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  1. Excellent rig tuning and VR setup information: Not just for DCS. https://vr4dcs.com/
  2. While this Blog was started for DCS, you'll find the information relevant to any Flight Simulator VR use. I highly recommend the Tuning section especially for those less technical. The Reverb Setup section, (relevant to any WMR Headset or SteamVR use really) gets you a great view out of the box. There's also a Discord Channel for interaction with folks who have been doing VR for a while. https://vr4dcs.com/
  3. Hi, A two-thumbs-up vote for the Carenado S360 Shorts. What a fantastic airplane to fly and with a CoPilot in MCE it would be even better. Thanks!!
  4. Love this plane! Question: Is the MFD/PFD Dimming enabled? Trying some night flying and in weather, but in VR the displays are just too bright. The Menu pages that should have the dimmer night/day settings don't seem to be implemented. Or am I missing something???
  5. Thank you, sir - An RTFM for me lol. Checked, it's on, I now see how to use - off I go!
  6. I heartily second the kudos for the product and the detail that's gone into it. I was happy to purchase it and it's great to see it continue to grow! I would also like to second this request. I would love to have more VFR phrases and capabilities. Especially for practicing communications when the weather is too bad for flying. Which is often during the winters here in the mid-west. I would like to also add "Radio" or "Flight Watch" as it used to be called. I haven't had any luck with this if it is currently in the product. In-flight weather for cross-country would be nice. Very important for VFR flights. Especially since you often call and speak on one frequency, while listening on the VOR frequency.
  7. Great document - Thank You! More items like this would be very helpful in the use of Pilot2ATC for VFR Pilots. Definitely, something that should be incorporated into the manual.
  8. I'm agreed with all JoePoway says with respect to Rift, P3D, Chase Plane, and FlyInside. This combination working together would be a step deeper in immersion. I find the clarity of panel screens under Rift to not be where I'd like it. Though the view is more than adequate for IFR especially landing. I tend to use the pop-ups in FlyInside for detail work in the screens and flight computers. Definitely in smaller prop aircraft and GPS equipment. A bit less challenging in the PMDG 737, where leaning in covers most needs. Great tip duplicating/customizing camera.cfg files....on it!
  9. The parent company already makes gaming chairs, keyboards, mice, controllers, etc, under the SnakeByte name. Also Zoopa Drones under license. That experience should help get this product out the door when it's ready.
  10. Very appreciative of the updates and information.The level of attention to detail by the team creating the products is impressive. I would expect no less of attention to the SP's. I think you should continue to set expectation with your customers, and adjust as needed for the reality of the situation. Remember:"I just want to tell you both good luck. We're all counting on you." - Dr. Rumack (Airplane!)
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