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Everything posted by hjsmuc

  1. The blessing of the non native speaker. At least this Beaver is now running with GTN.
  2. What I can add now is that it is a good improvement over stock 4.5, much better performance, very fluid. I like the colors and the lighting. Now, the downside is that many add-ons don't work, actually most. I have been fiddling with the Beaver all evening and it works and doesn't after each restart (YES, I know that Milviz told me so). It's essentially waiting again for weeks to get all what you like to work but eventually it will. The engine itself is certainly a progress.
  3. This is one of those stories nobody can make up. Guardian angels working fine here. Thanks for sharing.
  4. Great shots! I have it but forgot what was to be done to make it fully run in Prepar3D v4. Did you install it into the sim or via the xml method?
  5. hjsmuc

    COVID-19 advice

    Nice to see that it went exactly the way I expected it to go. It was actually just a test. Worked well. Sincerely all the best for the health of all members, their friends and families. Let's enjoy our hobby and I will follow the advice to not click on the wrong topic again.
  6. I have 8GB of VRAM and no blurry textures over the time of a flight BUT I do have a CTD if I keep the slider to MAX. So for me it's slider to high and all is good. The visual difference is not big at 4K.
  7. hjsmuc

    COVID-19 advice

    The bar room fight is probably a good analogy. Most of us, including me, appreciate your and the other moderators' work. Now, with all bars closed.....:-)
  8. hjsmuc

    COVID-19 advice

    Apologies if you got me wrong here. Millions of jobs will be lost in all industries, might also well be mine. My question was whether the general issues around the virus, i.e. what we know, what we don't know, what makes sense and what might not make sense to combat it, should be a topic in this forum. There are certainly arguments pro and con. The airline related consequences fit well in here IMHO, the other not so much. Again, I asked because the other day another related post (not started by me but fully ok in my view) was deleted without any explanation. I am fine if the majority likes to continue discussing all aspects of the crisis here and it is certainly not me who would want to or be in a position to decide otherwise. I hope to be able to travel by plane soon again and I certainly will hop on the first flight I can get in order to see my mother again. Stay safe.
  9. hjsmuc

    COVID-19 advice

    That's perfectly fine and understandable that the topic concerns so many people. I would only appreciate if then also some of the better news can be shared and that the discussions respect different views as long as no one is intentionally offending someone else. Might that be a basis for the community?
  10. hjsmuc

    COVID-19 advice

    Can someone politely explain to me why some Sars-Cov-2 (that's the name of the virus, not COVID-19, that's the illness it causes) posts are allowed on AVSIM and others are not? I would prefer to ban them all as they inevitably will contain contradicting information from conflicting sources thus having the potential to become political. You may argue that I don't have to read them but they will show up in the new topics list. I would like to see a few places on the Internet staying free of Corona (unless it's the beer).
  11. Anyone noticing like me that if you use time fast forward or backward the memory use spikes until you get a OOM CTD? Log says W/MEM: Entered heavy memory pressure state Then shuts down. Also without time changes. Ideas? Update: Major improvement after putting the texture quality slider a notch to the left. No visible effect but GPU RAM now remains in the green area.
  12. I will remember Jim as the sane and supportive person he always was. My condolences to his family. RIP.
  13. Interesting link. Thank you.
  14. https://www.realenvironmentxtreme.com/forums/index.php?/topic/53683-alert2020032101-–-rex-edge-server-outage/
  15. I am wondering what they will do when operations resume. Offer deals to get people back to flying or ask for maximum fares to cover cost and losses? Same applies for the hospitality business. I will have to travel as soon as it is possible because I have family abroad but for leisure trips the pricing may well influence my decision, among other things like safety of locations of course.
  16. It does hang a while but eventually comes back. I have this since using REX Environment. After the wait it jumps back to the select airport screen as many time as I had selected it before. Will report if I find a way to correct this.
  17. Thanks for the information. Nice little add-on.
  18. I seriously think that this was a very dangerous remark. Apart from the fact that this statement was based on one doctor's guess only, at the same time another virologist estimated the number at 40.000. I don't want to be told unfounded optimism but also not unfounded pessimism. But then, I never agreed with that lady anyway.
  19. Exactly. The exponential growth is the biggest concern. However, the logarithmic charts show a flattening and some positive thinking can't harm I think. Let's stay as safe as we can.
  20. In the post you have linked they use case fatality rate which is of course more correct than mortality rate. But it means the same: Percentage of infected people who die of the disease. Thus, this rate is not applied to the total population unless everyone would be infected. That's all I wanted to say with regard to talking about 7.5B people. Please let me know if anything is wrong about that. The news about the virus surviving 3 hours in the air is not good. Hope it does not get confirmed.
  21. Mortality rate is relative to cases. So it's 3 deaths out of 100 infected. For 1 million deaths you would need 33 million infected people. We currently have 57 thousand active cases.
  22. As with all other topics, when a crisis comes up the number of experts rises exponentially. The problem I have is to find someone I can believe. Example: One expert in Germany tells us that 60-70% of the population will eventually carry the virus, the next one estimates 40.000 people. In the first scenario, we are talking about 1.5 million deaths, in the second about 1.200 which would be less than 10% of the number of people that die each year through multi resistant hospital bugs. Not very helpful, these experts.
  23. Excellent. Thanks for the information. Would you mind sharing your specs and settings?
  24. Quite true. My profile pic is from Prepar3D 3 and I remember it as being more fluid as v4 making me use it more actually in terms of hours per week.
  25. I am running the GTN Trainer in version and this is working fine. I understand that there is an update to 6.62.3 but as it does not provide a newer AIRAC cycle I would stay with
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