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Everything posted by seamaster55

  1. Was posted 18 October, and is just a short reference to a company that makes scenery - airfields/airports. But it occurred to me that the header title: "Prepare Yourself for Challenging Approaches" could mean that we should prepare ourselves for a new version of p3d with these sceneries coming with it. The clouds in the pictures are all p3d vers 5 clouds. What do you think?😊 https://www.prepar3d.com/ https://www.prepar3d.com/p3d-developer-network/2022/10/121041/
  2. I'd set everything back to default in the graphics settings, and go from there, also the same in the nvidia control panel, set that back to its base settings, and then change things incrementally. You may find out the particular graphics setting that is the problem. (if it isn't someat to do with your hardware)😅
  3. Think you all must be missing something here but version 1 of AMD FSR has been available to use for quite some time now in MSFS, you don't need an AMD graphics card to use it, my PC has a Nvidia 1060 and have this scaling technology running with my 2k monitor. The FSR version 2 has yet to be announced to be implemented in MSFS. Certainly helps to run the sim more smoothly for me.😊
  4. I have Heathrow by UK2000 in p3d v5.3, and its fine. Nice detail. Good quality.
  5. Just try resetting everything back to default, that can often fix things.
  6. I had similar problems with p3d 5.3 going CTD. Found it seemed to be something that was acting like malware. (looked at Windows Event Viewer) Lavasoft web companion, its in the x86 programs folder, had to uninstall it through old style uninstall window, from Control Panel.
  7. The aircraft will work fine if you just drop the A320NEO folder into the SimObjects > Aircraft folder.
  8. Just got it up to FL 310 from KLAX, and it sits just right, level, in level flight. Wanted to put a pic in here, but couldn't see how to do that.
  9. Also two others available, just tried it, looks good, and the engine sounds are great. At simviation: https://simviation.com/1/browse-Prepar3d-143-0
  10. All simskunkworks aircraft for p3d are free to download from simmarket: https://secure.simmarket.com/sim-skunk-works-lockheed-martinaeritalia-f-104-s-for-p3d-v.5.x.phtml You may have to install their app to download the aircraft, but last time I tried using it - it would'nt work. 🙂
  11. I've flown that particular aircraft from rikooo in p3d, its underpowered, won't sustain a proper cruise speed. Just uninstall it, and get someat else.
  12. I also found it difficult to update it, the microsoft store page wouldn't update it until I'd started up the x-box app, closed it down,signed out of the store, re-booted, signed back in, held my legs up in the air, waggled them about 😀, then .....no....went out, to do some chores, came back home, had another try with the mangy store, and yes something updated there, with a window showing for a moment, and then msfs started up - and then the update window appeared and there were some files to update there that were in the gigabytes range - but were'nt the world update iberia thingy.....had to move through the maze of windows to find that download, and yes - even more measly-minor-modicum updates of the other world updates to find!!😬 What a palaver, MSFS needs its own dedicated update program outside of the marketplace that lists all the different updates available at that point in time - so you can just access them from one interface. David Mills post is right, its too much of a complex chore. 😨
  13. In the past my PC has never had any problems with MSFS slowing down, but just having an old nvidia gtx 1060, and a relatively new AMD 5600X CPU the fps are something I'm always aware of, but trying this hack/trick, I have found its given MSFS a 6-8 FPS increase, flying in the same area of Phoenix, Arizona.....was getting 20fps (I know - hopeless, graphics cards these days are far too expensive for me) before the fix, but after....was getting 26-28 fps over the same area. It does work, don't know why, but I suppose Microsoft are being too nosy and invasive with not just the telemetry this trick is cutting out, but maybe other programs associated with the telemetry that now don't need to run - as the telemetry has been switched off with this hack hasn't it? 😄
  14. Yeah, same for me in the sensitivity settings, have to reset the reactivity setting everytime MSFS is run. They are very niggly faults these kind of bugs aren't they?🤔
  15. Think its quite good, you need to read the instructions or the engines will die on you, fs2002-fs2004 visual external quality, but, the sound is ok, it has a decent cockpit. You need to use the mouse scroll wheel on the prop levers to get them to match up.😃 Here: https://flightsim.to/file/29109/dc3-for-old-fashioned-flying-without-gps
  16. Did you try just putting the settings in MSFS back to default? That can sometimes iron things out.🙂
  17. Concerning the Sabreliner, here is what I found out about it, to get it to work: (always write stuff like this down, so if I install same aircraft again, later on some time, being bambozled becomes less of a thing!) "Rockwell Sabreliner: to get the autopilot to work, without it going up and down in level flight, turn on the autopilot on the digital version, then press A key to move view to back of pedestal, where the older original autopilot contols are, turn on the yaw damper there, while trying not to turn off the autopilot. (its the same switch) Then go back to digital autopilot on main panel, dial in the altitude you want on the right hand black twiddler, don't know if altitude button should be on or not, then click one of the two up-down VS buttons to select vertical speed you want, the plane should level off at the dialled in altitude. Climbed ok at 1500fpm. The texture resolution must be set to 1024 x 1024 (medium) for the Sabreliner in the Display section of p3d, or the sim will ctd. The guarded switch for changing the tanks at the right rear of the pedestal should be set to: Normal, to take fuel from all the tanks at the same time. Eats fuel very fast, a youtube reviewer says its using the fuel at twice normal rate, so I suppose you would have to turn on infinite fuel in the realism settings of p3d." Hope this helps.😃
