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Everything posted by CyberMike

  1. X-FMC is freeware, you mean the x737fmc. Great plane, the cockpit and outside look unbelievable real.
  2. Should be possible but I haven't used the default for long. I would try the freeware X-fmc
  3. Some experienced user should mention all points they differ, after some flights. Simply saying one is better than the other is not an argument.
  4. What ground textures are you using? Thanks
  5. Yes the two long flaps are only on illustrations but not on the real thing. So I should do flaps that are closed in either positions, only sliding when operating the gear. Ok I'll do that, thanks.
  6. Hi Why on the PC-24 you only see a small cover behind the front wheel and not two panel on side before the wheel? Never seen such on a plane and need that data for modeling. How is the front landing gear covered? Thanks
  7. The look out of the cockit shaking is the same as: http://developer.x-plane.com/2016/04/actually-you-can-be-told-what-the-matrix-is/ We'll be able to make nice reflections etc. via plugin now and maybe we get a similar fix for 10.5.
  8. Less than a week to go. I'll first try how it goes with: http://www.x-fmc.com/
  9. For Switzerland: http://sgier.com/index.php/suisse-2004
  10. Yes sure, but all my animations are displaced/broken in 3.3. In 3.2 all is fine. Reported the bug.
  11. Sounds great, hope for vnav, readable instruments, sid, star etc. Tried the new blender export script for the scroll wheel, but seems broken. At least for a 3.2 cockpit upgrade.
  12. Less than 2 weeks, yeahhaa. Sid/star/vnav etc. support. Is this plane still missing stuff compared to the real thing?
  13. Thanks but how dull, no move forward etc. buttons. Wait for hours? So what about RNAV approaches, SIDs, STARs etc.?
  14. Yes but that's for FSX. Any feedback for the x-plane version with RNAV approaches, SIDs, STARs, Airways etc.? Back in FS2004 that was one of my favourites, so I'm going to get this (Linux :-)).
  15. I'm sure it will be like PMDG on FSX but better looking. Of course they've redone the unreadable, without system depth, standard x-plane instruments.
  16. Great. I guess the x737FMC is not the x-fmc. I would have preferred that, but everything else is gorgeous. I usually fly smaller, but I surely won't miss that.
  17. No Vulkan is really to bad, but I guess you go DX12 to get enough FPS for VR? Will SteamVR (HTC Vive etc.) be supported?
  18. Will you move to Vulkan to support more OS? About any on our small planet with: http://moltengl.com/ It would also help to leave the "FSX update" image.
  19. Sounds good, let's see if X-Plane and other flightsimulators will support that: http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2016/03/no-longer-virtual-first-impressions-and-many-hours-with-htcs-vive-pre/
  20. I foremost don't like the attitude "We are the best and don't need to support inferior OS". To spend hundreds if not thousands of development hours, but not 10 minutes for a Linux compilation is ridiculous. We shall compare the final products, but anyway ixeg starts with -10 for me.
  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1-rla1dge8 This is hard to beat and no I won't bother to boot Windows just for the ixed.
  22. Why buy IXEG, the upcoming x737 should be as good. I rather donate to the x737 v5.
  23. Sadly this seems unchanged to me. I had a quick startup tutorial in Flightgear with the C172P and it was a great experience with the latest FGFS. Also much less torque, should be much more accurate. Hey the P51D Mustang in fgfs is a beauty, but hard to start without tutorial. I'll try that later for another comparison.
  24. HI tried the default C172SP but still it pulls left on takeoff. I'm not a pilot, but that seems way exaggerated. Wasn't that supposed to get fixed for 10.45? Thanks
  25. PS : ah I see, cannot delete post Yes seems cool. What is the CARENADO G1000 DATABASE? IS this a separate free download? Thanks
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