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About Moria15

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    Dartmouth UK

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  1. Landed on a real one at London City, it's quite a descent coming in at 5.5 degrees rather than 3 and trust me, they still used a lot of airbrake on the approach 🙂 It's a great training approach. 5.5 is still steep as heck when you are on the aircraft 🙂 really wonder what it was like when first opened and the approach was 7.5 degrees for the short runway 🙂 G
  2. Do NOT limit the frames in game.. use the settings in the Radeon Software under Radeon Chill, however since the release of 21.11.3 drivers from AMD, I haven't noticed the GPU going mental as it did before. You are probably CPU limited now, so adjust down your LOD's and details some. Graham
  3. I think half the problem here is developers want to stick with methods they already know (no issue with that) in the same way that on release lots of repaints were done which used the same methods as previous sims and so resulted in mirroring because they were not using the new techniques of decals, which this engine uses. You state that by using prosim, it's much easier to do all the development, and that is true, so you have two choices.. either get out of the rut of developing for previous sims and learn new techniques which don't have those issues, or wait and the SDK will catch up at some point, but it's no good complaining that you can't get the sim to do x,y,z because of the SDK when x,y,z is actually possible, but not by the old methods. It's a trade.. either learn a new way or wait for catchup. At least there is an SDK and it's moving forward.. when FSX was released, it was over 6 months before even a basic sdk was released and even that required you to have the de-luxe version of FSX to install it.. if you only had the basic version you were SOL.
  4. No, MSFS AIRAC data is usually a couple of schedules behind and in some cases is not as comprehensive as Navigraph... in fact adding Navigraph actually adds a couple of airports to your system and in some cases adds additional navigation points. No.. Aerosoft deliberately used a .pln format with import from Simbrief (which can be updated from Navigraph) to reduce their development times and to use a restricted Lufthansa database that ONLY lists runways long enough to land the CRJ on. They also deliberately restricted flight planning to the FMC to more closely mirror real world usage (according to their initial blogs) WASM has nothing to do with it and in fact other aircraft that also use WASM CAN access the inbuilt flight planner. The CRJ SPECIFICALLY excludes it. Even Aerosoft have stated it is possible to use the MSFSFlight Planner if they want to do so, and they may consider including it in the future.
  5. two totally different issues... The crj cannot use the inbuilt flight planner because it has deliberately overriden its use to use it's own hard coded systems... the fact that the 146 supports Navigraph doesn't in any way say it cannot use existing data from within MSFS.. in fact ANY aircraft in MSFS has Navigraph support for up-to-date AIRAC cycles as any aircraft (except the CRJ) can use that data.
  6. Andddddd that why I never buy from Marketplace so my two installs can use the same addons, all from one place using addon linker 🙂 I have one installation on Steam, one is straight M/S so I can also participate in testing when they don't allow steam accounts. Currently my MS install is being funded by a $1 gamepass, so it's only taking up space.. never cash 🙂
  7. ermmm you say you are having the same issue both with and without TrackIR... therefore it's very very unlikely to be a trackIR issue and it's something at your end. For me, TrackIR is back to where it was before SU7.. working perfectly. Having said that, there seems to be an issue with menues and throttle/steering assignments in VR but Asobo have been able to reproduce and are working on a fix, but again, thats nothing to do with TrackIR or your issue and all other posts I have seen regarding TrackIR are saying it's fixed now.
  8. No issues here.. TrackIR for me is back to where it was pre SU7.. so it seems are the majority of people on main forums.. only seen one dissenting voice, and they seem to be having the same problem both with and without TrackIR which implies, it's not a TrackIR issue.
  9. Selling a Steam Account is also completely against the Terms you signed up for and will lead to the sold account being locked as soon as someone tries to make a purchase on it.
  10. theres a really good one on the official forums where someone is having problems with the latest Nvidea driver and screaming that MS/Asobo needs to fix it and it's all their fault 🙂
  11. Actually quite a lot... · Best Sim/Strategy Game of the Year 2020 – The Game Awards · Strategy/Simulation Game of the Year 2020 - DICE Awards · Best Windows PC Game 2020 - Windows Central · Best Innovation 2020 – PC Gamer · Best Game 2020 – EFTM · Best Simulator Game 2020 – Gameranx · Best Simulation (of the generation) awarded in 2020 - The Digital Fix Gaming (UK) · Biggest 2020 Mood: Flight Simulator’s giant hell pit - VG247’s Alternate Game Awards 2020 (UK) · Best Sim/Strategy Game of the Year 2020 - ActuGaming (FR) · Best Microsoft Exclusive 2020 – Everyeye.it (IT) · Best PC Game of 2020 – Stevivor (AU) And already for this year.. · Best PC Games 2021 : Best Simulation – Windows Central Graham
  12. Have you changed to DX12? Theres a few reports that some shaders are not generating correctly. If so, try going back to DX11 and see if they are still missing. Graham
  13. Whilst there is a good chance of fair use, there is a much safer option if needed. If, and I don't know if they are, but if the authors of the new package are in either the UK or in Europe, then there is no issue.. as long as the authors have tried to get in touch and received no response from one or more origional author, and they have proof, then under UK and EU law, they may publish under the rules of Orphan Works. This was introduced in 2014. Depending on whether you are commercial or freeware, the rules can change as to whether you need to apply to your government for a license or not, but rules are shown, from the various governments as to what you need to have done to claim this. This doesn't care if the origional copyright holder is even still alive or not.. all it relates to is have you tried to contact them and not had a reply. This was specifically introduced to stop people from using their copyright to either avoid bad reviews, or to stop others from using derivative works, or copies, by pretending to not be contactable. This also covers a user in the UK or europe using works derivative from outside that region. Graham
  14. For reference... no1) I always click like this and never had a CTD from it.. sorry. no2) not tried it.
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