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Everything posted by willy647

  1. I fly IVAO online in Europe and pick my flights depending on the controlled hubs. Ok, it sort of limits your start/destination but I am willing to give that up for the feeling of 'real' flying. Nothing beats the adrenaline when at the last minute control puts you on a hold due to heavy traffic or gives you vectors to deviate from your flightplan.
  2. There was no 'situation=' in my p3d.cfg, so I put in under [startup]. (guessing that is where it should be) t did not make a difference though.
  3. I have a similar problem when I launch a saved flight (xxxx.fxml). P3D starts and then disappears, but still running in taskmanager. Sadly, disabling FSUIPC did not solve my problem
  4. I have an i7 7700K (4 cores + HT) and not using any AM . Looking at the resource monitor (perfmon.exe) I noticed that when the sim is loading scenery, it uses all 8 cores. On my setup, disabling HT makes it noticeable slower and produces stutter in flight. Just to show that every system is different. Its a matter of try and error
  5. I'm on 376.53 and all is well. So why should I bother to update to newer releases ? I understand the new releases are to support the latest games, but bring no benefit what so ever to P3D. Reading the comments here, they only cause headache. I rather spend my time flying than solving driver problems. Just my thoughts
  6. Indeed, the association is correct - P3D starts Funny thing is if I start the 'Tampa Bay Tour' (as included in P3D) then it works. So the problem might be with PMDG
  7. I saved a situation where I have placed the PMDG 737 at a gate at an airport. If I load this situation from within P3D, all is fine. (running v 3.4.9) If however I want to launch P3D by double clicking on the .fxml file, P3D will start but then disappears from the desktop and I have to use task manager to close it.
  8. P3D ways are just so unpredictable. People with the same hardware end up with different results. Who knows installing ORBX solves your problem
  9. Probably the scenery loading. But If this is all the stutter you get, I wouldn't even bother looking for an answer.
  10. This happened to me when the default flight file got somehow corrupted. It's been a while but if I recall correctly, I solved it by deleting the p3d.cfg file
  11. Yes, if internet goes down for a sec, gone is CP ! Also if for whatever reason their server is unavailable (like 26 feb for half a day) VERY annoying !
  12. Mike, looked at part of your video. When your are taxiing, I noticed you have quite some stutters. Not smooth at all
  13. Have a look at this for practicing landings - its free Works fine for P3D http://planeman-fs.blogspot.be/2012/05/lord-of-landing-v17.html
  14. Well, the coffee didn't work :mad: As far as I know, there is no option re mip-maps when saving BMP in photoshop I use a work-around now : photoshop saving as PSD , load that file into DXTBmp as save as extended BMP
  15. That would be great. Maybe a one time connection on startup to download/register and that's it
  16. Yes, could do that but thats a work around, not a real solution. Before CP I used Aivlasoft Simplecam and there I could use the keys ok. When on the FMC input goes to the FMC, not to views.
  17. This is a sim. If you like cold and dark, they do that If not, don't.
  18. I am often at a location where internet drops every now and then for a few second and each time lose ChasePlane. Is there a way to solve this problem ?
  19. I have my cockpit views for the PMDG 737 assign to the numpad keys, working fine However, if I want to key in figures into the FMC, the views also change which is a bit annoying
  20. I have done numerous painting in photoshop using DDS and PSD files - no problem Now a friend requested to do a Wilco A340 painting. On the CD in the paintkit folder I found the PSD files. Very basic files, no master file but that I can create myself. Anyway, I noticed that the A340 uses BMP in the texture folder as opposed to DDS. Saving my work as a BMP works if you look at the airplane from close up. As you move away from the plane, the fuselage becomes metal gray Probably I am not saving the file with the correct options, but I have tried just about every setting and can't get it to work. Any hints ? Thanks
  21. The throttle quadrant is not a standard view. But you can use ie the overhead view, undock and then move the view to look at the throttles - problem solved. Or you can fiddle around which the cameras.cfg and build an extra view.
  22. Sorry, but I don't really understand your problem. For the PMDG 737 and 777, all views under "views/new view" can de undocked and moved to another screen. These include F/O, upper and lower overhead, pedestal, outside views ....... You can create custom cameras too if you want.
  23. A new hotfix is released promising to resolve the SLI problems :smile: You need nvidia driver 378.49 or later !
  24. How do I assign the whole slew mode to fsuipc ? I tried to assign the 'Y' button to the stick via fsuipc, but that did not make a difference.
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