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Everything posted by A32xx

  1. KB3035583 is the second update which replaces KB2952664, for WIN 8 it's KB2976978. But this is only one example of a program which can interrupt FS9.exe when launching, as you say on your system it is SmartClose, for others it is Windows Game Explorer. There will be more as everyone's set up is different in some way or other. The best way to check is to follow the steps in the guide here: http://helpdeskgeek.com/windows-7/ultimate-troubleshooting-guide-for-windows-7-hanging-issues/
  2. Thanks for the update Skywatcher, and great detective work! Can you tell us which windows update you deleted please?
  3. That's true, but if the textures aren't loading it's because FS is looking elsewhere for them, such as an EZ Scenery library folder or the main Texture folder. I put library object textures in both now, just in case!
  4. In the Cuenca 2009/scenery folder, open the AB_Buildings.txt file with Notepad and the first two lines are: Library description file for: AB_Buildings.bgl Automatically created by EZ-Scenery Manager So you'll need to install the EZ-Scenery object libraries compiled by Joe DeGregorio from the Avsim library.
  5. Hi Paul, there's RealEngine 1.4, a freeware FS9 utility by Gunter Teson1: Name: realengine_v14.zipSize: 1,890,441 Date: 09-28-2012 Downloads: 1,007 FS2004/FSX RealEngine v1.4 Aircraft Limitations. RealEngine v1.4 fails systems and engines of piston aircraft if operating limitations are exceeded. Limitations modeled: MP / RPM / power, CHT, oil temp, oil press, lean/rich roughness, spark plug fouling, gear/flaps overspeed. Added vs v1.1/v1.2: easier configuration, realistic CHT model, mini status panel. Can be fully configured for individual aircraft. Reupload with latest version of manual. By Gunter Teson1.
  6. I already had a higher definition detail1.bmp file in FS2004 (sorry I can't remember where from) so this made no difference, my existing one is for all seasons so I've re-installed it from backup. One thing to watch with other HD detail1.bmp files is that although grass textures look better, snow can have lines/stripes or other repeated patterns in it.
  7. I use Photobucket, registration is quick and you can drag and drop your images into your library. Next you just click on the picture you want to upload here, select the html link. Then select the picture link icon here and paste the link into the box.
  8. Hi Richard, could you post a screenshot please? A picture is worth a thousand words, as they say!
  9. Just a heads-up to those who may have tried and failed to log in: I had to sign up to the Aerosoft Forum, my existing username and password were for Sales only, but signing up took less than 2 minutes.
  10. Although there are no defined wind sound speed limits in the SDK definition above, I think your minimum speed could be too high. Compare yours to this payware A319 wind sound: [WIND_SOUND] filename=wind flags=0 viewpoint=1 minimum_speed=40.00 maximum_speed=240.00 minimum_volume=2026 maximum_volume=9500 minimum_rate=1.20 maximum_rate=1.20
  11. Hi Joe, KTAS means Knots True Air Speed, which at altitude will be higher than the KIAS (Knots Indicated Air Speed) as shown on your instruments. You can check if your speeds are correct by using the online True Airspeed Calculator here: http://www.csgnetwork.com/tasinfocalc.html?cx=partner-pub-8018289210612122%3Ali00ja-20in&cof=FORID%3A10&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=&sa=Search&ias=300&msla=30000&oate=.02&tas=400.000
  12. Hi Joe, here's the relevant example (for the Schweizer sailplane) from the Wind Sounds section of the FS2004 Aircraft Container SDK: minimum_speed=0.1 The minimum speed (in KTAS) used by the _volume and _rate parameters. maximum_speed=160.0 The speed (in KTAS) above which the sound has constant volume and pitch. Specified in KTAS units. minimum_volume=7000 The lowest possible volume--if the sound drops below the minimum volume specified, it will not be heard. If the aircraft's speed is between minimum_speed and maximum_speed, playback volume is applied. (Volume is specified in 1/100dB units, with a value of 10,000 being the maximum possible volume.) maximum_volume=10000 Specifies the highest possible volume--the sound never exceeds the volume specified. If the aircraft's speed is between minimum_speed and maximum_speed, playback volume is applied. (Volume is specified in 1/100dB units, with a value of 10,000 being the maximum possible volume.) minimum_rate=0.50 Specifies the minimum rate at which the sound is played. If the aircraft’s speed is between minimum_speed and maximum_speed, the playback rate is applied between the minimum_rate and maximum_rate values. maximum_rate=1.25 Specifies the maximum rate at which the sound is played. If the aircraft’s speed is between minimum_speed and maximum_speed, the playback rate is applied between the minimum_rate and maximum_rate values.
