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Everything posted by hjsmuc

  1. Probably. Having family a "short" 24 hour drive away, not flying will not be an option for me. I would also be disappointed if I'd never make it to see one of my best friends in Australia. Would love to go by ship but who gives me the two months to do that. Also, regarding the short hops for a weekend, I'd rather like to see people not fly from Frankfurt to London for a 3 hour meeting. This should really be history. We will see what the mid-term outcome will be. Personally, I would be very unhappy if flying becomes a privilege for the rich again. Right now, the Maldives have banned entry but they are enjoying full occupancy on some islands from guests who arrived by private jet.
  2. Well, I respectfully disagree with your statement that you don't need a plane to go on a holiday. Unless you want to confine people to the borders of their countries forever. A holiday is more than frying in the sun and drinking booze. It's an experience for body and mind and an essential thing. I will not give up flying as long as planes are in the sky.
  3. This would be my best guess. When the airlines will pick up business again, say in 6 weeks, they will have half empty planes, thus double the average ticket price. It's the same with the real estate market, buying gives you some nice bargains now but renting stays at 100%. Another example why the economic impact of the panic strategy hits the less fortunate most.
  4. The Wilco Falcon is - word not allowed - . I followed it until v32 (sic), then I gave up. The Aerosoft A318 professional with a private livery is quite a nice plane IMHO.
  5. I think it should make every sane person feel sad. No bad feelings, but this is wrong.
  6. Pumphandle is well off. Over here in Europe we are just doing the same with a few billions. Not a stimulus, we call it a transfer union, sounds even better, doesn't it? And HighFlyer, you are of course right, the one at the end of the creditor chain, that's the one who pays.
  7. Anyone tried UTX with v5 yet? In v4.5 it made the Caribbean look at least ok. It seems to work following this advice:
  8. These waves are much nicer than before. Unfortunately, the physics don't play well along with the available boats. For example, the Bounty with broad reach wind at 12 knots does not behave like a sail ship of its type should under these conditions. Don't even try to dare tacking. I guess this is a limitation of the model. It'still nice to sail into the dusk with a nice breeze.
  9. The Bounty in the evening with Truesky is really something special. After sailing along with her in v5 I recommend binge watching the three movies, with Clark Gable, Marlon Brando and Mel Gibson. A great experience!
  10. My favorite: This cleaning with alcohol is total b.s. NOTHING gets done after that first bottle. The travel destinations were also great. Thanks for cheering me/us up a bit.
  11. Might be this one: https://orbxdirect.com/product/cag8
  12. Sorry, no idea why this was posted three times 😞
  13. The wakes seem to work fine with this quite old Deltasim model. They did not work well in 4.5. I am intrigued to try this right now, but there is some other life as well 🙂
  14. The wakes seem to work fine with this quite old Deltasim model. They did not work well in 4.5. I am intrigued to try this right now, but there is some other life as well 🙂
  15. I have a couple of deltasim boats. They did not work well at all in 4.5. Also, the waves were there in 4.5 but made a ride uncontrollable. I'll have a look at this again. Maybe the new engine makes a difference.
  16. I checked my load times. First start, about 3 minutes to the start screen and then another 2 minutes to the flight. Second start 45 seconds to the start screen and about 1 minute to the flight. This is with AIG Traffic, AI Ship Traffic, a lot from ORBX, Tongass, Misty Moorings and the Milviz Beaver. Truesky on. Two impressions from this flight are added.
  17. That's what I think as well. Will use another lockdown-weekend to try and check. Not saying that I have any magic mushroom here.
  18. So I have v4 and v5 together on my PC. I upgraded to the latest Nvidia driver. And now there is a performance push also in v4 that is substantial. Anyone else seeing this? Can the driver alone do this? Is there anything v4 and v5 share somewhere? Seems to be completely bogus, but I wanted to ask just to make sure that I am not hallucinating.
  19. Mitch, your enthusiasm has always thrilled me. Be it for XP or now for v5. I must admit though that I am also step by step trying to move fully to v5 myself while also trying out Vulkan. The weather injection from FSrealWX is far from being an Active Sky but it produces some fancy results, particularly with haze and dusk and dawn. You all can give the 30 day trial a shot if you like. Isn't it great that we are confined? (NO IT ISN'T) - sarcasm end
  20. Smart solution. I am experiencing with simlinks at the moment (not for aircraft) and this works quite well with scenery.
  21. Do you use Truesky with Rex? And did you just tell Rex that the location of Prepar3d v4 is now the one of Prepar3d v5?
  22. Similar in v5, it doesn't work at all there (message: module incompatible). I think the latest mv_wx.dll was made for v4 HF2. I asked at the Milviz forum if we can expect an update anytime soon.
  23. I tried the Phenom 300 and the Hawker yesterday and they seems to function properly. Also using Jorge's mods with the Phenom 300. Only the weather radar from Milviz/Rex seems to need a new update. One issue you may encounter is the dll.xml entry for the Carenado Navigraph database. I did have to add this one manually.
  24. Yep, GTN now fine for V5. However, the installation of the bird was hit and miss. If you direct the installer to the V5 directory the Milviz MVAMS tool does let you check the panel options but they get stored in your V4 directory even if you install the plane into V5. So no joy in V5. Don't change the panel.cfg manually, I tried that, no luck. Solution was to copy the V4 Beaver files to V5 folder and then run the installer again directing into the V5 folder. Sounds strange? It sure is. And it is not endorsed by Milviz for a reason. So do everything at your own risk and make backups. You have been warned that this may go wrong. I was just too curious not to try it.
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