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Everything posted by Aamir

  1. H110 or H100i for me. I've had my old H100 for quite a while. She's a beaut. 4.6GHz @ 85C isn't bad at all for a 3770K.
  2. Try with a different GPU. If that works then his GPU is wonky, time for a new one!
  3. On a real T7, it looks like this.
  4. Your viewpoint has moved into your VC seat's headrest, and renders your mouse pointer unusable. Move your viewpoint forward a bit, your mouse should work just fine.
  6. I had that problem for a day. It went away without any further explanation the day after. No idea what it was I did or didn't do. Weird.
  7. I think classifying something as a hold out implies that they had the option to develop for the platform, yet chose not to. This is not the case for a few developers. I don't think a legal barrier to entry classifies them as holding-out.
  8. I'd get England. Good stuff for a T7 and an NGX.
  9. I will check and make notes during my next start, expect an update later today.
  10. Give us a little more information. Are you using a Joystick/Yoke? If so, I highly recommend you bind the A/P Disconnect to a button on the joystick/yoke. Works like a charm for me.
  11. A few things: 1) Try giving TrackIR a high priority for smooth, stutter-free looking around. See here. 2) Is REX4 running with a resolution of 4096? Your computer may not be able to handle a high resolution, try lowering it to 2048 or even 1024. 3) I see you are running a laptop. Ensure your laptop isn't overheating and throttling the CPU. 4) Ensure the FSX folder is excluded from your Anti-virus. 5) Defragment your hard drive. These are a few things that I thought would be chief reason for your issues. The heat issue is of particular importance. I've read multiple threads like this only to have heat and hardware throttling be the cause for this. Good luck!
  12. Whoaaaa Nelly, slow down there, no one is accusing you of piracy. It is simply a rule here in the PMDG forums that all posts must be signed with you real name. See here.
  13. Onduty, do you have a hardware throttle? Maybe we can narrow this down to users who don't have hardware throttles, because I haven't seen this reported elsewhere yet. Sidenote: Onduty, you gotta sign your names on the forums buddy, the mods will delete your post otherwise.
  14. This is very interesting.. I would like to hear more about this EFB.. Can we make our own city-pairs, or do we fly predefined city-pairs?
  15. More buttons to pushy-push after start up. Gets a bit too boring otherwise
  16. Do you have PACKs on? I normally leave PACKs off for startup, try doing that and see if it helps.
  17. Honestly, I tried VATSIM for the first time yesterday. Nervous as all hell, but I'll be damned if it wasn't the most fantastic, immersive flight I've ever had in the 7 years I've simmed. I'm now completely hooked!
  18. This is a weird quirk with the FBW that PMDG appear to be fixing for SP1, the trim is not working as it should. I've noticed upward floatiness too, until I maintain down pressure on the yoke for a while.
  19. My addon assembly: FTX Global, Active Sky Next, SweetFX. -- FTX Global is a ground texture replacement and night time lighting software. By ground texture replacement, I mean the terrain's textures. REX goes to the extent of changing the airport's textures, water textures and cloud textures. The two do not clash. AS2012 is a weather engine. It generates and injects weather into the simulator which is far more accurate and realistic as compared to the default FSX weather generator. A new iteration is out called Active Sky Next. It's definitely a revolution in terms of weather effects, and I for one love it. Fantastic piece of software.
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