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Everything posted by Sam

  1. Sam


    Type %appdata% in run if you fail to find it manually
  2. AES has de-icing at the ramp.. Would be cool if they made it so you could request it when you wanted it instead..
  3. Yes I use AI traffic, but its not the defalut one.. for a better result change it to ai yes or no..
  4. The saving problem is probably due to your fsx location(UAC) or your fsx folders being write only. Rough guess If you installed your fsx in the program files folder, try right clicking fsx, select run as administrator and try again. For technical support from pmdg I suggest you use their website to create an ticket Brgrds
  5. I would say that ******* tool is outdated for nejer configs. I'm running on DIF drive, with Word Not Allowed tweaks and I get ctd once a quarter flying 3 days / week
  6. Havent had any problems with nge and I dont have that one
  7. - So its supposed to remember your selection, and then its just bugging atm? - If you have any insight
  8. I would say, make something based on an completely new engine, and new ways to use vector and terrain mesh. Find a smart way to place autogen. Get the basics up, make sure it's good at simulating the real world. Make it open for developers to create addons for it, and do it in the same language so they don't have to adopt to much. Get developers to create some launch material, and otherwise ship an nice "world" for the addon-developers to create the fun. Much like fsx has become.. I mean, who the ###### uses default fsx planes, sceneries or even functions(weather etc) included theese days.. Participatory design is fine, but I would ask the developers, cause they already have an good idea what the clients 'want' So to sum up 1. Great physics 2. Broad sectored SDK 3. New Engine
  9. Does any one have The unicef paint? Gone too..
  10. I think the second video refers to the wing flex animation being weird.. All though the original post doesn't say what the problem in the shot is. I do, however, agree with you that the engine animation is normal on the second video.
  11. Hi there Not sure if this is the right place to post it Anyway; I would like to request a profile function to skip mobile theme loading & (if possible) disable the Tapatalk notification. I find the normal overview perfect for mobile devices, as its easy to get an quick overview of the latest movements on the forum. - Yes I know there is the full version button, but you know Thanks in advance
  12. #DammICannotWaitToBuyThisJustToSitAtTheRampMessingWithControlsAndSpoolUpTheEngines How about an sound preview =] (To soon?)
  13. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=PMDG+%2B+Facebook Fixed =)
  14. Spot on... OpusFSX raised the bar.. from what I've heard is that AS2012 got better by the competition of Opus.. I use Opus, and im very happy with it in its current state.. Yes, there has been up and downs but nothing has gotten me to return to as..
  15. Might aswell burn your money with a magnifying glass, im sure it will give you greater satisfaction =)
  16. I respectfully disagree.. If you wan't my opinion send me an pm and I will be happy to write them, but for the thread sake im all for Case closed, as I'm 112% sure we will never agree - Let's try to talk about it again Q3 this year..
  17. So what I'm getting from your post is, the CS-777 will be just as good.. Oh wait.. No it won't the PMDG will most likely (HELL YEAH) be much better. Funny (cause its true) On the topic, well I believe most of it has been said by olli4740, IFRclearance and so on
  18. Engine anti-ice on then? Make sure you have entered it on the des forecast... Idle w/o engine anti ice is lower, and if the desent path is calculated for tai off, and it is on, you will be to high and eventually to fast...
  19. Hits the Nail on the head. If you want system depth realism, take a look at BBS If you want visual model, with some nice eye candy 'realism' look at the AXE I for one find the BBS to incomplete, and the AXE to bogus.. So I'm patiently waiting for FSL Another comment on Im pretty sure he means system wise.. I bet we can find quite a few simmers who have an good idea from reading / debating how as an example: Alpha Floor is supposed to behave or the other basics of the Airbus' FBW system
  20. Hehe Point being that fsx will always be a 32 bit program.. So as said in many other threads, eventually that will be the wall no matter what your processing power is G'day
  21. You can put 100's of horses in front of a horse-Drawn carriage, maybe even an motor, but it will always be an horse-drawn carriage. OT Neither Maybe xp some day.. I do believe smth totally different will rise
  22. Can we get some updated flight videos of it in action? So close to buying now
  23. Did you verify that you have the right ver?
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