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  1. In geneva lsgg, when you are under 7ooo feets your are in qnh after 7000 you are standart pressure 29.92
  2. Lanzarote, Fuerte ventura are Spain ....
  3. H i, I'm flying with Swiss Air Romande, ivao.( cp.escapade.ch)for infos. Serge sorry, cpv.escapade.ch. sorry, cpv.escapade.ch.
  4. I've got very good results since a few years using "processs lasso" from bitsum. W7/ 64 2600K. Serge
  5. did you try with process lasso from bitsum? Serge
  6. hi Donor, Where did found Airacs 1601 for gtn750 ? as we are at 1504 with v 5.13 Regards, serge
  7. ivao switzerland charts Serge VACC Switzerland, all charts
  8. Hi Bert, I would likie your update. Thanks. Serge
  9. I like also the F1 PC12 with GTN750 Serge
  10. Hello, Where to download your camera ? Thanks alot Serge
  11. Had the same problem with F1 Mustang due to Navigraph airacs 1509. Ideinstalled FSX/Navigraph/proc and reinstalled F1 Mustang with old airacs. Everythings working well. Serge
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