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Everything posted by CPT747

  1. Your Windows update is not terminated for obvious reasons,have you controlled your antivirus program ?
  2. It is depending on your computer and peripherical components and configuration at last !
  3. Hi Robert, Thousand thanks for your refreshing news. I do have a request to you : Please rename the 747-40V2 in " The King of the sky " soon official,that is it worthy.Thanks again.
  4. Install FSX and the add-ons on the SSD ( 256 GB ) . Advantage of SSD : faster loading and no need to defrag !
  5. Many thanks for the correcture !
  6. Thank you for these infos and your statement
  7. Could someone of you predict the approximately release-date of PMDG-747-400V2 according to your knowlage with +- / 50 percent error ? Thanks in advance.
  8. Yes, 747-400 is always wellcome and is legitimated to come out in the new second version as NGX
  9. On FSX,744v1 is just fine,but 744V2 is finest !!!
  10. There is a asymmetry in the thrust lever configuration,you should align your FSUIPC, 2.nd : look in the FMC ,Failure section : Random failure yes/No , choose (No) .
  11. Somethings goes wrong,which AIRAC data do you have in use,can you fly from A to B with your programmed FMC ?
  12. If you mean ," Navigraph data is corrupted",then uninstall it
  13. I often have landed at this airport ( T2G - LTBA ) , no casualties .
  14. It is confusing,some file is corrupted here,therefore that mismatched effect,find out this effect file and delete it and run the simulator again,i hope that will help. Btw :is there "special effects to tick and unticked ?
  15. Hi Jason; i can only confirm ; Your PC,FSX and your 747 is all OKAY ! Enjoy your 747.
  16. Sorry,what is wrong on this enclosed pictures,please give more details of this issues.
  17. I have taken notice of your view.
  18. Raindrops in FS9 is naturally, in FSX no raindrops on windscreen.
  19. Dear Kyle Rodgers : many thanks for your reply.
  20. Please : What is DPI - definition ? Thanks.
  21. Both our reality world and simulation world are differently, a very complcated iissue like holding pattern cannot be realized one hundred percent in a simulator,i am not sure,whether in the real aviation that can be performed 100 percent too Best regards
  22. I guess,this is a FSX-dll issue,some thing is wrong,corrupted or not compatible,please shut down your PC and restart it and try again ,,
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