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Everything posted by mike2060

  1. But isn't FTX Global the same resolution as the default? I don't think it should use up more memory. I think the planes and airports are what use up memory the most but I could be wrong.
  2. Just pointing out that you will only get 3GB of memory with 2 GTX780's. SLI doesn't combine them into one pool. Just wanted to make sure you knew that. But yes, two GTX 780s have to be better in P3D 2.0 than one Titan so I would go for a 780 if I were you and maybe get another one when 2.1 comes out.
  3. Have any of you thought about using FSMark11 to benchmark? That way you can find what each setting does to FPS in a controlled way.
  4. LM has a 60 day refund policy so he can just buy it and then return it if he doesn't like it.
  5. I would love to see people's video card memory usage using GPU-Z. I had heard someone was getting 3GB of usage. I am wondering on a 6GB Titan how much P3D 2.0 is using?
  6. Thanks a lot. Did you add any affinity mask?
  7. Would you be able to take a shot of your Task Manager Performance tab for us please? I would like to see how well it hits multiple cores.
  8. I am pretty sure LM is in the US. I was expecting them to release it maybe late morning their time. It seems they released it before midnight their time.
  9. I am rather confused. For something that is supposed to not be for "entertainment" why would they have a midnight release? What companies do things like that? Oh I know, video game companies. Just seems a bit strange but hey, I am not complaining.
  10. You might want to correct yourself now...
  11. Who wants to now take FSX behind the barn and shoot it?
  12. There is no way you will be able to start downloading P3D v2 at 0000 tomorrow. Most likely it will be late morning I would guess.
  13. Developer's should be pricing their products to make the most money. Selling an add-on for $200 will not necessarily make them more money than selling it for $20.
  14. The best thing would be if LM released the ATC/AI Traffic SDK so developers can really get into the core code instead of creating programs that sit on top of the sim.
  15. The mods don't want us discussing the different versions at all. We have to make our own decisions.
  16. Guys, the other thread got locked because we can't talk about which license to buy. So there is no point in discussing anything about this new update.
  17. Do the questions have to be just about V2? I see a lot of people asking questions about things coming up in the future and not about V2 itself.
  18. I recall someone at LM saying that P3D V2 will only use 4 cores.
  19. The folder you are trying to add needs a "scenery" and a "textures" folder. Enter that folder then click "Open" and then right click any white area in the folder.
  20. For anybody that might know this, if landing lights can illuminate objects, does that mean airports could have real lights that light up the apron and the AI planes? I am sure it would be insanely fps heavy but a man can dream? (Or buy 2 Titans when SLI is implemented )
  21. The only benefit to FSX that the i7 has is the extra cache. For a 50% higher price I can't see it being worth the few fps.
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