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Everything posted by seamaster55

  1. This seems to be a v1.01 version of the manual, looking on the flightsimulator forum, newer ones seem to exist.
  2. Here's the link to it for when SU15 finally arrives and you can all have a bash at flying it: https://flightsimulator.azureedge.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/A320_V2_MSFS_Manual.pdf 😀🙂
  3. Aerofly fs4 starts in seven seconds supposedly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkuF2IwWrpo 😉
  4. Have used v5.4 for quite a few years now and can say it is very stable, also the atmospherics look pretty nice.😄
  5. No, the airliner doesn't work in p3d, the gauges, VC, and undercarriage are missing. Just bought it today. Works in FSX though, and it has a really interesting, detailed cockpit.😪
  6. To be exact, P3d 5.4. https://www.justflight.com/product/md-81-82-jetliner-download Do have the CLS DC-10 working fine in 5.4, the only thing that doesn't do is - no sound from the switches in cockpit. The Just Flight DC-8 works fine as well. The CLS 747 200/300 wouldn't work in 5.4, so thats why I'm asking really. Also interested in the Skysimulations DC-9, although it is only supposed to work up to version 4 of p3d.
  7. When anything like this happens, always start from scratch by putting all the graphics settings back to default in the MSFS graphics settings window. You can always put them back to your preferred settings later on. 🙂
  8. Nice French aircraft for different sims here: https://restauravia.fr/ High quality, but some - their engines keep quitting when you go back into the cockpit from the outside.😬
  9. Yeah, have DX12 on, with TAA also, and haven't really seen any stutters so far. (with upgraded SR22) Might try a longer flight with the DC-3, see what thats like.😃
  10. Made a 30 minute flight in Japan with the upgraded SR22, and there weren't any stutters really, not like there used to be. Some of my graphics settings had changed, so put them back to what I'm preferring at the moment, and had to restart sim, also did a reboot. You can tell the sky is a different colour - with a orbx weather preset in the flight, the browny coloured clouds at the horizon line were much more faint & subtle in colour.😊
  11. Hmm, interesting, thought someone might reply who are using the DC-8 in later versions of p3d. Thanks. Just bought the Virtavia B-29, that works in p3d 5.4, but had to change a graphics setting so the cockpit windows wouldn't shine through the lower fuselage, also leans over to starboard a little while in nav or heading mode, wing leveler button fixes that, but also switches off nav or heading mode, just can't win can you?
  12. Presumably your using a 32 bit version of p3d, one of the earlier versions, as fsx models bits & pieces fail to appear in p3d v5.4?😒
  13. I have had this MSI one since April, and think its superb: https://www.overclockers.co.uk/msi-32-optix-mpg321ur-qd-3840x2160-4k-ips-144hz-1ms-freesync-g-sync-widescr-mo-01d-ms.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_ujZ8PGPggMVsYlQBh2MHAp6EAQYAiABEgI2T_D_BwE It is very sharp, lovely & bright, and comes with different colour presets, that work from software you can download for it. A designers monitor with eight USB sockets, and gaming monitor all in one, did a lot of research before I bought it. 🙂 Think OLED is probably overrated,
  14. Since I've come across this video concerning graphics settings for p3d, don't really think there's anything better for making the sim look really sharp: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-_o4ODGDj4 Give it a Try.😀
  15. Just search for "maule" on simviation.com, and an interesting one is there which says it will work in p3d v4, well, I'm just flying it now in p3d v5.4, the tundra version, there are several versions of it. Paint scheme is a bit lacking, but its not too bad. 'FSX/P3D Maule M7-260/MT7-260 (Category: FSX > Props)' 😉
  16. Yes, start up p3d, go to Options> Display> Display Global Settings> Reset Defaults. Have I tried Orbx in V6 yet? No, uninstalled v6, found it quite disappointing really, might come back to it after LM put some more fixes into it, and Orbx Central works with it, the airports, runways taxiways look better in v6. If you want good graphics settings follow this chaps videos:
  17. I have all the Orbx global products for p3d v5.4, and can say they have absolutely transformed p3d, its like a new sim. Don't really have any issues with long loading times with vector installed, although recently upgraded my PC, with new 2TB Kingston Fury drive, AMD 5800x3d CPU, nvidia 4080 FE, 32 GB RAM, G-Sync 4K 32" monitor, so maybe thats why it loads quite well. Why don't you uninstall all the Orbx global products, run p3d, then put all the graphics back to default in p3d, then re-install the Orbx global products again, and just try running P3d with the graphics at default? Dunno if that might help.🙂
  18. If you search for: "Vladimir Gonchar" on simviation.com, he made a standalone package of the Goose, which is really nice. Its the: "FSX Grumman Goose Package V2.1" Works fine, and looks great in p3d 5.4. 🙂
  19. I have Rex Skyforce, had it a few years now, and these 'faults', are something that just don't appear to me. Skyforce produces clouds that are better looking quite often than the ones in msfs.🙂
  20. The controls in the Maule have stopped being clickable after update 2, unable to click on anything in virtual cockpit.
  21. I'm unable to get a lot of aircraft working in v6 because it won't let you interact with any of the switches or controls in the virtual cockpit. The C-47 which is made by Manfred Jahn, (I think) this one: https://flyawaysimulation.com/downloads/files/24305/fsx-douglas-c-47-skytrain-dc-3-mega-pack/ that works ok, although it does have a text based panel to work with. Any civilian airliners I download from sites like simviation, they just won't work at all, they show up ok, but no joy with clicking on buttons and switches etc.🙄
  22. If you have an nvidia graphics card, then, with nvidia Geforce Experience installed with your driver, if you press Alt + R, an overlay will come up on the top right or left hand side of your screen - with those kinds of data values displayed in it.
  23. Would say that using TAA doesn't make things look sharper, in fact, noticed when I switched it on, the lettering on the aircraft became less distinct. Also, the new clouds look just as awful as the previous versions, I've turned them off, but the lighting looks better.
  24. Installed REX Skyforce 3d back on my PC, and found it works ok in p3dv6, you just have to point it (browse) to the v6 folder in the settings > General Settings window. 😊
  25. Well, I've just flown one of Manfred Jahn's C-47's (I think) north eastwards to Washington DC, and I can say that the new lighting engine gives the aircraft more visual vitality, it looks more pristine, when it was going in and out of clouds, the play of light and shadows on the airframe looked quite realistic, also, the shadows of the trees, when shadows are turned on to the max (I have a nvidia 4080 & a AMD 5800x3d cpu) it makes so much difference to how the terrain looks. So far, it definitely looks different to v5.4. Also, runway markings look crisper, grass around airfield better looking, doesn't have that blurred look anymore. I'd post an image, but don't know how to do it.
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