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Everything posted by A32xx

  1. Hi Dave, I think we've eliminated afd file names and scenery.cfg entries (mine are the same layout as yours) and apchart installs it's own runtime libraries, so I suspect Internet Security/Antivirus is blocking certain calls from the DB Builder. I use Comodo Internet Security because it's free and pretty keen - even when you switch it off it's still on in the background. I added the apchart.exe and DB Builder.exe to Comodo's 'Allowed' program list just in case it started popping up 'allow or deny' requests while DB Builder was running, can you do the same with your IS/AV or shut it down while running DB Builder?
  2. Hi Richard, there should have been an install disk that came with your graphics card, the drivers will be on that.
  3. I'll check my Scenery.cfg lines layout for you this evening, (I'm at w*rk too) but I wouldn't want to start re-ordering them manually either - I wonder if the DB Builder searches .bgl files for certain file names? Most of my AFCAD's begin with AF2, but I also have a few AFX and ADE afd's which I'll also check this evening. Come to think of it I'm sure the radio frequencies and taxi numbers it displays can only come from the actual afd files rather than scenery.cfg. Another thought: why would the compiler work in Win7 x64 but not in XP SP3? Most apps like this require a particular version of .Net Framework and Visual C++ runtimes installed. I don't know which versions apchart requires, but I have them all installed up to the current versions.
  4. Hi Dave, thanks for the XP information, that's good to know. Regarding your own issue with apchart only showing stock afd's, this may depend on where your add-on afd's are located. Mine are all within my FS9 directory in Addon Scenery and in their own developer's folders such as Aerosoft, UK2000 etc. I don't have any scenery on other internal, external or networked drives. One other thing which may help, I also use Scenery Config Editor which highlights scenery errors with a red triangle next to the faulty scenery. When I first ran it, it found a fault with one of my Canary Islands airports which I couldn't understand - there were no duplicate sceneries or AFCAD's, and the airport worked perfectly in sim. I eventually discovered a duplicate entry in the Scenery.cfg file! It may be worth running something like Scenery Config Editor as a check before running apchart DB Builder, one error like that may stop the whole build process at that point.
  5. Sorry interpreter, I don't use Windows 10 and wouldn't recommend it for FS use. You might have more luck posting this in the Windows 10 forum here I hope.
  6. In the scenery readme are these important notes: 2. move the folders "Colombia airports", "SKBO Bogota", "SKAM Amalfi", and "SKSP San Andres" to your Addon Scenery Folder (or where you keep your sceneries) IMPORTANT: LEAVE THE "SKBO BOGOTA", "SKAM AMALFI", AND "SKSP SAN ANDRES" SCENERIES SEPARATE FROM THE "COLOMBIA AIRPORTS" SCENERY, BECAUSE SOME OF THE TEXTURES HAVE IDENTICAL NAMES ALTHOUGHT THEY ARE DIFFERENT!!
  7. There is an update for this scenery, colapts3.zip, but there's no mention of this airport in the description.
  8. Hi Ian, in the aircraft.cfg file, you can increase the torque_on_roll factor: If it is currently 1.0, change it to 1.1 which is an increase of 10% and do a test take-off. Keep increasing if required by 10% increments until it feels right.
  9. I got it to work by setting the DB Builder compatibility mode to XP SP2 and run as adminstrator, then launching FS9 and starting a flight before launching the DB Builder. Try clicking on Update first, then clr when no updates are found, and then click on Build. Mine took about an hour to build so if your PC goes onto standby after 10 minutes like mine, reset the power saving to Never until Build is complete.
  10. Working in Windows 7 x64: Download Airport Chart Gauge V2 from the library here. It's for FSX and FS2004 but doesn't say so. Right-click on the installer and set the compatibility mode to XP SP2 and Run As Administrator. Install as per the on-screen instructions, you MUST install the gauge into at least one aircraft on the installer's list. When installed, right-click on the Airport Chart DB Builder and set the compatibility mode to XP SP2 and Run As Administrator. Launch FS2004 and click Fly Now. Minimize FS2004 and launch Airport Chart DB Builder. Select FS2k4 and click Build. Wait forever. When complete, click Off. Quit FS2004 and re-launch it. Select your APG equipped plane, choose an airport, click Fly Now. Open the ACG gauge pop-up window - if your plane has 4 pop-ups, ACG will be no. 5.
