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About PHXMD-11

  • Birthday 09/13/1991

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  • Location
    A few miles north of KPHX
  • Interests
    Aviation, computers, history

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  1. You need to manually reset the dial-a-flap seletor to 15. Yes. Unless you are returning to the airport after takeoff, those speed bugs are just there to inform you of maximum airspeeds. The trim settings in the FMS (barring incorrect numbers by you) are accurate. If you takeoff at low weights, the MD-11 is a very powerful machine and will require a high nose-up attitude to maintain airspeed.
  2. Don't they charge outrageous interest if you don't pay it off though?
  3. No. There is no APU data on either EICAS display,
  4. You loose an engine on a BA 744 and you'll be swimming in the Atlantic. Refer to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Airways_Flight_268 Four engines does not necessairly mean safer. No it was political. The contest for a replacement of the VC-25 was the Boeing 747-8 and the Airbus A380. Boeing won the order. Why would the President of the United States of America fly on an aircraft manufactured by a French-based company?
  5. You mind posting a link to the thread where Kyle says that so we can read it in context?
  6. Who said they were producing the 787 and 737MAX?
  7. Dang it, now I wanna call Jenny. I don't think Robert is in Nevada any more.
  8. Never a truer word spoken.
  9. The airspeed indicator should read 45 knots while on the ground and below 45 knots. It should increase when above 45 knots.
  10. Well, preflighting an Airbus is pretty much entering FMS data and pressing all the buttons with white lights. It's so simple you can train a monkey to do it,
  11. If you don't sign your posts, the men in white suits with guitar cases will come and take you to their room they use for "behavioral correction".
  12. Not delaying/cancelling/diverting the flight, 3 go-arounds, and getting themselves into a situation where they may have run out of fuel. Hardly deserving of compliments. More deserving of 2 pink slips.
  13. I would've thought that Texas didn't celebrate the 4th of July.
  14. Robert, don't leave us hanging. Give up the goods!
  15. I stand corrected. I didn't know they changed things up.
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