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Everything posted by avgaskoolaid

  1. Nice shots! How are you liking the Blackhawk? Do you have any other payware choppers you could compare it to? I'm not sure I'm going to be able to physically handle seeing DTW at this level of detail once the dev releases it. As soon as it goes live I'll have to clear a few days in my schedule just to drool over it.
  2. Just bought the very reasonably priced upgrade. Not only are the new variants cool, but the cockpit textures and various bugfixes are great. The only major bug I've found is that the elevator animation on the -300 is reversed. Hopefully they'll fix it soon...
  3. Program Files (x86)/steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane 11/Aircraft It's easiest to create a desktop shortcut to your XP11 folder so you don't have to go rooting through files whenever you want to install something.
  4. Try flying from Chicago to Amman on an A340 with no PTVs. 5 hours isn't that bad. Read a book, take a nap, or listen to some music.
  5. Set him up in DCS with the Leatherneck Mig-21. That should be a good way to get him going- kids these days are too coddled!!! :) In all seriousness, AeroflyFS2 might be a good choice. It has modern graphics, great performance,a variety of aircraft, and very easy systems to understand. I haven't ever used FSW, but Aerofly seems more visually appealing and has both small aircraft and large airliners. That being said, FSX is also great because of the massive amount of voice-guided lessons and missions, despite it being a little bit on the dated side. Sims are great, but be sure to bring him out to the airport for some spotting regularly! If you loiter around the local FBO I'm sure you'll come across some pilots willing to take him up on a flight, or at the very least check out their plane on the ground.
  6. I'm extremely happy with the Do228 in XPlane so far. Everyone needs to remember that "Carenado" planes in XP would be more accurately described as "Carenado/Thranda" joint productions. The Thranda development team really knows how to breathe life into Carenado's comparatively lackluster FSX/P3D addons. I have the Do228 in P3D and the differences are very noticeable. For example: the sounds are 10x better, the handling is noticeably more realistic, the engine behavior, especially in the beta range, is much better, and overall the plane feels more like a $40 product than its MSFS counterpart. There are still a few issues, though: 1) The tire rolling sound activates when the plane isn't moving. I removed this effect from the FMOD sound file and am using XPRealistic for my rolling sounds instead. 2) The passenger sound is too loud and has a very obvious loop. They will introduce an option to mute passengers in the next update. 3) It's very, very difficult to slow the airplane down on final approach. With 1 notch of flaps, it seems to keep its speed to high and float way too much. The devs said a fix for this is on the way, and hopefully Aerosimgaming's modified flight dynamics will bring further improvements. Overall, if you like bush/commuter flying, give this thing a try! It's far and away better than the MSFS version and is one of the best aircraft in its class in XP11.
  7. You do realize there are two different threads with two different sets of pictures, right? The images in this thread are from P3D (which is where dgraham's image upthread came from) https://orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/144036-eu-netherlands-photoreal-alpha-shots/ And the images in this thread are from XPlane https://orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/144238-eu-netherlands-photoreal-a-few-more/ Ignoring the text or the crosshair, I have a really hard time understanding how someone can think that both of these shots were taken in the same sim. The clouds, atmosphere, autogen, water textures, and rendering are very different. Again, no idea why John would say it isn't XP, but I know the sim when I see it.
  8. I personally prefer XPlane. To me, P3D has a bit of a dull, flat, 'grey' look even when you use a bunch of addons like REX or PTA. XPlane's visuals seem much more modern and realisitc, especially when it comes to night lighting (even P3D v4's new dynamic lighting just doesn't cut it for me). Of course, that is just my opinion, and there are people who prefer P3D's look to XPlane's.
  9. I know, I read his post and referenced it in mine. I am 99.99% certain that the shots were not taken in P3D, they were taken in XPlane. I have no idea why he would say otherwise, but like I said I'm familiar enough with both sims to tell their environments apart.
  10. I'm familiar with the look of both sims, and this is obviously XPlane. The clouds are a dead giveaway, but P3D's water and general shading/rendering doesn't look like that at all. I wonder if he said it's P3D because they haven't officially announced the XPlane version yet.
  11. Nope, no dot. Here is the full file for you to look at. http://www.filedropper.com/corte
  12. You can't generate/export a plan file yet. You need to open the file and copy/paste your route into the corte.in, where all the routes are stored. Edit: it's located in the A320's "data" folder by the way.
