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Everything posted by hjsmuc

  1. Thanks a lot, appreciate it. Food for some thoughts.
  2. Just wondering if the hard core environmentalists have a little cynical smile on their faces now. After all, they ask everyone to stop flying.
  3. I have a ton of 3rd party stuff as well, both free and paid for. Would you mind sharing a list of all addons used in these shots?
  4. That's indeed a nice little plane. Where did you fly in these shots?
  5. That's the same I have. It's actually only CAT4 so 150 Mbit/s. I will look into a model with CAT6 and a/c Wifi. But the TP does the job and the price is ok.
  6. Mine sells for around 75 EUR, there is a Netgear model for almost 300 EUR. I wonder how much of added performance the more expensive models would bring.
  7. I actually do in my holiday apartment in Spain. Connection with the router is very patchy though. With sim in the phone close to 200 mbs, in the router anything between 10 and 50. It's a TP Link model. Currently I am troubleshooting it.
  8. Thank you. I tried them before but thought they were a bit too bright. Maybe because I also had a custom lights.txt working with it. Will try again with the standard lights.txt.
  9. Great shots! What are you using for the night lights? Happy continuation of your trip.
  10. I really had to laugh about this one as it reminded me of my lengthy discussions here with Cameron. I believe he should be happy that his customers are passionate even if this makes them impatient at times. 😂
  11. Or the support team rather short. I had my frustrations with them but eventually it was sorted out.
  12. It may take longer than the three days mentioned. However, they will respond and my suggestion from experience would be not to push by opening another ticket as this will kick you backwards in the queue.
  13. Just bought Florida, NYC and Switzerland. I hardly find time to fly but it's right, a developer should also be supported for his effort to provide something new to the community.
  14. Impressive. RIP Rosemary.
  15. That's actually what I ever wanted, ORBX doing photoreal. Just too bad that they don't make France and Italy. And the rest of Polynesia. But I guess everyone has a wish region that doesn't materialize.
  16. I suggest asking at SimTweaks. I am sure Matt will be able to help you out.
  17. Both are great. Very nice morning entertainment by both of you. Which scenery is used here?
  18. I guess this was Jon's video about RealTraffic and PSXSeecon. This is a truly live AI Traffic solution. Where he is referring to UTL it is the models. RealTraffic and PSXSeecon do not provide any AI models. You need to have those from other packages like UTL, MT6, FAIB etc.
  19. Good to see you flying mate. Just when I thought I had tried all the good places you remind me of where my simming started, PNW.
  20. Great story. Good chance to get another sim invest granted.
  21. If money and strong arms are not an issue that would be a companion to bring your sim with you when you are traveling. For the home use, I still prefer my good old tower which gets new organs whenever needed. However, it would be nice to see someone running a fully loaded Prepar3D 4.2 or X-Plane 11.10 on that Origin laptop.
  22. Thanks Dave, I'll give this a try with an auto saved flight from FSUIPC or the FSXSave tool which still works in Prepar3D. Better not to have a crashed sim in the first place though
  23. Sorry if this has been asked before. Are there any plans to add a save state feature to Pilot2ATC? I think that it is quite a useful feature if a flight gets interrupted due to e.g. a crash of the sim. On the other hand, one can argue that you can't reproduce the flight accurately enough in sim to return to the saved ATC situation. Probably it would only make sense if the flight status is also saved together with the ATC. Wondering if this is a feature you are considering. Sorry for the double post, browser was not displaying result.
  24. Sorry if this has been asked before. Are there any plans to add a save state feature to Pilot2ATC? I think that it is quite a useful feature if a flight gets interrupted due to e.g. a crash of the sim. On the other hand, one can argue that you can't reproduce the flight accurately enough in sim to return to the saved ATC situation. Probably it would only make sense if the flight status is also saved together with the ATC. Wondering if this is a feature you are considering.
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