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About Lude2Envy

  • Birthday 01/27/1983

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    Flying, Ice Hockey, Snowboarding

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    ATP Multiengine / DHC8 ; EMB-145
    Intel Core i7 6700K @ 4.7GHz
    16 GB Corsair Dominator Platinum DDR4
    ASUS Z170-Deluxe
    EVGA GTX 980
    Samsung 950 Pro SSD x2, Samsung 850 Pro SSD

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  1. If you're using Saitek controllers, use the Win 10 drivers and NOT the Saitek drivers. They're terrible.
  2. I don't know about using the OC for product installs, though it does sound nice, but I have been wondering about its purpose for quite some time. It's great for installing liveries and modifying product specific options/settings, but I thought the purpose of it was to more easily roll out updates. I feel like the last several updates for the 777 and NGX required us to download a new installer from our online accounts. It'd also be nice if we could activate and deactivate our products from the OC instead of having to use the CDU. Are there any plans to incorporate the DC-6 into the OC?
  3. I already have the Flight1 750. After analyzing the features they included in the G500, I find it hard to believe the tracking marker was intentionally left out - especially if they're offering compatibility with the 750.
  4. The G500/600 has a magenta ground track marker on the HSI. Was this purposely not included in the Seminole?
  5. Did you see the footage for XP-11 from Flight Sim Con? It looks very promising.
  6. Cowl flaps aren't just used based on OAT, it has to do with airflow over the engine. When you're taxiing, the only airflow you really have over the engine is what comes off the prop - especially taxiing downwind. When you taxi you're also at a low power setting so the engine isn't generating a lot of heat. In fact, you may want to taxi with the cowl flaps closed on a really cold day to help warm up the engine and oil prior to takeoff. A common maneuver for pilots training towards a PPL or CPL is slow flight. In slow flight you're flying at very slow airspeeds with high power settings so even at altitude where it's cold, you may still need to open the cowl flaps to manage the CHTs. I think I saw a company somewhere in California that operates one of these for couples who want to join the mile high club.
  7. Do the ailerons and elevator move when you move your desktop yoke?
  8. I had this problem. It was the Saitek trim wheel. Unplugged it and problem gone.
  9. Are you running Windows 10? If so your issues are from a missing font, not simconnect. Search the QW forum for a link to the font download.
  10. Kyle is absolutely right. I was very upset when it was announced that the 777 wouldn't have 2D panels and that they were no longer being included in any future PMDG products. I had a hard time adjusting to the VC but just like Kyle said, with a little bit of patience it's just a matter of getting out of an old habit and into a new one. I love the VC now and use it exclusively in all of my aircraft - even the ones with 2D panels. PMDG still includes 2D panels for key areas like the FMC and MCP.
  11. Extra fuel in the right wing and/or burning fuel off in the left wing first.
  12. Next Level Sim is doing an A380. Looks promising so far.
  13. Well MJS is doing a 300 next so unless PMDG is almost finished the project it's probably not worth it at this point.
  14. I don't think so and besides, Majestic Software already has a beautiful Q400.
  15. The leak is from Vector. I stopped using it until the next patch is released. Just stick with Global for now.
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