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Everything posted by thibodba57

  1. The docket has been released. Here’s a link to the NTSB announcement. In the announcement is the link to the public Docket. Lots to read, a lot of painful things. The NTSB will release their final findings probably in the next 6 months. Keep in mind the NTSBs job is not to assign blame but to point to the probable cause of the accident. So there won’t be any finger pointing. It’s sad to say most of the rumors that were found online were true. The docket provides a pretty clear picture as to what happened in my opinion. The hardest thing to put a finger on is what set the events into motion. Not during the flight but months prior if not years. Whether the NTSB goes into that is anyone’s guess. I believe they should, but it would be an entire shakeup of the way hiring is done at airlines now a days and what records are kept as to an individual’s training background. Truly a sad day. https://www.ntsb.gov/news/press-releases/Pages/NR20191219.aspx https://www.forbes.com/sites/jeremybogaisky/2019/12/19/pilot-of-doomed-amazon-air-flight-had-poor-training-record-seemed-confused-before-crash-ntsb-report-suggests/?fbclid=IwAR0Yba2WxXxjvkfjg2ZuXj2-TEG9j3Ds1vGnfIGISS-ua_ta4Ao5mEToQYo#6305225d79cc
  2. No B1900. The Maddog stuff was the lower 48 and one month to the north slope from Fairbanks a week during some flooding.
  3. Just so we are on the same page. I fly the 74 for a major cargo company and am well versed in when VNAV will perform adequately and provide its protections and when you need to move to a different mode. I can also tell you 99% or the pilots at my company don’t use V/S. While it’s a functional tool, it can get you sideways more easily than other modes. That being said I used to fly an MD-80 that didn’t have VNAV so all we had was V/S or IAS/MACH modes of climb and descent. I wish people would just not reference videos they’ve seen on YouTube as a reference as to what the ‘norm’ is. It might be common for what you’ve seen, but it’s usually the same people posting videos of themselves. It will lead to a misconception of what standard procedures really are.
  4. I would disagree. I use VNAV if I’m reasonably close to my lateral path for VNAV to be effective and if I’m not I use FLCH I almost never use V/S. @Gabriel VictorYou don’t have to program a speed at any waypoint you get VNAV to slow down early. Open the Speed window (Speed Intervene) by depressing the Speed knob. Then select your desired speed. You can also enter a desired speed on VNAV Des page (VNAV page 3).
  5. Flown the ILS into PAKT more times than I can count. Very familiar with DOOZI 🙂 The sim doubtfully simulates it well enough but we would intercept the LOC/GS about 70 miles out and go screaming in every morning coming in from Sitka.
  6. No Steves right. He mentions earlier that the MAX will be included in the base pack. Where did that info come from. It’s pure speculation but he’s passing it as if he has insider info. He also states the MAX is ready. No info has been shared to say that it has. RSR only mentions that they won’t release it until Boeing is in Agreement. It’s pure speculation to take that statement and turn it into ‘it’s ready for release’. It’s posts like his that led people to believe buying the NGXu For P3D would be free for MSFS. You have to read into the posts.
  7. Well back in town for the weekend. Haven't gotten to much work done given all the work thats being done on the house and will probably not get much done this weekend given all the painting we need to do after the repair work. But I think I'm pretty close to hosting this altered paintkit to make metal work a bit more easy with this aircraft. I have a few outlying issues with it, like the painted band in the hot section of the engine...idk where they came up with that, so I'll have to fix it , the engine inlets need to be recolored also. But here is a couple screen shots, first of the Prime Aircraft which for all intents and purposes is done minus the painted band I just mentioned. Also American, not nearly finished at all, as most of the work was the metal and this was just a proof of concept.
  8. Those redirects already exist in their proper format. If someone replaces the originals with the updated files I provided this will work or they can throw them in the individual texture folder of the livery (I.e. texture.fdx). Tried it both ways and it works. What people might run into issue with is I’ve only done the freighter. So the file name is different and will not change anything for the passenger aircraft. I’d have to look again but the only file that needs adjusting is the FWD fuselage Alpha if I recall. The rest is just a file name change.
