmosphere and feel well. 😊
  13. Thanks! I do use Flow Pro and did not know about that feature. I will give that a shot. 😊
  14. Well, on my system and monitor, HDR10 makes a nice difference. However, since SU15, each time I start MSFS, it is turned off.
  15. Okay, does anyone remember way back when MSFS had just been released and soon thereafter we dealt with this bug that prevented the HDR10 setting from being saved? Well, I am having that problem now since upgrading to SU15. It's a small thing, yes, but a bug that was fixed and now has returned. Anyone else seeing this? Anyone know of a way to make the setting stick?
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