  13. Open the corte.in file with a text editor (something made for coding like Notepad++ is best), and input your flight plan following the format of the sample plans provided. A developer on the org forums listed the format:
  14. My first ever 777 flight was on a -300ER, and I was sitting right next to the RH engine. I was expecting to hear the 'moo', which I was familiar with from planespotting and of course the PMDG 777, but I wasn't prepared for how intense it was. The entire section of the plane vibrated on startup- you could really feel it in your bones. Of course, I was in heaven, but the infrequent fliers seated next to me looked at each other nervously and asked "....is that normal?".
  15. To me, FSX/P3D vs XPlane debates have always seemed a bit silly, because they often depart from sensible discussion (which is valid and useful) and turn into mud-slinging. But in this case comparisons between two A320 addons both claiming to be the best you can get are inevitable. Also, I think this is a helpful thing to look at for XPlane skeptics who stay away from the sim because of a lack of good airliners. It seems like every major airliner release recently has been hyped as the true "study level" addon that XPlane needs, but everything so far has fallen a bit short. But, even though it's still in beta, the Flight Factor A320 seems to be living up to the hype! The presenter seems to have found two instances where the Flightfactor was actually more accurate than the FSLabs, although the Flightfactor has some errors itself (APU bleed air PSI, for example). This is only part one, but the FF seems to be off to a great start.
  16. I got it. I haven't had much time to play around with it but so far I'm very happy. It seems to be a couple of notches above the Aerosoft A320. Comparisons with the FSL A320 are inevitable, but I don't own it so I can't comment. Be sure to join the private beta group on the org forums to give feedback and bug reports!
  17. Here are mine! I'm extremely happy with them. ZL16/17 by airports which looks pretty good, and all of this fits nicely on my old 500GB HDD with about 30GB to spare. Can't wait until I can afford a 4TB HDD so I can fill out the rest of the west coast, east coast, midwest, and maybe some of Europe.
  18. Mine wasn't present on the list, but I still changed my password. I'm not that concerned about my org account on its own, what really has me worried is the potential for a similar breach with the store. I already had my credit card info stolen once this month and repeating the experience wouldn't make me very happy.
  19. You can get it on rikoooo http://www.rikoooo.com/downloads/viewdownload/110/628 Or download it from the project tupolev website. http://www.protu-154.org/index_e.html
  20. Oops, didn't know that, thanks. Alternatively he could just search 'Adam Mills' to see all the downloads for both packages.
  21. Seeing this post is wierd. After 2 years of not having FSX installed on my HD, just today I reinstalled it and went looking for the same replacement textures you're looking for. What a coincidence! Anyway, you'll be pleased to know there is a free solution from Adam Mills, who made replacement textures for the US and Europe. His packages are at flightsim.com, broken up into 8 parts for each continent. Unfortunately they aren't available here on avsim. https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/fslib.php?searchid=59377609
  22. That hail effect at 1:50 affected me on a spiritual level. Also, the cloud representation is absolutely beautiful. But other than that, I don't think it looks a whole lot different from our desktop sims, and in some situations even looks a little worse/more cartoony. Obviously when you're in a full motion simulator doing formal training visual fidelity takes a bit of a back seat to systems simulation, but it's still interesting to see how visually close desktop sims are to what the big boys use.
  23. We're starting to see streamers getting permission to release videos of the A320. It must be getting close! My guess is it will be released as soon as 11.10 is finalized.
  24. No, you never need to do a clean install of XP, or uninstall/reinstall addons when upgrading to a new version. You'll just need to run the XPlane installer again (located in your main XP folder) and it'll update all the necessary files. However, you should keep a backup version of your previous install in case there are issues with the new version.
  25. Are you leaving the cockpit with Chaseplane to look at the exterior model, or are you starting in the exterior view. IIRC most FSX aircraft have a "VC" model which you see when in the VC view, where only the VC is modeled, and an "Exterior" model where only the exterior is modeled. It sounds to me like chaseplane is basing the camera in the VC, which is why you're not seeing anything when you look outside. Unfortunately, I can't help you much because I only used Chaseplane once and haven't had FSX installed in years, but it is something to consider.
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