  18. Yes, works fine, can see Huey and Duey in their seats now, great.😄 Your a clever chap.🤠
  19. Thankyou, wondered if you'd given up on it or not, will have a look tomorrow at it.
  20. Funnily enough I had a go at installing this today into p3dv5.3, the installer will only recognise earlier versions, but you can browse for an install folder. Pointed it at the main parent folder, and it appeared in the aircraft selection menu in p3d, but the undercarriage doesn't show, there is no virtual cockpit, but the 2d panel can be called up by pressing the 'W' key. The airspeed indicator doesn't want to work in that. So I pasted a whole panel folder from a freeware 747-400 into the top of the list CLS 747s folder, and that made that particular aircraft's 2d panel available, but no vc. Got it flying, you have to put in 4.9 up trim, which you can do on the 2d pedestal you can call up. Nice looking aircraft, some of em, the Atlas Air freighter looks like its covered with a sectioned carpet! Also, had a try at aliasing the cfg's from each panel folder to the 747-400's panel, but that didn't work either. Pity really.😔
  21. Yeah, I've got p3dv5.3. Found that the default Grumman Goose, and DH Beaver from FSX SE works fine in p3dv5, if you copy & paste it in, after removing the ai versions of those planes from the p3d aircraft folder first. Thought that was interesting, because those two were/are really nice looking models.😉
  22. Sort of on another topic, but still with Aeroplane Heaven aircraft, some of their aircraft won't show in Orbx Central if you have p3d selected at the top of its window, I didn't realise that some, like the C-119 would only appear in FSX, kept waiting for Orbx to release the C-119 Boxcar, then found out you had to have FSX installed and then that selected at the top of the Orbx Central window to be able to download FSX compatible aircraft. But p3d v5 is pretty nice visually now against FSX, especially with Rex SkyForce textures....being a bit long winded aren't I? Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is that I've transferred the Orbx aircraft from FSX SE to p3dv5, and they work - for a bit, but the problem there seems to be with these AH aircraft causing CTDs is that it seems to often be lowering the textures in the p3d graphics settings down to 1024x1024, and then they seem ok. (I think - still needs more experimentation) The following aircraft are the ones I transferred over, and everything visual looked ok on em: C-119 Boxcar, Bristol Bulldog, Heinkel 111, Grumman F3F-2. There were also some 'AH' named effects files in the FSX Effects folder that needed transferring over as well. Also, didn't like the finicky autopilot in the C-119, so made the old FSX radio stack with the autopilot in it appear in that plane, by installing the Rikooo Grumman Mallard, which has that radio stack in it. (none of the default p3d aircraft have that) Its a lot more straightforward to fly now.😊
  23. The yellow floatplane will appear with the occupants on board, started off at one of the Seattle seaplane bases. Tried selecting the landplane version of it while in flight, but p3d did a CTD.😔
  24. Thanks for those interesting comments.😖 Puzzles me how they thought it was ok to put it on sale with that - such plain fault, the developers must have seen the pilots missing once it took off......maybe they didn't care?
  25. With Aeroplane Heaven's release of their p3d catalogue, thought I'd try the very nice C-140, but when you take off, the pilots disappear. Tried taking off without clicking on the button to make them appear beforehand, thinking that when I click it when its airborne - they will appear then, but no, they just seem to want to show themselves when the wheels are touching the ground. Anybody any ideas on how to solve this problem?🤔
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