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Everything posted by avgaskoolaid

  1. Are you leaving the cockpit with Chaseplane to look at the exterior model, or are you starting in the exterior view. IIRC most FSX aircraft have a "VC" model which you see when in the VC view, where only the VC is modeled, and an "Exterior" model where only the exterior is modeled. It sounds to me like chaseplane is basing the camera in the VC, which is why you're not seeing anything when you look outside. Unfortunately, I can't help you much because I only used Chaseplane once and haven't had FSX installed in years, but it is something to consider.
  2. It's a representation of the new, super secret Stealth 787. QW really thought of everything! Kidding aside, I think I remember from my FSX days that not seeing your exterior model can be solved by adding highmemfix=1 to your cfg file.
  3. Post your screenshot to imgur.com (you don't need an account), then copy the direct link right into your post- the image will embed automatically. This is a great file to use with xEnviro. When you combine it with the following files the look of XP at night is totally transformed: https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/33482-real-halo/ https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/34930-enhanced-europe/ By the way, although the Aerosim mod is great, I personally thought the lights looked a little too bright. Using their lua file as a basis, I made my own that I think looks much more realistic. Make a new lua file and put this into it and let me know what you think! set( "sim/private/controls/lights/bloom_far", 100.00) set( "sim/private/controls/lights/bloom_for_zoom", 0.00) set( "sim/private/controls/lights/bloom_near", 100.00) set( "sim/private/controls/lights/dist_far", 10000.00) set( "sim/private/controls/lights/dist_near", 10.00) set( "sim/private/controls/lights/exponent_far", 0.45) set( "sim/private/controls/lights/exponent_near", 0.25)
  4. Make sure the texture= line matches the name of the Air Canada repaint's folder. For example (I don;t have the files downloaded atm so the actual name will be different) if it's texture.aircanada, the line should read texture=aircanada.
  5. http://www.carenado.com/CarSite/Portal/pages/FreeliveriesB1900Dfsx.php
  6. +1. The Saab's sounds are incredibly unique, especially that low growl it has when the props are brought in and out of beta during taxi kind of like the Q400 only a lot more 'throaty'. Unfortunately, the LES Saab and the TSS soundpack for MSFS haven't gotten this quite right. If Carenado can nail it I won't feel as bad about any systems deficiencies. 09:33 to 09:52
  7. Oh god, I think I just had a heart attack. A Carenado Saab 340?? The Saab is my favorite plane. I spent my childhood flying on/seeing those things. I know that Carenado's systems are 'lacking' to say the least, but few would deny that their visual modeling is among the best in the business. I'll absolutely be picking this thing up the minute it's released, for both P3D and (hopefully) XP11 later on. Can't wait to have 2 Saabs to fly: the LES for systems when I have the time for 'serious' flying, and the Carenado for casual flights where I can drool over the photorealistic internal and external modeling. And you can all look forward to this livery, which I will paint the second I get the paintkit on my hard drive
  8. Wow, just amazing. I'm assuming this is XP11? If so what are you using to adjust the scattering?
  9. Actually I can see the initial screenshot you posted now. I've also been noticing a problem with the forums lately where only the file name displays instead of a picture- refreshing the page appears to solve the problem.
  10. imgur.com. You don't even need an account. Upload it there, copy the URL, then paste it here. It should embed automatically.
  11. Ah, ok. I guess the matter comes down to personal taste. I really like the visuals of the new update and after comparing it with the default weather, Ultra Weather, and SMP, I still find it to be the most realistic option. I guess we all have our preferences
  12. It's always a good idea to make a backup of your original copy before upgrading in case you don't like the new version. Out of curiosity, what issues are you guys having with it? Personally I'm very happy with the new version. They acknowledge that some may experience performance issues with the new version and posted these lower-resolution clouds to fix it (which don't make a huge difference visually TBH but completely eliminated my performance issues). http://xenviro.net/update/clouds.zip
  13. Your title got me excited. I fly a Warrior in real life, but JF has only announced the Arrow so far. Hopefully the Warrior they developed for FSX/P3D will follow soon. I really want a good warrior in XP because the only existing one from Aerosphere is kind of 'meh'.
  14. filou, stop posting real pictures in the screenshots forum or I'll have to report you!
  15. Much better- now we can get somewhere (you might want to update your thread on x-plane.org as well, it;s also very vague). Exactly which overhead flood lights are you using, from which library? Some objects don't include the lights in order to light up the surrounding area. Anyway, it's very easy: once you find an object that has lights (for example, form the MisterX library), all you need to do is place it in your scenery and it will light things up around it. Be sure you press 'Export Scenery Pack' in order to see the changes in the sim. By the way, if all you're doing is placing objects you should use Overlay Editor. The interface is much easier to use for simple tasks like this.
