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    I design movie posters for a living.

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  1. I don't understand why people are like "a few buildings have melting tops". I mean, sure. BUT -- for the most part, you're not going to be flying down 5th avenue, 50 feet from the buildings. Even 500-1000 feet away, the melting tops aren't even noticeable. 10 years ago, if you showed me that video and told me that it was a default sim, I wouldn't fainted. From a realistic distance that most planes are flying, the scenery and the photogrammetry is truly amazing and immersive. They do need to work on the night lighting in the buildings though. They're way too "perfect". In reality, all those lights will be a little different. In terms of brightness and color temperature.
  2. I’m going to piggy back off this post because I don’t think my question warrants an entire topic, but have the runway lights been toned down in 2024? Are they still on and visible during the day?
  3. Really interesting to read all the wealth of knowledge everyone brings to the table about this topic. Several questions I’ve always wondered, but never asked, have been answered here. Thanks to all. Also, SO MANY acronyms! I can’t think of any other industry that relies on them so much.
  4. ….yeah, if you can stomach him and the pompous and over-the-top entitlement attitude he has. Also, how he loves to find and produce flight sim drama. There are way better flight sim YouTubers out there.
  5. I know this is much earlier comment, but it’s the truth. I waited almost a full year to get 2020. I knew it would be a mess and it was. So, thanks to the folks who bought early because it’ll help improve the sim through time. I’ll likely wait 6 months until I pull the trigger on 24 because 20 works perfectly for me.
  6. Why? They’re guilty of that whole debacle. The best thing they could do is say “we know, we messed up”. Banning people isn’t going to be all that good for business, especially when you’re trying to sell a product that is very overly saturated in the marketplace.
  7. “I’m not gonna say anything negative while still seemingly say something negative”.
  8. I usually am very supportive of your input into this forum, but you literally asked him if he had tried 2024 yet but then admitted you hadn’t either. Rob Young and his RealAir planes were some of the best products ever produced for any flight sim. Hands down. It’s kind of a bummer you’re asking him if he’s using 2024 when you aren’t either.
  9. I can nearly guarantee you, PMDG will charge at least something for their updated 2024 planes and they will likely be one of a very few, if only, to do so. I’ve been buying their products since Fly!2, but they just continue to disappoint me. We’ve got freeware developers out here, absolutely smoking them, and most of what we’re getting are long winded nothing burger posts where there first two paragraphs say the same exact thing.
  10. After nearly 4 years of mostly no problems with MSFS, I'm getting CTD's on loading screen. Tonight, after a few weeks of not being able to fly, I was finally able to set some time apart. I was really excited to download the new WU 17. I did so and did a quick and awesome flight around London. No problems at all. I then decided I wanted to actually do a proper planned flight. Most times, I'll restart the sim between flights, however when I went to get started again, I got a CTD on loading. I tried restarting Windows. No dice. I usually run in administrator mode, so I tried to start it regularly, still -- no dice. I feel like I've been super lucky throughout the years with MSFS. I guess my luck has finally run out. My specs are i7 11700K RTX 3800 10 GB 32G RAM If anyone has any experience with this issue and has a solve, It'd be super helpful to hear how you fixed the issue. I've looked around this forum and have seen a lot of people with hung loadings, but not CTD's on loading. If it helps at all, progress bar gets about 3/4 of the way before it just drops dead. It's just so weird that everything was working fine and after one restart, the thing refuses to open. Thanks in advance.
  11. Oh man, you make you jealous. I always enjoy your insight on these forums knowing you get to engage with the real deal. If and when you get to fly this bird, I’d love to know what you think!!
  12. I’m interested to see the updates to the DC-6 gauges. Hopefully some folks can show images once they update. Sadly I cannot because I’m in toddler jail.
  13. I bought a pc off a well known flight sim computer company because back in the day, it was one of the only ways to get your hands on the new 30xx cards. I was super excited but I kept on getting CTD’s. I went back and forth with said well known company and they pretty much responded “it’s a new platform, it’s out of our hands”. After doing lots of research, I learned that it was actually a “feature” that was turned on in the BIOS. I forget what it was, but once I unchecked it, I never had a CTD like I experienced again. Long story short, it’s worth taking a deeper dive into your system settings. A complete reinstall is obviously your last choice, but before you do - check your BIOS settings.
  14. My Navigraph subscription is one of the best subscriptions I pay for… in life, not just flight simming. It has the best value. Competition is good, though — but that’s aiming high. We’ll see!
  15. I also really believe this. I’m an art director, so my everyday / work computer is a Mac, because of this, the only thing I use my PC for is flight simming. I rarely even have to go on the internet. Windows 10 is able to handle the security - no issues at all, probably easier because I don’t use it for anything else. I know other people might have more uses for their PC’s than just flying, but it certainly helps.
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