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  1. Mmm, reading the release notes there´s no hurry for me to update right now, at least performance-wise no improvements or did I missed it ?
  2. ok, here are your frame killers ! AirlineDensity=20 FreewayDensity=20 GADensity=20 LeisureBoatsDensity=40 ShipsAndFerriesDensity=40 waaay too much traffic ! lower these settings (I fly with AirlineDensity=10 and FreewayDensity=10 only to get good fps, nothing else (and my system is quite good)! Also it´s good to let fsx rebuild a new stock fsx.cfg !
  3. Try it without the Bufferpools=0 tweak but also post your DX10 fsx.cfg here !
  4. ++1, sadly, almost alwayas online ATC "expect" you to have the major Airport-addon´s ! I could live with the standard ones !
  5. Mmm. for any reason I can´t go in the integrated Takeoff/Landing performance tool with the 737-800 selected (are greyed out) but yes, after releasing the flight I can export all data to Topcat. With any other aircraft selected in Pfpx it works also within !
  6. Using traffic in FSX is always a big fps-killer ! I fly mostly with just 20% airline traffic (MyTrafficX) and I can see a huge fps-drop compared to 0% traffic ! Try to turn the traffic sliders down and see the difference. With 20% traffic (in my case with MyTrafficX) I get all the bigger Airports quite well populated. Your fps-issues with the HUD (HGS) is another peoblem that I did never see, mmm, may be a Radeon issue ?
  7. Yeeeah, finally doing with FSX what I wanted to do always ! Have in mind that I was flying all the way down w/o AP/AT and struggling with 18kts winds from the right ! But yes, it´s my target to make it always better and having fun ! :-) Thank you all the people here at avsim whose posts helped me sooo much !!! Regards, Christian
  8. After many time of tweaking FSX in DX9 and now DX10 I finally found my best settings and I enjoy flying and dont want to tweak anymore ! -) Here is a short X-wind landing in NY La Guardia
  9. Thank you guys and thank´s god I found this thread ! Uninstalled the KB2670838 update and ~5 hours flying w/o ctd ! -) Yet I was thinking about re-installing FSX (week of work, pffff) !
  10. Thank you Paul ! This Tip improves the Image-Quality or does it something performance-wise ?
  11. You´re using a very old driver, 310.90 is the latest.
  12. Good to have all info in just a single document, Thank you !
  13. Thank´s Paul but waay too bright for me. Ok, I ´ll test it later with bloom and shadows in fsx disabled and adjust some in SweetFx.
  14. Yees, to fix the micro-stuttering I set FIBER_FRAME_TIME_FRACTION=0.40 with just a minimal loss of fps ! I think I´ll stick with DX10 for now, can live with the few issues (night lightning/textures). Thank you so much Paul and Steve for your effort to make this possible !!
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