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Everything posted by snapshot21

  1. I hope LM codes for multi-adapter mode in the future with nvidia nvlink. It allows shared memory between 2 GPUs essentially doubling it (ie. with 2x2080ti, you will have 22gb vram available). We might have to tackle this problem with sheer hardware brute force because I am sure add ons will get more complex in the future. 11gb might not be enough then. I now understand why MS/Asobo is reluctant to adapt DX12/Vulkan with MSFS despite being a next gen sim built from the ground up.
  2. Rain effects are working now. Seems to be very stable on my end. No crashes at all. And the added smoothness of dx12 gives new life to these a2a birds.
  3. They just opened a new section on their forums. it will be called ASP3D. Open beta to be rolled out in the next 24 hours. More info: https://hifisimtech.com/asp3d/
  4. I hope they did not meet a major bug and open beta is still releasing in their given window..
  5. Freighter as well as different avionics configurations are already confirmed. In the comments section of their Facebook announcement post.
  6. I installed it just yesterday into v4 and v5. No problem with the authentication with their server at all..
  7. For this, I am buying PACX as i already have the 717. For support 😄
  8. Oh my god, day 1 instabuy at the minute it releases, no questions asked. Once a neglected plane in flightsim, now we will have 2 high quality ones in P3Dv5 (I assume) and XP11. What a glorious announcement 😍
  9. A workaround that others use is to load in the default F35 first. Then switch to the learjet. I am successful with that 9/10 times 🙂
  10. Flight1 already has an update out for HF1. Try that first 🙂
  11. Its ok 🙂 all good things take time!
  12. Is it just me? or the wind is still shifting at high altitudes. Im using FSGRW. I guess we have to wait for Hifi Active Sky to fix it themselves 😐
  13. They recommend that all modules should be updated.
  14. anddddd, their engine expansion poll just got deleted 😂
  15. Should be fine. I have been using P3Dv4/5 across 3 storage and no problem at all.
  16. Should be less than 2 weeks if the original estimate for release is still valid right? I cant wait 😄 Does the FMC have atleast an Advisory VNAV? 😄 even if it cannot fly it automatically..
  17. I just had this issue on a flight in p3dv5.. I started the flight with the default F35 as instructed. First time this has happened to me. Side note: The no AP Lights issue is still present in p3dv5 when not loading the default F35 first.
  18. Nice! does the 787 dispatcher work in loading the plane?
  19. At that price, it better be FSlabs, Maddog, or PMDG level 😄 but there might be a better chance that the coronavirus ends tomorrow than that happening.
  20. Indeed. Somebody take one for the team and try it to see how it is for us all 😄
  21. PMDG Forums. Confirmed time and time again. New updates are only for the NGXu now and not for the old NGX.
  22. Hi, I noticed that chaseplane keyboard commands become unresponsive when I CTRL+ALT+DEL to open task manager. Upon returning to P3D window, it no longer works. I can still pan around and open the chaseplane quick menu using my mouse. Just the keyboard commands do not work. Resetting Chaseplane restores keyboard functionality, but goes away again when opening task manager. This becomes cumbersome especially when checking CPU usage all the time.
  23. I had the same problem and already reported it to 12bpilot, the developer of SODE. He said it is caused by some Devs using the same simobject title name across multiple SODE filesets for their sceneries. Basically we have to urge these devs to update their sceneries. P3Dv4 used to ignore these duplicates, but P3Dv5 no longer ignores it. There is a workaround in the SODE support forum for the issue but it will basically disable SODE. A true fix would be needed from the devs themselves.
  24. I wonder if LM implemented DX12's multi adapter mode. Which allows VRAM stacking when using nvidia NVLink similar to SLI. It theoretically will allow 22GB of VRAM when using 2x 2080ti. It costs too much, but might be the only way we can truly max out P3Dv5 without OOM.
  25. This is correct, it is expected to come out after the next update for the 747 😄
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