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Everything posted by CyberMike

  1. Ask Austin. At least fog was improved and am curious about the environment reflections. UI should have had a lower priority to weather. But step after step, I remember to have uninstalled xplane 7 to make room for Fly! 2 and got back with 8 as for Linux support. Maybe weather comes with 11.1 or so.
  2. I don't like FB nor subscribtions. Thanks for posting here. Let me guess: XP11 as seen in some videos but also VR support. Both for around spring. Probably no Vulkan etc. but remain with old OpenGL 4.1, thanks to Macs.
  3. Don't know how, maybe Aerofly uses SteamVR for both? Ddenn, the author of the Challenger 300, said the Aerofly VR experience with the HTC Vive to be great. I'll try to test the Vive before buying somewhere locally.
  4. Aerofly uses OpenGL like X-Plane. And I've heard that VR is there for both Vive and Oculus. That said the whole sim is still in beta but looks promising. A instant buy with Linux support, but not sure if I ever bother to boot Windows only for this. For VR I might wait for the next Vive update as it's not that cheap.
  5. For joysticks etc. you might need to customize the standard files. Forgot which but it's easy, ask in the FG forum or google.
  6. CyberMike


    Remember the Samsung - Apple trial. Was it one trillion? 1000 billions? That's why nobody, apart Meyer, seems to care about patent laws dating from 17 or early 18th century. Because big firms want to keep that wrotten mess. But not only software or US. I've heard that Pilatus had to circumwent 100s of hardware patents for the new PC-24. Keeping all top secret and secure all their little details by patents. And that's in Switzerland. I guess in the US most startups go out of businees because of historic patents.
  7. Would be interesting to see how it's done / source code as he seems to have a different approach now with materials.
  8. Seems this guy was simply enjoying his new video editor features...
  9. Just tried it and my first feedback is: The Linux shell start script doesn't work upon click. But all is fine if you change to the directory in a terminal and copy paste the code without the first line. Then I didn't see a export to X-Plane. Can you export and import the flightplans in the default X-Plane 10 Garmin? What about sid/star? Thanks again for you work.
  10. Great, will try it on Ubuntu in the next days. Many thanks.
  11. Went from 8 to 10 without problems nor improvements. With my GTX770 I get the best performance on Linux (Ubuntu).
  12. Beta's are hardly usable. It's better to have a second demo download from x-plane.com anyway to not ruin your current xp. Never save anything in beta/rc like planemaker etc.
  13. Yes you can copy the files and run the latest updater from x-plane.com over that. Why laptop? Building a custom PC from parts yourself, you get the best performance at lowest price.
  14. Physics Based Rendering is cool but only half the way to real Environment Reflections? LR should support steamVR. In fact I only wait for them to buy a HTC Vive. No word of Vulkan hence they probably stay with OpenGL? Sound update was needed.
  15. What is inaccurate? What did you look into? I remember Austin to have said that this is only one point and he expects more to follow. The us patent system dates from 19th century, don't remember where I read this, but should be true as well.
  16. Probably most addons will get compiled on 64bit for free. Simply redownload. Unless the new sim looks better than x-plane, I won't bother. They should drop the sick FSX graphics flickering and go with Vulkan for VR on crossplatform.
  17. That's only one point within ~100 or so Meyer will need to defend. Basically the US patent system is rotten dating from the 19th century. Obama wants to help but gets blocked by republicans, lawyers and big companies like MS. They will need to look at EU laws and learn, sooner or later, as it's a threat for us economy.
  18. 32bit libs are not needed anymore. Install with synaptic libopenal and nvidia.
  19. It works here so you're doing something wrong! Sorry, but first clean your garden before shouting at others. Next time attach your xp log.txt. For basic questions ask in a Linux forum or stick with Windows.
  20. Hi Ryan the Challenger 300 has by far the best reflections for now. Check it out. But yes real environment reflections would be way cool, maybe in xp11. By developing on Linux you could get the other os almost for free. See my previous postings about open standards and saving development time.
  21. Yea Linux was 3%. Personally I don't give much on that as it only counts update button hits. I look more at Valve and such statistics. Also I have all planes that I would ever have bought working on Ubuntu. If some companies think that Linux is below their level, never mind. See my previous posting.
  22. Well developing on Linux could have surely saved them development time. I develop on Ubuntu and it almost magically works on the other os. :wub: Because I automatically adhere to open standards. Within my ~10'000 codelines only around ~15 are with os specific changes. I can lively imagine the Pmdg dev. to receive a Mac from their boss. He probably pulled his hair one week to replace Windows specific code and desperate said: No, for 3% I won't go through such again.
  23. Because the difference to Mac is even more minuscule.
  24. First install with synaptic openal. Then cd to the directory with libopenal and link like above: ln -s libopenal.so.1 libopenal.so I guess you're messing 32bit and 64bit libs. This is how it looks on my 15.10: ---- michael@michael-ubuntu:/$ cd /usr/lib/x86_64-li* michael@michael-ubuntu:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu$ ls -la libopenal* lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 14 Mai 12 2015 libopenal.so -> libopenal.so.1 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 19 Mai 12 2015 libopenal.so.1 -> libopenal.so.1.16.0 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 446536 Mai 12 2015 libopenal.so.1.16.0 michael@michael-ubuntu:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu$ pwd /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu michael@michael-ubuntu:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu$
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