  9. The way most common texture files work is they are related to a common folder not a livery specific one. This folder location is the plain Texture folder. If you look in it you will find each of the files I have provided. You can replace them there if you like. HOWEVER, if you want to just try them out, all you need to do is put them in the livery folder you want to see it added to. Say Texture.fdx for example. The simulator will look in the local texture folder for these files before it looks back to the common folder. There is a catch to this unfortunately. The files I have uploaded are for a freighter only I think at this point. The moment I get my computer setup again I’ll be able to Parce it out and make sure it’s for both. Unfortunately that might be a bit. Repairs are being done to my place from the earthquake we had last November. Hope that clears it up some. About the best I can do on my phone with no access to my files to directly relate to each file.
  10. Just because this is buried in the P3D thread I'll post it here. I'm attempting to correct the sorry to say horrid PBR work SkySimulations did on the aircraft. There is a link in that thread to my current PBR fixes. I'm also redoing their paintkit as it was lacking. Most of the work is done hopefully I'll have time to finish this week. My paint kit will consolidate all the fuselage files and layers, will add a metal layer and an appropriate metallic.dds file to work with it also. https://www.avsim.com/forums/topic/560804-update-sky-simulations-md-11-v22/
  11. HE LIVES! I think I have the passenger metal/paint figured out and done. Painted Freighter as well, I might have the metal for the freighter done haven't tested it yet. I think I have American all painted just need to do the Red Channels for it. Currently on the road until atleast Sat. So hopefully this weekend.
  12. Just to preview because I can. More work was done in the way of placars, these placards will be good for both the metal and the painted versions of the kit. Drives me nuts when developers leave a bare aircraft. So was able to get a good clean shot of the doors and added some placards to the cargo doors as well. Its a slow process because all the work I'm doing I'm immediately doing to the metal aircraft because every variance from metal (a sticker is not metal) I have to adjust the Red channel on each individual fuselage file. Anyways, a quick shot of what I have working for the metal is the bottom one, its just a slow tedious process.
  13. I'll just add this to the mix. Their original metal work is at the top. Mine is the bottom. You compare and decide which is better for whatever your reasons. I did happen to notice there are NO placards to any of the doors so unfortunately I can't let that stand and I'll be adding them which is gonna take awhile, fortunately I can work on that from my laptop when I head out. Unfortunately I can't push all the metal medium changes I need to adjust for those placards. So what I have now might be as far as I get with the base until all that work is done. I know I know, you guys are biting your nails in anticipation <Not> hehe. For the mean time, the link to replacement metallic files are above you can atleast fly around with that correct.
  14. I'll try those values. I was able to dial down the proposed cannibalizing from other aircrafts autopilot entries. Also edited some data in the .air file. A lot better but still ugly. I think the trim might be PART of the problem. It's not that it hits its max UP/DWN its the rate it's doing it I think. It's extremely fast.
  15. In addition to fixing their PBR job I'm fixing their Paintkit. My paintkit will have the different files merged into one paintkit that people are used to working with now, all the different segments will be merged as well for easy sorting and exporting. I'll have a base layer that is for PBR without shadows and one base layer with shadows so there won't be an overly dark texture to the aircraft. At that point I'll create a metal base kit, this kit will be the same as the PMDG 747 metal kit I made. the first all metal livery I make will probably be a Eastern replica DC-10. My paintkit test bed aircraft being worked on below. Still lots of work to be done, lots of work to be done combing thru layers to make sure everything will be able to bounce from Freighter to Passenger and between the metal and painted aircraft mediums. A side note, I've been on medical from work for the last 2-3 months so I've been able to upload a decent amount of work such as the PMDG Metal kits. I just got cleared to go back to flying so my pace might slow down here the moment they start finding flights for me. Hopefully I can finish this kit up before that happens. I'm anxious to see everyones work!
