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Everything posted by hoser70

  1. They don't? I'm currently enroute to EDDK in the 738 on P3D Don't work, look out the window... Work fine for me... On a side note... why does it always have to be one or the other? Why not fly both?
  2. Charts and flying VOR radials/distances. You would have to file/request a non-RNAV SID/STAR. I love this type of flying. Makes me work and not just watch the plane do it for me.
  3. Working great here as well! If a building in some road or a building over a river once in a while causes you so much consternation, I'm afraid you are in the wrong hobby. I uninstalled UTX and went for ORBX Vector because it's world-wide and I'm currently enjoying accurate cost lines, roads and rivers in Malaysia! Love it!
  4. Thanks guys. To answer the question about the Legacy... the biggest issue so far is the Alt. Heat doesn't seem to have any affect so I'm sometimes having to drop altitude to get out of freezing conditions. Other than that it's good. ;-)
  5. Just a couple shots, using P3Dv2 and Opus in the Lancair Legacy while on my around the world trip. Clouds approaching Under the Broken Layer:
  6. Am I missing something here? Because unless your having OOM errors, I see no difference or need to change anything in the CFG file because every single one of these pictures looks identical to me.
  7. Looks the same to me between the two weather engines. Not seeing the hype. Without pictures this post is all but useless. You say it "looked better" but was it more realistic? What was the METAR? If it is, as you say, "what you always wanted to see" then I guess it's working. What I always want to see isn't necessarily what Mother Nature is showing for real though.
  8. I wonder if we could replace the files with dummy BGL files?
  9. Edit: Nevermind, should read the entire thread before replying. Glad you saw the difference eventually.
  10. I've done overnight flights across the pond (Level D) and across america in the PMDG 737 without a single crash. Using FTX Global as well and several addon airports.
  11. Sounds to me like they are just "grooming" us so that when they re-charge full price for the scenery, they'll have an excuse.
  12. Me... and I'll fly it to all corners of the globe.
  13. Yep. At least that worked for me...
  14. I'm not sure they are aware of their own existence...
  15. Plenty of screenshots of it in the thread linked to just a few posts above yours. Anyway, I have the problem and enabling volumetric fog has cured it. I just saw a post that FTX Global 1.2 has been released but unfortunately it only corrects one small problem and not the white boxes. Apparently Orbx and LM are having a little back and forth asking the other to fix the problem.
  16. P3D mostly at the moment. There may be a few times that I have to go back to FSX though.
  17. I'll use the tools I have while flying on any ATC network being I'm the only pilot in the plane. So no, I will not hand fly it from TOD ever on VATSIM. I do hand fly the approach and normally up to about 10,000 feet on departure.
  18. Humm... thanks for the link. I don't really understand what they are saying really as I haven't seen any of these settings "in-app." If they are there, I missed them.
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