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Everything posted by jasonboche

  1. It sounds like to me your aircraft senses that you've backed off the throttle for RTO brakes to engage. As a workaround you can either avoid using TOGO or avoid setting RTO on departure (that kind of sucks & I wouldn't want to be your pax )
  2. I was just going to report that it's now happening with the main NAV display when I changed range - stuck on 40nm range even though I'm turning the knob. Thank you for the quick replies, I have read both of the intro manuals for the 777 but didn't recall that part. Good to know going forward. Happy flying. 1729z on the clock, not elapsed time chrono but I am flying the KMEM-OMDB 777 celebration event which will end up being about 14-15 hours if my FMC PROG button isn't on crack.
  3. I'm not sure if this is a PMDG 777 bug or if it's FSX in general, I've just never seen it before. Happened today on a long haul event flight. The clock stopped updating at 17:29. Furthermore the buttons on the clock stopped functioning. I could push/move them but there was no change on the display. I toggled to outside view then back inside and no change. Finally what broke it loose was cycling views inside the cockpit using the A key. Jas
  4. This will be an exciting event for sure. I picked up my T7 ratings with my VA last weekend and should have a few dozen legs in the T7 by event time (600 hours in the NGX and another 430 in the Level-D 767 certainly helped). Unfortunately later in the morning and then again in the late afternoon I have some family activities going on so I'll have to go offline during 2 segments of the cruise.
  5. I just wanted to follow up with some closure here - it happened again last night and CTRL + SPACE and then a followup zoom in or BACKSPACE worked like a charm. Thanks again.
  6. Thanks for the tips - I'll try them next time this happens!
  7. Good tip,,, I think you may be on to something. I mean that, when I do sparsely have the issue, it's when I'm flying an additional leg after a previously flown one without restarting. I'm not positive but that sounds like it might fit. Thank you both for replying! Jas
  8. Hello, Every once in a while I get this fisheye view on the external spot view of the PMDG 737-800. I don't know of any way to fix it while in game. It is very annoying. Zooming in or out using the +/- keys or hitting Backspace doesn't resolve the fisheye zoom issue. Quitting FSX and starting a new flight resolves the issue. If you know of a cause/fix, I'd appreciate it. Thank you.
  9. I mean absolutely no disrespect, but how is this different from VATSIM or IVAO. I see two differentiators: 1) paid service 2) guaranteed to be online 15 hours a day? Thank you, Jas
  10. The new plane released today should keep our minds off Alaska for at least another month. Happy flying.
  11. I rebuilt my PC last Sunday & haven't re-installed Flight (yet). Another war bird w/o a cockpit to boot is another failure. I can't imagine what the MS Flight work place must be like. War bird enthusiasts talking about war birds 9 hours a day everywhere you go - the lunch room, the water cooler, the bathroom, endless war bird meetings in war bird conference rooms. Copious amounts of war bird photos and blow ups on the walls and hanging from the ceiling. Everyone at that company is in lust with war birds.
  12. To hold off the backlash for 2 more days. The age old question.
  13. Bravo Hook - I hope to fly with you one day in the future!
  14. Fly nerf warbirds until your eyes bleed. I rebuilt my PC yesterday & didn't bother re-installing MS Flight. I won't worry about it until there is some new worthwhile content released. It's a shame considering how head over heels for Flight I was exactly 1 month ago. I wish the Flight program nothing but success and would love to return but like yourself I'm bored of the lifeless world of Flight.
  15. What a shame it is for me to read this thread after logging on only once in the past 2 weeks to participate in a multiplayer event. I was so impressed with Flight at first, but then the boredom of sterile surroundings & then the warbirds killed it for me. I trust you people know your stuff & it certainly does look like a patch to the P40. Cockpit or not, enough of the warbirds.
  16. A new company is developing a tablet app to control flight sims. There's a newish topic in the FSX forum, didn't see it cross posted here. Sign up for the beta. Jas
  17. Even with a jet it's going to be a few hours but that's ok because that's simmers get off on.
  18. Just out of curiosity, for those dreaming for the ability to fly between Alaska and Hawaii (once Alaska is released), do you realize the distance between Alaska and Hawaii and how long that would take with the planes currently available today, not to mention the chair commitment without autopilot or HDG/ALT hold?
  19. "Reliable people" is not how I would describe beta testers who have allowed 2 cockpitless aircraft to see the light of day. Unfortunately, I haven't logged into Flight in probably 5 or more days. Incredibly bored with Hawaii.
  20. It would be amazing if Microsoft had a cloud technology called Azure where they could store/back up the profiles...
  21. I keep seeing this UFO thread surface and with 19 replies I figured something amazing must be happening in here so I decided to read it finally. It's what I thought it was initially, but with a lot of replies. Well, here's #20. :Party:
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