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Everything posted by carlito777

  1. Yes, please! This add-on really deserves the Airline2Sim treatment to fully appreciate all its details.
  2. The Airbus is even more automated than the newer type Boeings. So the workload can be easily managed alone. Actually, I don't even use FS2Crew on the Boeing aircraft anymore, because it just get's too boring having a co-pilot which does most of the work. And other than in real life, in the sim you are allowed to operate these aircrafts on your own... And on the OP's question: Yes, the FSLabs A320 is absolutely worth its high price. It is even more detailed than the PMDG birds.
  3. If you have a homecockpit setup and not just one single monitor, then you do. Not as uncommon as you think.
  4. I also had reservations because of the price and bought it anyways. It is absolutely worth it! So many hours of informative enjoyment. I have spend money on more expensive add-ons which didn't give me nearly as much joy as watching the videos. And I'm only halfway through...
  5. The FSL A320 is the heaviest of them all in terms of VAS. The PMDGs consume about 300 Mb less.
  6. Thanks David. I get around 1 Gb at some gate on Terminal 2. But this is without leaving the VC. Have to check tomorrrow what the value is when I also go to outside views.
  7. Sounds great, David. Strangely, I don't get any gain in VAS. How much free VAS do you have at a gate of Aerosoft's EGLL? Would just like to compare to my numbers. Thanks!
  8. The shader cache tweak doesn't work here. Same VAS as with Shader Cache on. But I never had VAS problems anyway. So no big deal for me. Edit: And the FSL A320 still consumes 250 Mb more VAS than the PMDG 777 on my machine.
  9. VAS is perfectly fine. At the gate in the FSLabs A320 with AS16 and AI traffic I have 1.4 Gb free VAS. This is exactly the same as with Taxi2Gate EDDM which is also not a VAS hog. So much better than for example FlyTampa airports. This is in P3D v3.4 by the way.
  10. I'm pretty sure that they will use that as an explanation why it will be more expensive than the 777. If I had to take a guess, I would say it will be at least 139.95 or even 149.95...
  11. This is so true. Kind of funny how people buy each and every add-on airport which is released just to fly in and out of it 2 or 3 times. The total spend on those airports is easily multiple times the price of the FSL A320, yet the very same people come here and complain about the price of an aircraft add-on which you would spend much more time with than most of your airport add-ons. Completely irrational. Just because it is a significant one-off payment...
  12. Do you honestly believe the PMDG 747 will be cheaper? RSR already said that pricing will be in line with the 777. And the 777 is 134.95 for P3D. The 747 will be at least that.
  13. I think for the newest version you don't need to install Python anymore. It is a self contained exe file.
  14. Great pics, Michael! I have been flying in P3D the last couple of days with AS16 and the more I compare it to xEnviro, I come to the conclusion that xEnviro looks even better than AS16. Sounds unbelievable for all the P3D/AS16 fanb##s, but it is what it is... This is a good tutorial to start with, Rich: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhr4xYosVvI
  15. Just did a flight from Taxi2Gate EDDM to FSDT LSGG. On the ground at EDDM I had 1.4 Gb free VAS. At the gate in LSGG 1.1 Gb. This is with P3D v3.4HF2, MyTraffic AI at 10%, AS16, GSX and all Orbx. Edit: I use Vector but only have Highways and Railroads activated. The A320 is absolutely stunning. Performance is great, too.
  16. The FSL is 300 Mb heavier on VAS than the PMDG 777.
  17. Honestly, I don't understand all the excitement around the price. Everybody knew that the FSX Version is already 100 dollars. And FSL has stated months ago that the P3D version will be 30-40 dollars more expensive. So where is the surprise? And the PMDG 777 for P3D is 135 dollars. And does anyone honestly believe that the PMDG 747 will be cheaper? Get real... Concerning VAS: It is 300 Mb heavier on VAS than the PMDG 777. So make your calculations...
  18. That is also what I get on my machine. FS2Crew consumes nowhere near 200Mb on my system.
  19. Same here. Even though I really loved FS2Crew, recently I prefer flying without it. I have done so many flights in the NGX that I really don't need the co-pilot anymore. And flights are much quicker because I can setup the aircraft faster by myself than with FS2Crew... I'm currently getting more into the 777 with the Airline2Sim Cadet training and I also disabled FS2Crew there...
  20. Just did a flight from DD EPWA to FlyTampa Copenhagen in the PMDG 777. Took off with 1.4 Gb free VAS, landed with 1.1 Gb free VAS. And that is with all bells and whistles (Orbx Vector, Orbx openLC, AS16, 10% MT6). Just a quick tip: Since the last update of Orbx openLC Europe, there is an additional entry in the scenery.cfg for the improved night lights. Same as with openLC North America. Deactivating this entry when flying during the day frees up approx. 200 Mb of VAS.
  21. Thanks for the clarification, Andrew. I also really hope that you get the P3D version out finally. As I have also stated in various other threads: This bird is absolutely amazing. The level of fidelity is second to none. But it is a real shame that it so far only works on an ancient platform. Flying in FSX is just so annoying after getting used to P3D. Just one example which is driving me totally crazy: The drop in fps when the mouse is active in the VC. It's just horrible using FSX. This is why everybody is so eager to get their hands on the P3D version. And also thanks for the info on LINDA from Guenter and yourself. Let's all keep fingers crossed that you get the problems sorted out...
  22. At least you still have the chance not to buy the FSLabs bus. I (stupidly) bought the FSX version thinking that the P3D version would be released shortly after and so my money has already gone down the drain. Honestly, I have strong doubts that LM will ever fix the VAS problems before going 64 bit. I never understood what is so hard to check what the differential VAS consumption between v3.2 and v3.4 is if you have access to the code. On the other hand, some people seem to have substantially more problems with v3.4 than others. I also don't have huge VAS problems with my v3.4 install but I also just went the client update route since v3.2. Seems as those who did a full install of v3.4 have bigger problems with VAS. Really strange all this. And very frustrating as v3.0 - v3.2 were really great in VAS handling. And now all this mess. Another very disappointing thing about the FSL bus is that Lefteris stated that there might be an additional charge for providing LINDA access. This means if I want to use my VRInsight MCP then I might have to throw even more dollars at them. They really seem to be getting greedy. After all this mess I somewhat regret having purchased the FSX version. Would have been better to stay with the PMDG birds. I'm currently having so much fun enjoying the 777 together with the Airline2Sim Cadet training. What a great bird. EDIT: Response from Beau Hollis in one of the OOM threads: http://www.prepar3d.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6312&t=120967&sid=0ea48aff5a22e22c0ee278447f228c1d&start=120 As I state above, this most likely means we won't see any significant VAS improvements until v4...
  23. is an old version. This is hotfix 1 or the original v3.4 release.
  24. IXEG + xEnviro Airline2Sim 777 Cadet Program
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