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Everything posted by Budbud

  1. Hello all, I'm kind of "grounded" in my hotel room being away from home for the work in a country where going out is not particularly advised at night and working tomorrow early morning. I have nothing else to do than chill out with some music and wander on the forums. But hey, it is not the end of the world. To all, PMDG team and forum users, I wish you a happy New Year 2018 wherever you are and whatever you do! A special thanks for PMDG for that year 2017 with the release of the QOTS II and the conversion to P3Dv4! Let's see what 2018 will bring to us!
  2. Hi, I would personally advise to first start without fs2crew. Learning a new aircraft, especially with the realism and system depth of the PMDG's, is quite demanding. Learning fs2crew with its flows, checklists and commands on top of learning the aircraft may be a bit overwhelming. Furthermore, fs2crew simulates a FO who is really helpful but you are still the PF and it assumes you know how to pilot the aircraft. It won't teach you how to handle the FMC and the normal and abnormal procedures. You can though use the documentation of fs2crew as a help to understand the flows and checklists in addition to the FCOM and tutorials provided by PMDG.
  3. Just a thought out of the blue, do you use fs2crew? If yes, have you updated to the latest version? There was an issue with a previous version causing the textures not loading correctly only on the 744.
  4. Let me know how it goes. Try to note as much info as you can during your test flight so that if the issue occurs again it will easier to troubleshoot. Amongst other infos: _ FMA annunciations: modes armed and active and any changes in the modes annunciated _ MCP configuration (altitude and speed preselected and modes armed) and actions before takeoff and during the initial climb _ Aircraft configuration and steps during the initial climb (confirmed everything retracted after acceleration altitude) _ TOW _ Info regarding the CDU preflight: > init ref page (ZFW, CI, initial cruise altitude) > runway and departure selected and executed > leg page checked (any discontinuity?, speed and altitude constraints) > TO and climb thrusts selected > Takeoff ref page: reduction and acceleration altitudes _ If the aircraft levels off again > matching altitude set on the MCP? > speed matching with either the selected speed on the MCP or with the target speed commanded by the FMC? > Attitude of the aircraft: nose up/down? > Everything retracted (confirmed on both cockpit commands and displays and exterior model) ...
  5. You can try to delete first only the NGX relevant lines in the fsuipc.ini if you are confident with the way the file is structured but it may be risky and may lead to further issues if anything else is deleted or if you forget to remove some lines. Also, I'm still not sure that your issue is related to fsuipc. There is another potential cause for weird behaviour of the NGX is the panel state used to launch the flight being corrupted. I didn't think of it with the initial symptoms described but the issue with the FMC modes disengaging, unless coming from a mistake in the FMC preflight or a failure triggered raises that possibility.
  6. If you don't a profile saved on separate file, the recommended is to delete the fsuipc.ini. It will rebuild when you launch a flight. Then do again your profile for the NGX. I would however advise you to save the profiles of your different aircrafts in separate files, it saves the hassle of deleting the fsuipc.ini and doing all the other profiles again if you have several aircrafts. In this case you can delete only the incriminated profile and leave the other untouched. You can check in the fsuipc documentation how to do that. It is quite simple since it is a simple 0 to change to 1 (or the other way round) in one of the line of the fsuipc.ini but I don't remember which one and I'm away from my sim computer. It is worth investigating further on this one because it should not happen. If you arm LNAV and VNAV on the ground before the takeoff, they should appear as armed in white below the TOGA|TOGA on the FMA. The modes should activate automatically passing 400ft AAL (turning green and replacing the toga annunciation).
  7. I have always used fsuipc in both FSX and P3Dv4.1 with the NGX without any issue but some users have issues with the profile where for some reasons the flaps are retracted but fsuipc interferes and the aircraft flies like if the flaps were extended, hence a nose down attitude and unability to climb properly. Otherwise, I don't see anything wrong on your OFP but still cannot really figure out what happens when you say that the aircraft refuses to climb or accelerate. Do you mean that the aircraft attempts to reach the speed and alitude targets but cannot, or that it doesn't event trigger/start the acceleration/climb? There is only two reasons I can see for the aircraft levelling off specifically at 5000ft: _ Either you have 5000 entered in altitude window of the MCP _ or there is a "at or below 5000ft" or "at 5000ft" altitude restriction further on the leg page. Or it could be that the aircraft is in VNAV SPD mode and the FMC commands a level off because the aircraft cannot gain speed and reach the target speed (in this case, it can be any altitude, not specifically 5000ft). In this case, it means that the ratio thrust/drag is not sufficient. Since the weights indicated in the OFP are not excessive and verified in the aircraft, it remains: _ Thrust possibly too low (thrust is calculated mainly based on OAT) > check the weather injected in the sim for excessive OAT _ and/or flaps/gear/speedbrakes extended > if the external model shows they are retracted, delete your fsuipc profile and rebuild a new one from scratch.
