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Everything posted by trucker17

  1. Double check this portion of the AIRCRAFT CFG..... IE..... [fltsim.0] title=P-51D civ 'N5412V'............................... ( N5412V ) Your aircraft............................. sim=p51d model=civ panel= sound= texture=N5412V......(N5412V ) your aircraft( Make sure spelling is exact to folder)............................ kb_checklists=P-51D_check kb_reference=P-51D_ref atc_id=N5412V.................................. (N5412V ) your aircraft.................................. atc_airline= atc_type=North American atc_model=P51 atc_flight_number= atc_heavy=0 ui_manufacturer=A2A North American ui_type=P-51D Mustang Civilian ui_variation='N5412V'........................................ (N5412V)............................. ui_typerole="Single Engine Prop" ui_createdby="A2A Simulations Inc." description= atc_id_color=0x00000000 atc_id_font=Verdana,-11,1,600,0 prop_anim_ratio=1.02 visual_damage=0 And make sure everything matches the others, except for what identifies that paint.... If your folder reads texture.N5412V make sure everything that identifies your paint reads N5412V and not n5412v.......
  2. Yeah....But their are still some who can use the information...... THE NEWBIES...... :rolleyes:
  3. I have the Cerasim 212......It works very nicely and has some really great repaints....
  4. Check to see if the Helicopters settings are set to cold and dark.... I find it more difficult to start them when in this setting.....
  5. That is easy..... Go to "My Computer" then double click on Program files (x86), then go to Microsoft games and double click on it, then double click on MICROSOFT FLIGHT SIMULATOR X, scroll down to simobjects and double click on it, then double click airplanes, then scroll down to Grumman Goose G21, add your texture file, then scroll down to the aircraft CFG and double click to open, scroll down to the last entry that reads [ftsim. ] and copy and paste the cfg to it making the XX the next available number in your list.... Example. [fltsim.1] title=Grumman_Goose_G21A 56621 [fltsim.xx] change to [fltsim.2] title=Grumman_Goose_G21A Sweden
  6. Here are some screens of Berlin Express i created as a 3 pack download.... Old run down rust bucket. Restoration started. Airshow version.
  7. Hey Jeremy.... I'm just starting to do some repaint.... I'm still new to doing the paints, but once i feel comfortable enough doing them i will give it a try....That is if no one else does....
  8. Spook. You might also try requesting a paint like this on the A2A Forum page at A2A.....Thats where you will find most of the A2A painters... From what i read of your request....Its going to take some time to produce a paint like that..... Good luck.....
  9. I thought it would be nice to have a place here where we could show off our favorite M.A.A.M aircraft.... Here are my screens......
  10. Rambow..... Screens are looking great.... Me and Amanda have been having a great time with the B-25..... Looking forward to this new bipe.....Hope to see more bipes from M.A.A.M One sugestion for one..... How about the Curtis P-6 Its long been one of my favorite Bipes....
  11. Like you said Jan.....All good things must end....It is really sad to see you leave....But when your heart is no longer in it, it must be done. We all will miss your designs, as even though they were of aircraft built in the real world, these planes and features were unique to you...You not only recreated these planes, you created new aircraft, for all of us to enjoy, and in doing so lost your enjoyment for creating...All of us who have purchased these birds owe you a great deal..... Please dont stop visiting us here, as you and everyone at MAAM-SIM are not just model makers, but family to many of us here..... Hope to see you in the skies sometime flying with us.... One day the love and desire to create will return, even for just a little while....Till then dont be sad about leaving, because you wont be gone, just moving on to bigger and better things.... Now go climb into one of your prized planes and take a flight, and watch for us out here... We all will be happy to join up on your wing, for a spin over the country side..... trucker17.
