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About EGLD

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  1. are you saying different people see value in different things, and not everyone agrees on what the "problems" are in the sim? interesting
  2. the positives vastly outweigh any negatives in my opinion, this model is here to stay
  3. London PG is......incredible no other word for it
  4. their Patreon is the site you need, and yes - you can subscribe for one month to download what you want https://www.patreon.com/FTSIM
  5. it's costly but works without having to troubleshoot so far, so that's a bonus to some (like me) - I had a fair bit of trouble getting profiles working that I downloaded from flightsim.to they also email you lots of buy one get one free offers and various discounts I think I only paid full price for the first one I bought
  6. I used to use it for my Streamdeck XL+ but found writing my own stuff a little tricky So if you are prepared to pay, www.flightpanels.io write all their own stuff and use FSUIPC rather than Lorby's AAO, just a bit more user friendly IMO if you don't have masses of time Pay, download, install - works straightaway, and they have options for lots of the most popular addons
  7. you probably can't disable it fully as it's so integrated into the OS, but I would say the thing to disable is "Real-time scan" windows security > virus and threat protection > manage settings > real-time protection to off as a cyber professional, I must add a disclaimer here that you should only do this if you know the consequences of disabling AV scanning and the risks this introduces!! 😁 I should also add that I run Windows Defender and haven't had to disable anything and do not see the same problem you see, so the issue may lie elsewhere
  8. agreed 🙁 maybe we need to look at using MSFS as a scenery generator for XPlane!
  9. well, you are still using AV unless you specifically go in and disable Windows Defender, just FYI
  10. MSFS has built-in time accel....something like CTRL and Numpad + / - , but there is no visual indication where you're at There is a simrate app at flightsim.to that has a gui interface for this and is easier to use
  11. I haven't seen anyone claim it's unflyable
  12. There's one streamer who's so positive about it, despite it doing some really funky stuff that they just seem to gloss straight over, that.....whilst I wouldn't say it was suspicious, it certainly looks like someone who wants to keep the vendor happy so they keep getting exclusive access to aircraft so they can monetise it. I watched a couple of Youtube videos of the 777 where it was obvious the streamer had just rushed to get a "tutorial" online before release so that they could be the first and get all the precious viewing revenue, and then went on to say "LOL windshear" several times during approach when it was clear the aircraft was just out of trim as per the FBW capabilities of the aircraft, which Blackbox then went on to explain in great detail in a live stream. Kids and retired guys with PPLs in their bedrooms are not the best people to be giving these exclusive pre-release previews. All in my humble opinion of course.
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