  8. Hi, Difficult to answer since there is a lack of useful info. _ How does the MCP look like (speed shown/hidden, altitude set, modes selected...)? _ What annunciations are displayed on the FMA (thrust, pitch and roll modes active/armed)? _ What thrust is selected (derates, %N1...)? _ What is your TOW, and OAT? _ What is the aircraft attitude when levelled off (nose up/down)? _ Do you use fsuipc? They are several reasons for the aircraft not accelerating/climbing, some normal (speed/altitude constraints on the SID), some others symptomatic of an issue with the sim or with a third-party addon. > If the aircraft levels off with a nose down attitude and you have fsuipc, it is usually an issue with the profile in fsuipc and in this case the fix is to delete the profile and build a new one from scratch. > If the aircraft cannot climb with VNAV SPD active and a low %N1, can be a wrong OAT. > If the aircraft cannot climb with VNAV SPD active and normal climb thrust, it can be an excessive TOW. > If the aircraft levels off with SPD | LNAV | VNAV PTH/VNAV ALT (don't remember exactly), then it is a constraint on the SID > ... Many different possible scenarii here. If you provide more info, we will be able to rule out the irrelevant ones.
  9. Hi, do you have also the EICAS caution message AUTOPILOT displayed? Because if a failure affects the active mode (HDG), an amber line will be drawn through the annunciation. However, I'm not sure of what could case the failure of the heading mode. I cannot find anything specific related to it in the FCOM. I experienced several times failures with the LNAV mode in some departures but never with the heading mode. Or maybe is it related to the update of ezdok as pointed out by Kyle.
  10. Hi, If you fly offline, just change the frequency of the left VHF. If you fly online, then set the voice cursor to zero in the sound setting of the sim.
  11. That's weird because to my knowledge, the only NGX sold by Aerosoft is the one from PMDG. CRJ700/900 you mean? There is no such thing as CRJ 600. Which developer?
  12. Hi, _ What is the N1 setting you have during the climb (any derate selected, CLB, CLB1, CLB2)? _ What is the thrust mode displayed on the FMA? _ And what is the position of your thrust levers (both in the plane and on your hardware)? A reason for not having the correct thrust setting if the THR REF is displayed is that your hardware is interfering with the sim. If you advance manually your throttle quadrant to 70% (or another setting), hit TOGA and leave your hardware there, chances are that depending on the option selected in the PMDG setting>simulation (via the CDU, on hold only, always...) for your hardware, then any signal sent by your hardware will bring the thrust back to the one corresponding to the position of your hardware. You may either advance manually your throttle quadrant to match the TO thrust setting after hitting TOGA, or set the option to on hold mode only for your hardware in the PMDG settings to prevent any signal from your hardware from being picked up by the sim during the climb.
  13. Hi also check that the pitch and roll mode are valid. If either one is not (mode struck through in yellow on the FMA) the autopilot may disengage.
  14. Hi, Just for info, the post you are answering to is quite old, almost 8 months ago! The audio cue you are referring to must be one of the approach markers because there is no audio sound when you catch the glide. And just for further reference, it takes a bit more to be set for an autoland than just being established on the glide.
  15. If your joystick has a config manager, then you will find the settings there. Otherwise in the control panel of windows, printers and devices, right click on your joystick and check the options of your joystick. Also as said previously, there are some settings in the PMDG setup via the CDU. To find out which ones, check on the introduction manual.
  16. If you have issues with the autopilot engaging because your joystick is not perfectly centered, you can either increase the null zone or check the options in the PMDG setup via the CDU. There are some interesting settings there about the nullzones also for the autopilot engagement/disengagement. Also there is an option here called (from memory) realistic autopilot engagement. Setting that option to no will allow you to engage the AP no matter what is the position of your joystick or whether the aircraft is trimmed.
  17. He means the G forces are the accelerations that you can feeling in a moving vehicule (cars, airplanes...). Deceleration that you would feel on a real aircraft is a G force but obviously not of them exist on a desktop simulator since you cannot feel the motions of the aircraft on your office chair. And thanks for the feedback, always glad to help!
  18. Ok, everything normal here, shouldn't cause an overheating of the brake here but... ... this can. It's difficult to measure out the manual braking on a desktop simulator when not feeling the deceleration especially when the plane is rushing to the runway end with the fear or overrun it. Are you using fsuipc with a script for the friction or anything else altering the friction in FSX? Unless the runway is very short (less than 2200m I would say), the aircraft should reach a taxi speed well before the end of the runway using autobrake two combined with automatic speedbrakes and reversers.
  19. Hi, One thing you can try and that cannot do any harm is to delete the shaders folder. It will be rebuilt at the next sim start. Also check your graphic board driver, and try to re-update it.
  20. What are your autobrake setting, flaps, weight and outside air temperature at landing? And do you use speedbrakes and reversers? Also what is the thrust required during taxi out before takeoff? Pressure and brake temperature messages come from the fuse plugs melting on the wheels resulting from an excessive braking action. A reason for that could be that the hardware you use for the brakes is not properly calibrated.
  21. Hi, No, not all of them, the first press on the knob deletes only the next one.
  22. Hi, Pressing the altitude switch just delete the next altitude constraint on your climb or descent. Just manually re-enter that constraint in the leg page.
  23. Hi, You might want to read the introduction manual provided with the addon since it explains how to deal with the panel states. But to make it short, go to the PMDG setup menu of the CDU and load panel state. Not sure how you proceed to shut down the engines but it is fairly simple since you just have to move the fuel control lever to cutoff. If this doesn't work then you have a technical issue with the product. Be please informed that the forum rules require to sign all the posts with full names.
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