  13. Hi Richard, if the iFly 737NG has a brightness setting for the MFD, PFD and any other screens or gauges, reset them all to default or recommended. iFly do issue service packs and updates quite often, it may be worth checking that you have the latest version installed. Just for peace of mind you could also reset your monitor and display brightness settings to default or recommended, and if you use NVidia Inspector or RadeonPro, reset all the FS2004 Gamma correction settings to default or recommended there.
  14. Skywatcher, I agree. I gave the Game Explorer as an example of a known program which can commonly cause this issue, but there are many others. Please read the thread below which explains the issue and shows you how to troubleshoot your system and find the program which is causing your issue: http://helpdeskgeek.com/windows-7/ultimate-troubleshooting-guide-for-windows-7-hanging-issues/
  15. It may be Microsoft Game Explorer, details in this thread: http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/foru...t-please-help/
  16. I think this is a known issue, but I don't use Win 10 myself so please try the Win 10 forum here at: http://www.avsim.com/forum/731-win10-os-forum/
  17. Have you checked that your joystick throttle or throttle controller is actually going down to 0%? It may need re-calibrating.
  18. Houndog, you don't say which A319 package you have, but I just tried the EasyJet A319-111 package and it sits still at idle with parking brake off and only 50% fuel in all tanks.
  19. I've only used Active Camera, briefly before losing all interest in such things, but Walk & Follow has it's devotees too. I'd say there's so little between them, it comes down to who is paying: if you are, get the most expensive - if your company/organisation is, get the cheapest!
  20. These are the terrain detail settings I meant, in your FS9.cfg settings: (TERRAIN) TERRAIN_ERROR_FACTOR=95.000000 TERRAIN_MIN_DEM_AREA=10.000000 TERRAIN_MAX_DEM_AREA=100.000000 TERRAIN_MAX_VERTEX_LEVEL=21 TERRAIN_TEXTURE_SIZE_EXP=8 TERRAIN_AUTOGEN_DENSITY=5 TERRAIN_USE_GRADIENT_MAP=1 TERRAIN_EXTENDED_TEXTURES=1 TERRAIN_DEFAULT_RADIUS=9.500000 //40.00000 //0.000000 TERRAIN_EXTENDED_RADIUS=4.50000 //60.000000 //0.000000 TERRAIN_EXTENDED_LEVELS=4 //1307992 //0 If changing these has no effect or improvement you might try adjusting your nvidia Inspector (or equivalent) settings.
  21. I didn't say they were, I said you'd find the answer by searching for FS2004 Blurries. Which is to adjust your Terrain Detail/LOD radius settings in your FS9.cfg and your Graphics Card settings. Everyone's optimum settings are different so that's all the help anyone can give you, there are no magic numbers which work for everyone.
  22. Au contraire, it's been done to death many times before. If you google FS2004 Blurries you'll find a solution that works for you.
  23. If you mean Windows 8.1, one workaround is to roll back to Windows 8.0 then install FS2004 and update it to 9.1, read the thread in post #12 above, then update Windows 8.0 to 8.1 again.
  24. Better still, read this thread: http://calclassic.proboards.com/thread/7470/fs2004-start-read
  25. There must be a scenery conflict in that case - I have no other scenery for this area except FS Global 2010 mesh and as you see, no problem. Do you have any South Africa or South America scenery which may be conflicting with this scenery?
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