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Everything posted by sparkie66

  1. If you do short to medium hops a 737 would make more sense imho.
  2. Indeed, party pooper! With this beta I've noticed molten gold seeping out of my usb port, booyah!
  3. spot the ixeg rest is static AC. Really nice!
  4. works like a charm. only atm i seem to be getting a lot more consistent weather with the default stuff instead of smp + rwc. Smooth as baby's bottom also
  5. Doesnt work with hdr. It is a know issue that no one seems to care about.
  6. i just use r click and move then let r click go, maybe that works better?
  7. Also exclude xplane from active virus scanning. (I fly with av off)
  8. And suppose you updated to a beta, but want to go back to the latest non beta. Just run the installer again, untick beta and voila. Nothing like the complete reinstall horror of some other sims.
  9. IMHO xplane is the only civillian sim to date where you can mistake screenshots for real photo's . I wonder what lays ahead now the user base is growing.
  10. Pilottube hd on youtube has some nice ones
  11. Frames for me on that flight between 30 and 60. At 4k res with a 980ti and 4790k. It is very easy on the frames
  12. holy crap, this is one different beast than anything i have virtually flown to date! I hope a smartcockpit file will appear soon, this is a lot of work for just 1 pilot EHAM-EDDF
  13. Microsoft won't end security updates for your Windows 7 PC until Jan. 14, 2020.
  14. i recently upgraded from win10 to win 7. I value my privacy. For those that do have 10 there is a program called shutup10 to shut down all if not most of the invasive privacy intrusions ina very user friendly way.
  15. hm coverage is t fair point, true ofc I'm coming from my own situation, this is why I asked. Never too old to change an idea or stance on some things . Take coverage; Im in the netherlands and fly online in the region, ivao covers a lot of apts in europe, so does vatsim. Outside EU it gets a lot less well covered indeed.
  16. A lot of people complain abouw bad in game ATC, a lot of people use 3rd party atc to compensate for that. Why not fly on an online network like pilot edge/ ivao or vatsim? Great fun, good for the workload too I never understood the fixation of some people on the in game ATC, or a robot voice from a 3rd party addon. Same as I never understood the reluctance of a lot of "bad in game ATC complainers" to fly online, if realistic ATC is such a major concern. It cannot be shyness, because as i understand it, the 3rd party progs also require talking to? It seems like going such a long way, contending with robotic addon atc's, just to not have to go online? Maybe that's just me though.
  17. i'm getting rotate sim md80 flashbacks with this. WOOW LOOK AT THE TEXTURES, LOOK LOOK. pssst...please don't look too close to the systems simulation, NO NO LOOK AT THE AMAZING SHOWER DUDE!! But indeed, time will tell.
  18. Which is too bad for us mere mortals. His often very nice showcases are of less and less value as an insight into how things might run and how it looks, because his hardware is so far ahead of most of the sim community's. Maybe time for a poor man's machine for showcasing performance? ☺
  19. I know. Just couldn't contain myself. It's semi serious anyway
  20. what is the best nvidia driver, is the 2 year old driver best? how can I get rid of the stutters? what affinity mask is best? will FFTF 0.000000000000000000000000001 be any better, i get blurries I get OOM's, how much do I have to tone down or not use the new features at all compared to fsx? PS i'm on V3.999 Oh wait....I'm using Xplane, I have none of the issues above. Oops. Happy new year ppl. Sorry I had to make this post after stumbling into the p3d v333333 forum and 1st topic was "what nvidia driver is best?" I do not for the life of me understand the jubilant reception of echt iteration of that product. It's now truly like Apple, newer is better even if it's really not. I stuck with it till 2.5 stutterfest, but paid bug fixes were too much to handle without lobotomizing myself first. I really hope somehing like the ixeg 733 will bring more and more people to the sane side of simming and we can gradually burry fsx/p3d/p3d2,5 or whatever name they give the next iteration of ancient software.
  21. True. But visuals go a long way. The nerd isn't always as strong as it should be in simmers; )
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