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Everything posted by udidwht

  1. If they're liveries you've downloaded then they likely need to be updated.
  2. Just go this as well...first time ever. I had chose Got Friends F4F and it popped up while loading to fly. It continued loading and I was able to fly. Exited normally as well. I had left the pop up window but when the sim closed so did the window.
  3. https://www.tweaktown.com/news/95717/windows-11s-24h2-update-for-2024-is-so-big-microsoft-could-end-up-calling-it-12/index.html?utm_source=newsletter&utm_campaign=newsletter
  4. Run the following commands after opening a command prompt with admin rights... Go through each of the following steps one at a time. Copy each line, one at a time , paste it into the Dos window (crtl + V) and press return and it will then run. Wait until each runs and finishes before you move on to the next one. When you are completely finished, Restart your computer and then try to see in MS2020 will start and run properly Dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /checkhealth Dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /scanhealth Dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /Restorehealth sfc /scannow Dism.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /AnalyzeComponentStore Dism.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup RESTART your computer as the last step. Then go for a test flight.
  5. The log file shows when you were running 1.6.3 the injector was finding the Store version. That's because back then, it would look for Store first, and then look for Steam if it didn't find the Store version. This obviously caused issues for people that had switched from Store to Steam and left remnants of the Store version behind. That's why we made the change to 1.6.4. The injector looks in these two locations for a UserCfg.opt file: Store: "%LocalAppData%\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache" Steam: "%AppData%\Microsoft Flight Simulator" If it finds a UserCfg.opt file in both of these locations, you get the red error on starting the injector. This means you either have both versions installed, or you used to, and remnants are left behind. It's up to you to clean up the sim versions on your PC. With two different UserCfg.opt files telling the injector two different Community locations, we won't guess which is correct.
  6. https://fselite.net/content/azurpoly-ov-10-bronco-for-msfs-enters-beta-testing/
  7. New update available: PRODUCT INFORMATION: REX Real Global Airport Textures - Technical Update 7.0 - Released DATE ISSUED: Tuesday, January 9, 2024 PRODUCT: REX Real Global Airport Textures BUILD: 6.0.2024.0108 BUILD STATUS: Released WARNING: This is a full version of REX Real Global Airport Textures. Therefore, uninstall all previous versions of REX Real Global Airport Textures before installing the latest update. FIX LIST: FIXED - Material library references FIXED - Various base material attributes
  8. If it's anything like their V1 stick it will be nice.
  9. https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/announcement-gks-f-111e-aardvark/622021
  10. AMDs FSR will work across even GTX 10 series cards.
  11. Run the following commands… Go through each of the following steps one at a time. Copy each line, one at a time , paste it into the Dos window (crtl + V) and press return and it will then run. Wait until each runs and finishes before you move on to the next one. When you are completely finished, Restart your computer and then try to see in MS2020 will start and run properly Dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /checkhealth Dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /scanhealth Dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /Restorehealth sfc /scannow Dism.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /AnalyzeComponentStore Dism.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup RESTART your computer as the last step. Then go for a test flight.
  12. The sign is just northwest of the observatory.
  13. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2168680/Nuclear_Option/
  14. Many are given rising interest rates. I see everyday new lay off notices going out. Going to be a real doozy this economic drop.
  15. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/346206518/yaw2-motion-simulator-and-smart-chair
  16. To be truly happy in creating something in a flight sim one has to be first and foremost....passionate about it. And that extends far beyond money.
  17. Go thru each of your add ons and be sure they are the latest versions offered.
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