  16. Here's a link to a completed PBR update by me. Latest update was a change to the alpha layers. 6 areas improved, the fuselage 3 files, the tail and the Engine pylons and engine turbine metal. They had assigned it all assigned as if it was painted. So I changed them to a metallic texture and dialed the reflection way back. Just drop the 6 files in the zip folder in any livery you want to test it out on. If you are satisfied with the results you can drop them in the common texture folder. Make sure you make backups first. https://www.dropbox.com/s/c5eju4s3090mk57/SkySimMD11_PBR_update.zip?dl=0
  17. So I'll paint the plane because I like PBR, but as before in their older version (v1). The aircraft itself is on par with Abacus. The autopilot lost 400' in Altitude hold in a 60 degree turn (2000fpm) then corrected back to the MCP alittude just to over shoot that by 300' then porpused back and forth until it finally settled on the MCP altitude. Truly horrendous programming. Speed control is all over the place from assigned as well (Minus 0 Plus 30). They need to get their game together and fix some things that in my min are more important than some VNAV profile. If they can't even maintain altitude or speed VNAV isn't going to do anything for anyone. Update to this aircraft Autoflight system. On departure, Autoflight engaged selected a 180* turn and a altitude to 2600 under V/S. Upon reaching the selected altitude and in the turn the aircraft started pitching down as if it was unable to increase the AoA in a turn. Continued with its turn and got to a point of 4000 fpm descent without any attempt to really correct the issue. Just wow.
  18. While some will not really notice the difference unless pointed out. Here is a quick comparison. I've gotten the big work done for the fuselage I think. Now I just need to do the tail and engines then go back and get really picky about all the details. The first shot is the SkySim PBR FedEx aircraft. The second is mine. I adjusted the paint layer to be less metallic and dialed down the reflective properties to match any of my previous work on other aircraft. It gives a less mirror like finish but still retains some reflective properties as paint does and its noticeably different than the metal areas of the aircraft. The biggest difference can be seen from the green channel. I don't know what possessed them to put the dirt and panel lines on the shadow layer but leave shadows off it. So I made a custom green channel as best as I could, I think its a good compromise. So now their dirt won't be so discoloring as you can see on their work (first image belly). Once I get into my own custom liveries I'll probably put my own dirt and what not and apply to my custom alpha channel (reflective properties) where that stuff belongs. Update (10 min later): So apparently the Green Channel was done right on the engines and tail....idk what got into them on the fuselage....
  19. I finally caved a got it with the PBR. I'm already cutting into their metallic files and altering them as what I'm seeing isn't exactly top notch. The Green channel they used for dirt instead of shadows for one...Will see what I can come up with.
  20. You can adjust the sensitivity curve to each axis. So to sensitive to use really isn't a negative. You just happened to play with a setup that wasn't setup to your liking.
  21. As far as I know it's not possible to revert back. The most I can say is make sure you are running the latest version of P3D and try different AA settings in P3D and see if they resolves the issue. Leonardo got a Antialiasing fix by utilizing Mipmaps if I recall. But has since reverted back as P3D fixed the issue.
  22. Flight Deck PBR is not dependent on the livery. It is provided by PMDG in the common folder. So you are kind of out of luck. Make sure you have updated your sim to the latest version as its supposed to have fixed a lot of Anti-aliasing issues.
  23. It wouldn't be unheard of to have to fly with Ballast. There are quite a few aircraft that can't fly around empty. Think of where the wings are, the CG is already sitting really far aft, especially at a higher duel load I bet this aircraft gets really AFT really quick. The Leonardo Madog is the same way, doesn't like being empty. I had to throw in ballast yesterday to 'ferry' a plane. You can look at the PMDG 74. The BCF specifically, if I remember they don't like being empty either (atleast in real life). In general the 74 doesn't like light weight and aft CG anyways.
  24. Of the Approach is modelled in the navdata the iFly 737 should be able to.
  25. The metal kits are available to download for you painters out there that want to give this a shot. Thanks to @rampantfox for hosting. https://fsai-repaints.com/?p=2065 As of now, two Pan Am 747 aircraft have been uploaded, another American Aircraft this time a -400BCF is up as well. Link to all in my signature. I got Steve back into painting again....I think. So hopefully hes able to finish up his Flying Tigers, Cathay, JAL liveries here soon enough.
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