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Everything posted by Superdelphinus

  1. Reads like an auto generated phishing attempt
  2. Is cortana ‘powered by azure’? Just trying to think what ATC will be like - surely it will be using some sort of cortana-a-like
  3. There is nothing related to age or gender in the link you shared? Most research in this area (I.e ‘gamers’) points to a broadly 50:50 gender split and an average age in the mid 30s, so Microsoft’s research is hardly an outlier. It is a very different demographic than it was 10 or 20 years ago - which is where most of these assumptions about it being full of young males comes from. I agree that I wouldnt pay too much notice to their research (though 2000 people surveyed is within the realms of statistical significance), but you can’t challenge that in one breath, and then make other broad assumptions with the next. Also I think a more relevant question might be how many people who have the Xbox game pass will download mfs to see what it’s like? It may not generate as many proactive sales as the halos, pubg and call of dutys of this world (very little does), but I’d be willing to bet that quite a lot of people would want to have a look. Just look how many hits the trailer has got.
  4. I hope (but don’t expect) there to be an option to have the planes ‘live’, i.e. require maintenance. Sure we’ll have that if and when a2a join the party but it would be nice if there was a basic level in as standard, even if just on a small number of planes. And then why not go the whole hog and add a plane mechanic module 🙂
  5. Are we allowed to talk about font scaling? I have had my computer attached to a g-sync 4k monitor and now a 4k hdr tv for the last few years and though font scaling has got better, the issue has not gone away universally. With games I find that generally most of them now will either scale automatically or there will be an option to scale the UI. Pretty much all triple A games just work out of the box, often smaller more niche games don’t Kerble is one, civ v also took a while to introduce scaling). With normal software I find it’s much more variable - photoshop is fine, ea origin is not. I’ll eat my hat if MFS doesn’t work fine though. As someone else said, DPI is the important figure, not really resolution.
  6. HDR doesn’t exist? think it’s time to have a break from this for a while - see you all in August!
  7. I hope it has good hdr implementation too. I’ve just bought the new f1 game and the difference it makes can be extremely immersive. E.g. driving around Austria yesterday, the weather was partly cloudy with bright sunshine in parts of the track. Moving from an overcast part, round a corner into a brilliant sunshine bit is quite dramatic. It made me feel warm it was so convincing!
  8. Thanks. I don’t think anyone would argue with that. I would suggest you watch the whole video though, there are a lot of interesting points in it.
  9. I’m sure he can talk for himself, Anders. Personally, I have little emotional investment in terms of how this sim turns out one way or another, but it frustrates me when well considered views, backed up by skill and experience are dismissed after a “few minutes” because it doesn’t fit into a preconception or whatever and there is “no point” in watching any more. So I am simply asking what the credentials are so that I can decide how much I care about this opinion or not. It isn’t personal and I am not “fragile”.
  10. I’ve noticed you’ve said this quite a few times skywatcher - that people don’t understand. What do you do? Or at least what is the reason why you are the only person who is right on here, especially in comparison to a guy who literally worked on the previous version of this software, and continues to work in the profession on other games.
  11. 2 things: 1 - good work, and it’s really interesting to see where the massive improvements are, and what looked sort of ok before. 2 - FSX isn’t bad for a 13 year old bit of software, bless the old girl.
  12. First one - not even worth getting worked up about. He seemed to be excited when dovetail were starting to pick up the licence. Of course that was before he’d based himself on xplane. The second one annoys me so much. Who the hell cares what investments people made into something when they knew they were acting unlawfully. Cannot understand this view, and many of us warned the winkers and nudgers of this at the time. I’ve unsubscribed too, but i forgot I even was subscribed to him in the first place -he’s a nob. I remember one video when the clearly balding froogle had a massive paddy at someone who dared to suggest he was balding. Hilarious.
  13. It’s a depressingly reactionary and pessimistic take on something that should be exciting. Feel sorry for people like this.
  14. VR is probably at a crucial stage at the moment, the outcome of which will decide whether it sinks (again) or swims and becomes a more mainstream method of consuming entertainment/ education. I read that after a bit of peak a couple of years ago as the new generation of VR software and hardware was released, usage is declining again at the moment into a pretty small niche. However, major players seem to be in it for a slightly longer haul this time and are backing VR for at least another generation with improved devices coming online. I think the big go/no go will be how centrally the new consoles build VR into their package, and how successful that is. If the hardware becomes simpler, cheaper and the picture you see is as good as a monitor/ tv then it has a good chance. I think there is still a bit of a niche element to it though, because it will always be a little bit teenage boy in his bedroom on his own, rather than a more social way of gaming I have an oculus rift. I hardly ever use it now though as I find the jaggies and screen door effects too overbearing. I use it more now just to show people what it could be like though - the first time you are in that cabin with a robot tends to blow people’s minds...
  15. On other games they seem to have got quite good at dealing with griefers now, either by matchmaking or in things like rdr2 or horizon when you can choose to be translucent and immune from ramming or griefing. I don’t play FPS games so I can’t comment on them.
  16. Depends on the game for me. I like DoF on narrative or RPG etc type games - I think it adds to the art - but not on sim type games, especially not driving games.
  17. Are you a real pilot? If not, how do you find so much time for flight swimming?!
  18. Good question. I wonder how horizon 4 manages those seasonal changes - complete reloading of different textures or some sort of shading magic (I have seen other people write this, I don’t know what it means)
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