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Everything posted by PapaRomeo

  1. The Majestic sure have my attention! I mostly fly in Scandinavia, Denmark is flat, but Norway have some interesting nountains. What about some nice Holiday airports? Any areas cowered with Land class and mesh, I already have FTX Global.
  2. I just purchased ASN and Rex 4, replacing the old ones. I also have (most used). FTX Global. UTX. Fs genesis next gen mesh. Ezdoc. A2a feel v2. Extreme tweaker. Some passenger announcement I dont remember the name for. And aircrafts: PMDG 737 NGX A2A 172 Twin Otter Lots of carenados Now for the question, what am I missing out on to make FSX better?
  3. I have REX Essentials, perhaps I should try that again? I just like the water more blue/dark than light/green.
  4. Thanks. First i used REX, but that didn't do much. Then i used UTX, that helped, but only comes with one setting. I use DX10 BTW. Perhaps my FSX library load order is messed up.
  5. Hi. I have UTX, REX, FTX Global and DX 10 fixer. What should i use to make the water darker? Any program that overwrites the other? Thanks.
  6. Hi. I have UTX, REX, FTX Global and DX 10 fixer. What should i use to make the water darker? Any program that overwrites the other? Thanks.
  7. When replacing MB and CPU, you should always format and reinstall to prevent problems and get best performance. Unless they are 100% identical.
  8. I found that the best driver for FSX is 327.23. Just before the gameready drivers. I have problemes with ALL newer drivers.
  9. A think i have the same problem. The problem is along with limiting fps in inspector. All newer drivers suffer from this. I have found that 327.23 works fine, also fix the problem in games and the like. Nvidia are aware of this problem. Its all the gameready drivers i think. Sometimes loading a saved game, will also have vsync broken. First, try that driver.
  10. For the first time along with the DX10 fixer, i will NEVER go back to DX9.
  11. Nice dream B) I also had one, it was about zombies. More likely to happen :lol:
  12. I'm not 100% sure, but think i experienced that when i used zero bufferpools.
  13. Just got the Carenado TBM 850. I think i'm satisfied with the product. Need more hours in it, before i say more. But it IS beautiful.
  14. This is one of the things I really miss in FSX.
  15. If you have no hardware rudder, make sure to use auto in FSX.
  16. I love all my Carenados. Not PMDG quality, but still very good. Anyone got the Nado TBM850?
  17. The only thing holding me back on the T7 right now, is the missing functionality with my saitek gear. Going for another flight with the 737....
  18. Now that i fly in the higher layers, i was wondering if there would be any free 3D contrails? They do not come with my REX essentials.
  19. What about the toolbox that comes with the DX10 Fixer? A developer from the Twin Otter Extended, said it was ok to add the vc shadows from there. But it can't be done with the 737?
  20. My 2600k runs 4,6 with a slightly better cooler than stock. Easily achieved. Note that Hyperthreading is OFF.
  21. Erhmm, is SP1c the latest patch for 737ngx? It IS the biggest file, but not much information on the PMDG site.
  22. Some of my first flights in 737ngx was insane! I mostly came in too high too fast. One time I was using the spoilers to kill it, but wasn't enough. Reversed, full brakes, full spoilers. Ran out of runway and smashed into some poles. I guess all survived with only minor injuries, but there was a lot of screaming yes. So my moments are when the approach feels right.
  23. I do sometimes get rolling eyes from my better half. Especially when switching things on and off with all my Saitek gear. I tried to explain all the different switches, but she doesn't even want to know about the different light switches :-)
  24. How well would, lets say Thessaloniki, run with FTX Global? And also with the DX10 Fixer?
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