  11. Reported on the BBC News website today, form an orderly queue all you Windows 10 sufferers: Payout of $10,000 for Windows 10 updateMicrosoft has agreed to pay a Californian woman $10,000 (£7,500) after an automatic Windows 10 update left her computer unusable. Teri Goldstein said her Windows 7 computer had automatically tried to update itself to Windows 10 without her permission. She said the update had made her machine unstable, leaving her unable to use it to run her business. Microsoft said it had dropped its appeal to save on legal costs. Microsoft has been aggressively pushing the latest version of its widely used operating system, which is currently available as a free download for computers running Windows 7 and 8. However, many people have chosen not to upgrade, because they are running old hardware, have software that does not run on Windows 10, are concerned over the software's tracking features, or simply do not want it. In February, the company bundled Windows 10 in with its security updates and made it a "recommended update", which meant it was automatically downloaded and installed unless blocked by the user. Some people accused the company of trying to "trick" customers into installing the update. The Seattle Times reported that Ms Goldstein's computer had "slowed to a crawl" after the update, and Microsoft customer support had not fixed the problem. "I had never heard of Windows 10. Nobody ever asked me if I wanted to update," she told the newspaper.
  12. Hi Imhotep, your settings are almost identical to mine, in fact mine are slightly higher (I have my hardware lights and a couple of other settings at 100%). I have a 6-core CPU and I still get stutters too. I'm doing a lot of GA flying at less than 5000ft, and the stutters happen while my AI aircraft (also at 100%) are spawning at nearby airfields, and then the stutters go away again. Knowing what causes it, I can put with it.
  13. There can be issues like this with Windows 7/Windows 10 dual boot systems, please see this website and its links: http://www.pcworld.com/article/3050502/windows/you-can-dual-boot-windows-7-with-windows-10-but-theres-a-catch.html
  14. Hi Tony, when you re-install FS9 do you run it once, close it and then update it to FS9.1? Other than that, I can only of an Antivirus/Internet Security update which now sees FS9.exe as a virus, or the Microsoft KB update which requires the :Shame On You: patch.
  15. Hi Tony, sorry to ask silly questions but have you set Windows 7 to Show Hidden Files and are you right-clicking and selecting Run As Administrator when running your installers and registry fixer? Do you have only one instance of FS2004 installed with no other back-up copies?
  16. Hi navtech, my photoground/texture folder is empty too but the airport buildings etc. all show perfectly. Maybe you have an existing Belgrade AFCAD or other Belgrade airport scenery conflict?
  17. Hi Joseph29, thanks for the heads-up on these superb sceneries - and a huge thanks to SkyHighSim for their generosity!
  18. Hi Tony, have you tried the Flight1 Registry Repair tool: http://www.flight1software.com/files/FS_Registry_Repair.exe
  19. Hi Hernan, yes it is different - you must install everything using Administrator privileges: right-click on the install icon and select Install as Administrator. When the program is installed, right-click on the shortcut (if there is one) and select Options, Compatibility, then Run As Administrator and save. Then click on the icon as normal to run the program.
  20. If you read post #2 in this thread, you'll see that you can't find it. And even if you could, it would only work in Windows XP and Vista.
  21. Comair have apparently got cold feet about landing their 737-700's and -800's there now. The PPRUNE forum thread on St. Helena now has quite a few comments along the lines of "real pilots can hand-fly 737's into Leeds/Bradford, Madeira, Funchal, Gibraltar and Wellington (NZ), so why not St. Helena?" All the above airports are subject to adverse winds and turbulence similar those at St. Helena, though none have relatively short runways with no thresholds and 1000ft drops into deep water at both ends!
  22. Hi Hernan1, one of the 270 Windows Updates will stop Windows 7 from reading the FS2004 Disk 4, the 'Run' disk. Please read this thread which explains the issue and tells you how to fix it: http://calclassic.proboards.com/thread/7470/fs2004-start-read
  23. I find them worth having for the turboprop and jet reverse thrust sounds.
  24. Hi sarp_79, install these two sound sets: http://ftp.dk.debian.org/mirror/archive/ftp.sunet.se/pub/games/PC/flight-sim/uploads05/aug/aisnd101.zip AI SOUND ENVIRONMENT Version 1.01for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 © 2005 by Airport Chat Developer Team http://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/fslib.php?do=copyright&fid=67329 Aaron R. Swindle Skysong Soundworks Set the environment sound slider to above 60% to hear them.
  25. Hi Dave, have you updated your magdec.bgl file? If not, it'll be in Scenery/Base/Scenery, dated 2003. This file contains the world magnetic variations which do change over time. The current (2016) update can be download here: http://www.aero.sors.fr/hfiles/MagDec_Update.zip
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