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Everything posted by philmurfin

  1. As indicated on the MSFS details, I guess Austin wouldn't demand all this ..... This app can Access all your files, peripheral devices, apps, programs and registry Access your Internet connection Here's more info on what permissions allow an app to do: Access all your files, peripheral devices, apps, programs, and registry: The app has the ability to read or write to all your files (including documents, pictures, and music) and registry settings, which allows the app to make changes to your computer and settings. It can use any peripheral devices that are either attached or part of your device (such as cameras, microphones, or printers) without notifying you. It also has access to your location, and can use platform features, such as location history, app diagnostics, and more, which are denied to most Store apps. You can't control most of the permissions for this app in Settings > Privacy. Note that while the app has the ability to access these resources, it might not actually do so. For more info about what the app collects or uses, review the privacy policy of the developer. Account Info: Access any of your account info. Allow elevation: Allows the app to run with administrator privileges without prompting the user first. App diagnostics: Get diagnostic information about other running apps. Bluetooth: Activate and use any Bluetooth connections between your device and other devices. Calendar: Access your calendars. Call history: Access history of phone calls you made on the device, in Skype or other telephony apps. Contacts: Access your contacts, people, or address book apps. Custom install actions: Install additional software. Email: Access your email and account info for your email accounts. Facial recognition: Activate and use any facial recognition hardware. File system: Access the files and folders to which you have access and read or write to all your files (including documents, pictures, and music). Fingerprint reader: Activate and use any fingerprint reader hardware. Local system services: Install a service on the machine that runs with maximum privileges. Location: Activate and use the GPS or other location-finding features on your device. Access location data in Maps and other location apps. Messaging: Access your instant messages and account info. Microphone: Activate and use the microphone on your device. Modifiable app: Enable the user to modify the app. Motion: Activate and use the accelerometer or other motion-sensing feature on your device. Music library: Access any music files from the Music library on your device. Near field communications: Activate and use any near field communications (NFC) connections between your device and other devices. Notifications: Access your notifications, found in action center. Packaged services: Install a service on the machine. Package write redirect compatability shim: Allows the app to create, modify or delete files in the app’s install folder. Pictures library: Access any picture files from the Pictures library on your device. Tasks: Access your task list in Outlook and other task-tracking apps. Unvirtualized resources: Write registry entries and files that are not cleaned up on uninstall. Video library: Access any video files from the Video library on your device. Voice recognition: Activate and use any voice recognition hardware. Webcam: Activate and use the camera on your device. WiFi: Activate and use WiFi connections between your device, the internet, and other devices. Wired connections: Activate and use any wired connections, including Ethernet, USB, and Serial communications between your device, the internet, and other devices.
  2. Excellent idea Sir, it will be interesting to see it viewed through loyal XP users eyes. Best.... Phil
  3. Take a look here for advice.... https://www.helisimmer.com
  4. I think you may be a little missguided there. I feel a lot of XP users will be happy staying with xp in the direction they are already going. Time will tell of course but I hope I'm right! Best Phil
  5. Hello, Can anyone explain simply for me please the difference between field of view and zoom or are they the same thing? Best Phil
  6. If you are using X-Plane, here's an excellent version. Best - Phil https://store.x-plane.org/VSKYLABS-Flight-Design-CTLS-Project_p_1027.html
  7. Forget the flat earther, it was just a nickname that someone attached to me on the forums as I didn't want 3d buildings. I never thought it would cause such a forourey, time to chill! Best Phil
  8. Thanks. However, as I'm wanting to get the most realistic flying experience that I can, I'll stick with X-Plane! Best Phil
  9. Hello, If I put excludes over a gateway airfield, will they still be of use if the airfield is up-dated in gateway? The reason I ask is that as a "flat earther" I prefer to use just ortho scenery and nothing else, I know, but hey, that's my choice! What's the best way of achieving this please? Many thanks Phil
  10. Thanks for your replies, does anyone know if or how it affects X-Plane running with Vulkan please? Best Phil
  11. I read recentley that right now, Deffender takes some beating. Phil
  12. Hello, Can anyone advise the fors and against of running in Full screen or windowed mode please? Thanks Phil
  13. I bought this yesterday and I think it's excellent, worth every penny! Hundreds of diagrams, clear explanations and links. https://store.x-plane.org/Flying-Low-The-X-Plane-11-Handbook_p_1058.html Phil
  14. Sorry about that, please try this one! Best Phil https://www.nottinghampost.com/news/local-news/new-base-red-arrows-ministry-4144792?utm_source=nottingham_post_newsletter&utm
  15. New base for Red Arrows as Ministry of Defence confirms plan https://eur04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nottinghampost.com%2Fnews%2Flocal-news%2Fnew-base-red-arrows-ministry-4144792%3Futm_source%3Dnottingham_post_newsletter%26utm_medium%3Demail%26utm_content%3DNottinghamshire17%26utm_campaign%3Ddaily_newsletter&data=02%7C01%7C%7Cd9a77b97d0e04f3314e408d7fc3302b3%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C637255168318401416&sdata=K5%2FmrrQf8psYehO6rKp1Ga7TKXYimVcV%2BisuKaWGbEI%3D&reserved=0
  16. I agree with you Bill, Martin has helped me out a few times and has always been friendly with it, Phil
  17. Requesting a refund, very disappointed.
  18. I have a Radeon VII, 20.4.1 Win 10 1909 Max graphics settings all really smooth. Phil
  19. Very slow but getting a steady download of v5, all 22.7gb of it. Looks like being a long night! Phil
  20. It's not that I enjoy tweaking X-Plane rather than flying at all, it's simply that I want it to look as realistic as I can get it. For instance, there is a limestone quary in the near by that has a rail head used for hauling stone wagons, there is nothing in XP to suggest it being that at all, it looks more like Euston station. Some are happy with child like representations, others prefer more realism. As you rightly say, each to his own! Best Phil
  21. Hello, I use Orbx TE UK scenery and I think that this allows XP railways through instead of ortho, is there a way to get transparent railway tracks the same way it is offered for the roads please? Best Phil
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