  12. hey keep the picts comming...they look great Jankees..... By the way.....The Hamster died.....Were running gerbil powered now :Just Kidding:
  13. Send a reply to Bill.....He will get it taken care of.....
  14. I had a friend create this paint for my Daughter, who is also into flight simming, espically in the P-40....We have made flights together to just about every corner of the world....She has logged more then 300 hrs in the A-2-A P-40 #155. and now spends all of her time flying this one.....185 hrs and counting..... So i thought i would post the download location here for everyone who has a wife, a girlfriend or daughter. Who is also into flying... Or maybe you dont mind tooling around the skies in a pink plane.... The download can be found here..... All the credit for this paint goes to graddyhappyd. http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?catid=3&linkid=5916
  15. I had a friend create this paint for my Daughter, who is also into flight simming, espically in the P-40....We have made flights together to just about every corner of the world....She has logged more then 300 hrs in the A-2-A P-40 #155. and now spends all of her time flying this one.....185 hrs and counting..... So i thought i would post the download location here for everyone who has a wife, a girlfriend or daughter. Who is also into flying... Or maybe you dont mind tooling around the skies in a pink plane.... The download can be found here..... All the credit for this paint goes to graddyhappyd. http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?catid=3&linkid=5916
  16. Luis. i wasnt going away mad.... I had stated i was using ADX to build the airport. This is the first airport i have tried to build, and not all that sure of what i am doing or if i am doing it right... The Maintance hanger is just something i would like to have added to the scenery. I would have liked one large enough to place a twin engine aircaft into.Like a DC3, or B-25. I have since given up on trying to add this to the scenery. I have had the same request on other sites as well and was met with the same response...Nothing.... this was just an idea i had to make the scenery look more natural for where i was placing it. I am sorry if it sounded like i was mad....I was saying no one needs to try and create it for me, since i had scraped the idea... As for the airport....Well i am about to do the same thing with it. I dont know enough about design and creating useing the tools, ADX has to create the airport. And the offer to pay someone for the work they put into doing the hanger, was in good faith...I know how much time it takes to create something from nothing more then whats in your mind as to what you want... creating and building these are time consuming. Time taken away from enjoying the other aspects of FSX... It seams like i always get the cold shoulder when i try asking for some help with something from these sites, but when i give up and say i will try elsewhere for the help, then people have something to say about it....I had this same thing happen about an aicraft repaint....I had to go to another site for it before i found someone who was willing to try it.... All i needed was someone to help with advice on creating what i wanted and was asking for.... I realize that no one here on this site knows who i am, and reading some other post here and on other sites everyone seams to know eachother...Who knows maybe thats where the problem is, being unknown by everyone results in little to no help... Anyways i wasnt going away mad....I still check the site for problems others have had that i am having in hopes i can find a solution, but posting for help i wont be doing... You learn from your mistakes, and designing an airport with more then the tools give was a mistake...So if i should get this airport finished, i will incorperate only what the design tool offers. So like i said Luis, i wasnt going away mad, just giving up on the hanger since i could not even get advice on designing it.... Thanks for the reply though.... Craig.
  17. I guess no one here has this kind of knowlege....Forget i asked for the assistance...I will look else where.
  18. Hey everyone. Question? Is it possible to create a new ground view from an airport, maybe tieing it into the tower view? Was wondering about this as a possible differant view during flyby's, aproaches and landings.
  19. Thx Dietmar for the info. I have had the same prob with the SDK since installing it. And just gave up not knowing what else to try.... I am going to give it another try tonight when i have time.
  20. I could use some help from someone. I have been building my own airport useing ADX. It has some good hangers in the program, but i would like to have a Maintance Hanger as part of the airport. Could someone please help me figure out how to design it, or create one for me ( i would gladly pay them for the time they spend on it.) What i have been trying to do is build a hanger with both ends open, a few Hobart APUs inside, with parts around, and a couple of planes inside being repaired( something like a P-40, or Mustang or a stearman, and a larger twin engine like a B-25 or DC-3.). Just something that looks like a working maintance hanger. Thx for the assistance. Craig.
  21. Hey whats wrong with Boasting about a job well done....At work they will never tell you when you do something good...,But always remind you when you screw up..... So yes Boast away.....And dont forget to pat your self on the back.... Show the pride in the paint work...Post some screens of it.... Happy flights.
  22. Looks good from what i can see....Keep up the good work....
  23. Yeah....Usually an email to him will get results. He may have thought we were geting it taken care of..... Hope all turns out well for you with this, and again sorry i was unable to help.
  24. Yeah....We are...Even if its just me and my daughter..... We are hoping to get a few pilots interested in doing this....
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