  16. ?. You need to provide more information if you want help. Which version of XPlane are you using. What lights have you added? What do you mean by they aren't lighting up your scenery? What steps have you performed to install it? You wouldn't walk into a restaurant and yell "FOOD", or walk into a mechanic shop and say "CAR BROKE". You need to give all the relevant information you can or else nothing will get done.
  17. The hurricane destroyed the Maho Beach webcam. Incredibly scary footage It's tempting to load up our sims and 'play around' with our live weather programs. I feel so lucky that I'm able to do so sitting in my apartment with a nice cup of coffee without worrying about my life or livelihood, like so many of those in the Caribbean are. It's nice to see JetBlue step up, upping schedules and and capping flights out of Florida at $99- so much more meaningful than if their CEO donated $1 million, a tiny fraction of his net worth, after the fact (*cough* United *cough*). http://www.businessinsider.com/hurricane-irma-evacuation-jetblue-discounts-flights-99-dollars-2017-9 EDIT: DIdn't see that the video was linked in OP's article. Anyway, a direct embedded link is better.
  18. And in case anyone doesn't want to go through the silly process of "checking out" with a free item, you can download the airport from the org: https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/38587-opgd-gwadar-international-airport-pakistan-10/
  19. Awesome shots. KCUB was a very nice surprise- I had no idea it was in development. Now I need to choose a C172 (REP for AFL) and do a cross country between KCUB and antwob's L52!
  20. There's a high-quality KBWI here on the library. I'm not sure if it's compatible with v4: Sunskyjet is working on a freeware but payware quality KDTW. It's been WIP for a long time but apparently we won't have much longer to wait. . I'd be extremely surprised if it isn't v4 compatible on release day. Sunskyjet also has a very, very good rendition of KPHL that apparently works fine in v4. SXAD has a rendition of Nashville for P3D. No p3d v4 specific installers yet however according to their facebook page it works in v4. Not on your list, but FSDreamteam is working on KSDF Finally, Drzwiecki is working on KSEA and the surrounding area for XPlane- although I haven't seen anything about this product for P3D, it's standard practice for them to release sceneries for both sims. Until they release an official v4 version (if they do that is), you can try taxi2gate's KSEA. It isn't officially v4 compatible yet but apparently works fine in v4 along with their other airports Take any statements about compatibility with a grain of salt! I don't own v4 and have not used P3D for a while now (XPlane 11 4 lyfe baby!), so whatever I say about compatibility is based on various threads online, not personal experience. EDIT: Welp, I removed the links so this post stays up in light of Jim's new announcement.
  21. They're pretty active on facebook. https://www.facebook.com/groups/xenviro/ Actually, their new voxel array system makes the clouds look a bit better despite still being 2D. This was posted on reddit last night by a beta tester: And yes, I'm frustrated as well. Updates were coming along nicely until they inexplicably decided to re-engineer the whole plugin. 1.07 is welcome, but honestly it should have been out in April at the latest. Those crashes when the server connection is lost are completely unacceptable and should have been fixed ASAP.
  22. You need to create masks, but it's literally just a checkbox you have to click. The software seems daunting at first, but once you understand how to use it it's incredibly easy. I recently generated orthos for the entire UK and the hardest part was finding something to do for 12 hours while the program ran! Check out this video. It tells you all you need to know. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhr4xYosVvI Looks pretty amazing. What graphics card are you running?
  23. I know. I'm excited for the weather briefing window, adjusted sky colors, and eliminated crashes when the server connection is lost, but other than that it seems like a relatively small update. It took so long because they were working on implementing new 3D clouds but decided to push that feature to a later date. I hope that now they've organized things somewhat future updates will come a bit quicker.
  24. Currently it's at RC1, which tells me it's very close. Here is the chengelog posted to their facebook page: Update. I have submitted 1.07rc01 for testing. Changelog: ### [1.07] ### Added - Weather Briefing window added. Displays METAR for 20 nearby stations. - General status dataref. - Dataref for the weather radar data (precipitation echo). ### Changed - Maximum wind speed now set in Knots. - Wind distribution has been changed to improve ATC reliability. - Blending adjusted to remove visible line of the ground mesh edge. - Internal representation of the weather is now based on voxel arrays. - Atmosphere colors adjusted to match X-Plane 11 light model. - Rain color and blending adjusted to match X-Plane 11 light model. ### Removed - X-Plane implemented ball mark for the selected menu entry. Temporary * removed. - X-Plane fog cutoff slider removed. ### Fixed - Water reflection for haze added. - Wininet exception handling code has been corrected. No more crashes hopefully. - Surface friction procedures amended to avoid spontaneous aircraft sliding
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